Friday, March 29, 2013

Watch Nuit #1 Movie Online No Survey

Watch Nuit #1 Movie Online No Survey

Clara and Nikolaï meet at a rave. They return to Nikolaï's apartment and make love. Afterwards, instead of parting, the two lovers divulge their deepest secrets to one another. Nicolaï is a beautiful loser. At thirty-one years old, he leads a simple and frugal life. He applies himself to reading the great classics of literature but never finishes a book he has begun. Unable to submit to any schedule, he finds himself unfit for work. He envisions big projects and has large ideas but, inevitably and despite himself, loses sight of them beforethey are realized. Clara, like Nikolaï, seems not to be made for this world. She leads a double life. By day, she works as a third grade teacher; by night, she is a compulsive party-girl. She goes out every night, gets drunk and high and sleeps with men, women or both at once. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Nuit #1 Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Nuit #1

Catherine de Léan,Dimitri Storoge

Genres Nuit #1 : Drama

User Ranting Nuit #1 : 3.2
User Percentage For Nuit #1 : %
User Count Like for Nuit #1 : 336
All Critics Ranting For Nuit #1 : 6.2
All Critics Count For Nuit #1 : 16
All Critics Percentage For Nuit #1 : 63 %

Review For Nuit #1

Some of their dialogue is twaddle -- they're not philosophers -- but the feelings are electric.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

Like a filmed stage piece, a series of monologues in which the characters reveal their unhappiness without offering a hint that they might change.
Mark Jenkins-Washington Post

Returning to some of the same themes she explored in her short films, Émond continues her smart contemplation of youth and the difficulties of making meaningful emotional connections in these times.
Betsy Sharkey-Los Angeles Times

This is a different kind of movie, as graphic as porn, but not porn, not titillating and not unintelligent.
Mick LaSalle-San Francisco Chronicle

Despite the allure of the actors and some witty lines, it's ultimately quite wearying to be confronted with such determination to turn youth and good looks into existential burdens.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post

They invest so much humanity in their miserable characters that despite your dislike, you empathize enough to think, there but for the grace of God.
Stephen Holden-New York Times

Except for the graphic sex, this talkathong is pretty much a drag.
Tony Medley-Tolucan Times

Conveys through soulless stranger sex, current youth's emotionally and economically distressed powerlessness, false freedoms and an absence of future. Much more than a love story, the film is possibly, according to Émond, 'the night before revolution.'
Prairie Miller-WBAI Radio

[The] concept works because of two actors who are willing to bare their bodies and souls.

The two performances are phenomenal making Émond's directorial debut an unforgettable experience.

Desperately ambitious yet emptily windy, unconvincing two-hander which purports to say something serious about modern-day romantic anomie.
David Noh-Film Journal International

In both its setup and its theme, Nuit #1 hopes to explore what it means to skip social precedents in order to go straight to something intimate, and whether those in-between stages can be revisited afterward.
Alison Willmore-AV Club

...there's no mistaking it for anything other than a narrow-minded bit of festival fare...
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

It works--quite successfully, in places--as a warming tonic against this emotional nippiness of the cinema of Canadian coldness.
John Semley-Slant Magazine

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