Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Watch Savages Movie Online No Survey

Watch Savages Movie Online No Survey

Laguna Beach entrepreneurs Ben (Johnson), a peaceful and charitable Buddhist, and his closest friend Chon (Kitsch), a former Navy SEAL and ex-mercenary, run a lucrative, homegrown industry-raising some of the best marijuana ever developed. They also share a one-of-a-kind love with the extraordinary beauty Ophelia (Lively). Life is idyllic in their Southern California town...until the Mexican Baja Cartel decides to move in and demands that the trio partners with them. When the merciless head of the BC, Elena (Hayek), and her brutal enforcer, Lado (Del Toro), underestimate the unbreakable bond among these three friends, Ben and Chon-with the reluctant, slippery assistance of a dirty DEA agent (Travolta)-wage a seemingly unwinnable war against the cartel. -- (C) Universal
Release Date Savages Jul 6, 2012 Wide

Actors For Savages

Taylor Kitsch,Aaron Johnson,Salma Hayek,Benicio Del Toro,Blake Lively,John Travolta,Emile Hirsch,Shea Whigham,Demian Bichir,Jana Banker,Candra Docherty,Patrick Fourmy,Gary Stretch,Diego Catano,Karishma Ahluwalia,Joaquín Cosio,Jonathan Carr,Antonio Jaramillo,Jake McLaughlin,Alexander Wraith

Genres Savages : Mystery & Suspense,Drama

User Ranting Savages : 3.4
User Percentage For Savages : %
User Count Like for Savages : 130,266
All Critics Ranting For Savages : 5.7
All Critics Count For Savages : 175
All Critics Percentage For Savages : 51 %

Review For Savages

Stone devotes considerable ingenuity to making atrocity appear as a terrifying kind of home movie, but "Savages" is no more than a summertime debauch.
David Denby-New Yorker

These are neither good people nor interesting savages, and they're not worth caring about. Neither is the movie.
Rex Reed-New York Observer

Savages points to a problem with gifted directors, which Stone is, like him or not: They can make a movie that aggravates, infuriates, falters even, but they can really make a movie.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

Savages isn't about anything except flashily directed mayhem. In this nest of vipers, it's the slitheriest varieties that survive -- at least for a time.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

The movie's great surprise, and delight, is Salma Hayek's Elena, a svelte monster with a Cleopatra haircut who runs the cartel.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

The film is impressive.
David Edelstein-New York Magazine

Amid all the violence and profanity, Oliver Stone reveals a begrudging respect for his damned characters.
Tim Grierson-Deadspin

Savages, however, finds a new low for this auteur. It's a trashy, repulsive little flick, so darned unwatchable that it's not even fun to rip the thing apart.
Jason Gorber-Twitch

Well made and slickly made but amoral junk.
Michelle Alexandria-Eclipse Magazine

This is by no means Oliver Stone's best work. But it's his best work in well over a decade.
Rob Gonsalves-eFilmCritic.com

Veers way off course in its second act, becoming confusing and vague - indeed, stoned. But it all comes good in the end.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia)

Oliver Stone's Savages is a recycled popcorn flick straight from the 90s. The performances help prove that point, aside from Benicio Del Toro's creepy, yet effective transformation as Lado.
Matt Joseph-We Got This Covered

Oliver Stone returns to the grit, grime, and blood of his glory days with Savages, a breakneck SoCal-set thriller about the death of sensitivity in the modern age.
Glenn Heath Jr.-Slant Magazine

An unsettling vision of America degenerating into a lawless dystopia like a latter-day Wild Wild West.
Kam Williams-NewsBlaze

Essentially stupid, but stylistically invigorating, like watching a genius muck about with finger paints like a child on a sugar high. And then it throws it back in your face.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

This film goes about as deep and dark as a summer high. Sure there are flashes of mexploitation fun, but ultimately it's just way too mellow, man.
Alice Tynan-The Vine

Savages reels you in but then doesn't finish the job.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

Oliver Stone isn't known for making pretty films but ugly is something he does very well.
Tim Martain-The Mercury

A good piece of gritty, grown-up entertainment. One question, though - has Oliver Stone lost his movie mojo?
Jim Schembri-3AW

It's a dirty and messy firecracker of a film, but one that's directed with thrill and skill.
Colin Fraser-FILMINK (Australia)

Its energy has long deflated before an ending that will try the patience of even the most forgiving viewers. There's little to defend once Stone and company have so eagerly adopted the cheap twists of a latter day Shyamalan picture.
Glenn Dunks-Trespass

Savages is a hot mess - beautiful actors and locations mixed with a plot that starts strong but ultimately turns into a snooze-fest. With a lead villain seemingly ripped from the cover of Cosmo magazine, Stone's latest flick savagely disappoints.

The messy insouciance wears a little thin, and by the time we get to the absurdity of the extended ending, enough is definitely enough.
Philippa Hawker-The Age (Australia)

I think it's really interesting that Oliver Stone has gone back to this visceral, mischievous, hard-hitting filmmaking.
Margaret Pomeranz-At the Movies (Australia)

The three leads are a bit on the bland side but perhaps that's the way California potheads are. Del Toro and Travolta are terrific in their more interesting roles.
David Stratton-At the Movies (Australia)

Stone does his best with the material-aided by no less than three credited editors-but can't compensate for the void at the film's centre. An absence less of morality, than of simple chemistry.
Shane Danielsen-sbs.com.au

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