Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Watch Dark Skies Movie Online No Survey

Watch Dark Skies Movie Online No Survey

From the producer of Paranormal Activity, Insidious, and Sinister comes Dark Skies: a supernatural thriller that follows a young family living in the suburbs. As husband and wife Daniel and Lacey Barret witness an escalating series of disturbing events involving their family, their safe and peaceful home quickly unravels. When it becomes clear that the Barret family is being targeted by an unimaginably terrifying and deadly force, Daniel and Lacey take matters in their own hands to solve the mystery of what is after their family. Written and Directed by Scott Stewart (PRIEST, LEGION) Starring: Keri Russell, Josh Hamilton, Dakota Goyo, Kadan Rockett and J.K. Simmons (c) Weinstein
Release Date Dark Skies Feb 22, 2013 Wide

Actors For Dark Skies

Keri Russell,Josh Hamilton,Dakota Goyo,Kadan Rockett,J.K. Simmons,L.J. Benet,Annie Thurman,Jake Washburn,Ron Ostrow,Tom Costello,Marion Kerr,Alyvia Alyn Lind,Josh Stamberg,Tiffany Jeneen,Brian Stepanek,Judith Moreland,Adam Schneider,Jessica Fay Borden,Ken Meseroll,Trevor St. John

Genres Dark Skies : Mystery & Suspense,Horror

User Ranting Dark Skies : 3.6
User Percentage For Dark Skies : %
User Count Like for Dark Skies : 6,313
All Critics Ranting For Dark Skies : 4.8
All Critics Count For Dark Skies : 48
All Critics Percentage For Dark Skies : 29 %

Review For Dark Skies

There's little to fear from this rather tame genre outing.
Justin Lowe-Hollywood Reporter

Dark Skies is sort of supernatural, but it's really more super natural....[it's] about the fragility of family, a muted meditation on how precious it is.
Stephanie Zacharek-Film.com

Stewart has some lofty ambitions, some of which he almost fulfills.
Alan Scherstuhl-Village Voice

Those elements are employed with consummate dexterity.
Andy Webster-New York Times

Dark Skies is a bore that even the most forgiving genre buffs will find difficult to defend or endure.
Peter Sobczynski-Chicago Sun-Times

It's not that Dark Skies is so awful you need to be warned away from it. It's just that it's so bland you might as well find something better to do.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

Dire and unsettling, it's ultimately disappointing.
Susan Granger-SSG Syndicate

Dark Skies is not only about invading aliens whose psychology is so removed from ours as to make them totally unknowable, it was apparently written by them.
Tim Brayton-Antagony & Ecstasy

Effectively unsettling, Dark Skies is a science-fiction thriller that plays like an episode of The Twilight Zone crossed with Poltergeist.
Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle

Why do aliens unload the pantry and stack items in the form of an abstract art project, or make little boys wet their pants? Who knows, and who cares.
Michael Smith-Tulsa World

Dark Skies is a drama of the fraught modern world, but Stewart doesn't tie it together. He just throws it all out there in the hope that something will stick.
Jay Stone-Canada.com

What it lacks in originality, it almost makes up for with strong performances ...
Brett Michel-Boston Phoenix

Not screening movies like Dark Skies for critics is a ploy generally met with disapproval. But that's the wrong way to look at the practice. Maybe studios should be encouraged to go a step further and not screen movies like Dark Skies for anyone at all.
Rick Kisonak-Film Threat

A really dumb movie about aliens among us - but the two kid actors are great!
Jackie K. Cooper-jackiekcooper.com

There's some cool plot points provided by otherwordly expert J.K. Simmons, but they quickly get lost in the shuffle of a boring movie that feels all too familiar.
Kristian Harloff-Schmoes Know

I can't recommend this to anyone other than hardcore extraterrestrial junkies.
Mark Ellis-Schmoes Know

Despite building a tense atmosphere upon a solid premise, Dark Skies is far too unoriginal and vanilla to earn anything more than a casual dismissal.
Christian Law-We Got This Covered

... a bland blend of UFO procedural and the original Amityville Horror ... You can't fault Stewart for attempting a more atmospheric, Ray Bradbury approach to the genre. Too bad he, like Mrs. Barrett, is slamming his head against a sliding door.
Glenn Lovell-CinemaDope

Blumhouse Productions has codified its horror template to the point that their films are the cinematic equivalent of blues ... you will hear the same 12-bar chord progression, hitting the same beats...
Steve Biodrowski-Cinefantastique

Since all the second-hand ingredients are delivered without much style of flair, the movie makes for a pretty insipid dish.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion

Dark Skies is a good time but hardcore fans of horror and/or sci-fi are not likely to be satisfied with the half bits the film provides.
Kofi Outlaw-ScreenRant

DARK SKIES may not be groundbreaking, but there are worse ways to spend a bargain matinee at the movies.
JimmyO-JoBlo's Movie Emporium

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