Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Watch Total Recall Movie Online No Survey

Watch Total Recall Movie Online No Survey

Welcome to Rekall, the company that can turn your dreams into real memories. For a factory worker named Douglas Quaid (Colin Farrell), even though he's got a beautiful wife (Kate Beckinsale) who he loves, the mind-trip sounds like the perfect vacation from his frustrating life - real memories of life as a super-spy might be just what he needs. But when the procedure goes horribly wrong, Quaid becomes a hunted man. Finding himself on the run from the police - controlled by Chancellor Cohaagen (Bryan Cranston), the leader of the free world - Quaid teams up with a rebel fighter (Jessica Biel) to find the head of the underground resistance (Bill Nighy) and stop Cohaagen. -- (C) Sony
Release Date Total Recall Aug 3, 2012 Wide

Actors For Total Recall

Colin Farrell,Kate Beckinsale,Jessica Biel,Bryan Cranston,Bokeem Woodbine,Bill Nighy,John Cho,Will Yun Lee,Milton Barnes,James McGowan,Natalie Lisinska,Michael Therriault,Stephen MacDonald,Mishael Morgan,Linlyn Lue,Dylan Scott Smith,Andrew Moodie,Kaitlyn Leeb,Leo Guiyab,Nykeem Provo

Genres Total Recall : Action & Adventure,Science Fiction & Fantasy

User Ranting Total Recall : 3.2
User Percentage For Total Recall : %
User Count Like for Total Recall : 97,937
All Critics Ranting For Total Recall : 5
All Critics Count For Total Recall : 215
All Critics Percentage For Total Recall : 31 %

Review For Total Recall

'Total Recall' is Hollywood at its worst: pointless, witless, and so very unnecessary.
Tom Huddleston-Time Out

"Total Recall" is a toned-down, smoothed-out version of an amped-up, bug-eyed classic.
Rafer Guzman-Newsday

This is a taut, serviceable sci-fi thriller with a couple of neat visual ideas, and if you're not familiar with either the Schwarzenegger version or the original story, the brain-bending twists alone will take you a reasonably long way.
Dana Stevens-Slate

Casting and visuals are an upgrade, but we get far too many action sequences and not enough of the mind games.
Richard Roeper-Richard Roeper.com

I was no particular fan of the first Total Recall, but I confess that this flat, by-the-numbers remake made me a tad nostalgic for its bombastic preposterousness.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

Whatever tug Total Recall has on the imagination comes from the vague sense we've seen it all before. And seen it better: from Christopher Nolan's Inception to Ridley Scott's Blade Runner.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

More or less serviceable action thriller with some nice ideas for visual set pieces, but did it really have to be as long as it is?
Catherine Bray-Film4

Messing with memories is how you forget that a better version of Total Recall happened 22 years ago.
Tom Glasson-Concrete Playground

If there had never been an 'original' Total Recall, the reaction to Wiseman's version would surely have been a lot less frosty. Because in and of itself, it's a decent enough sci-fi action flick - severely flawed, but a lot of fun.
Dave Golder-SFX Magazine

Visually, the 2012 remake is better than the original, with interesting set and background designs, decent enough futuristic vehicles, and superb special effects. The plot is another story.
James Plath-Movie Metropolis

This chance to update the original Total Recall merely becomes a missed opportunity, with the filmmakers opting to make a special effects extravaganza that largely ignores the story instead.
Jeff Beck-We Got This Covered

Like Farrell, we're left guessing as to whether what's going on is fantasy or reality.
Phil Villarreal-OK! Magazine

Wiseman makes mildly pretty films, full of blues and grays and lens flares, but they're the definition of bland.
Rob Gonsalves-eFilmCritic.com

[D]irector Len Underworld Wiseman's least hacktackular movie yet, which isn't to say that it's quality entertainment, but it is some solid B-grade processed-cheese-product movie junk food.
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

While far from terrible, this retread forgoes any qualities to justify its existence in the first place. It will be justly forgotten before long.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

A remake that's well-worth missing.
Jason Buchanan-TV Guide's Movie Guide

This new version of Total Recall is the cinematic equivalent of a vibrator: it is whirling, sleek, shiny and utterly artificial, yet it gets you where you need to go.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

A bright and shiny slice of blockbuster sci-fi that's so dazzling it makes tender love to your retinas but so underwhelming it practically wipes itself from your memory the instant it's over.
Ali Gray-TheShiznit.co.uk

Delivers a serviceable piece of updated movie product.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

Enough visual spectacle to make viewers wish they had three eyeballs but thin characters and a convoluted story ultimately undermine Wiseman's successes.
Ben Kendrick-ScreenRant

Total Recall is it's own beast - one that needs to be caged off and held at arm's length. It is a mess, a wasteful rethink that was never needed and lousy movie at worst.
Patrick Kolan-Shotgun Critic

"Total Recall" is a totally unnecessary remake of a moderately amusing sci-fi thriller from 1990. The 2012 version starring Colin Farrell is about as memorable as yesterday's lunch.
Paul Chambers-Movie Chambers

Engaging visual effects don't make up for a banal script and paper-thin characters.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight

Total Recall is nothing more than a lazy, dull, soulless studio effort wrapped up in an enticing sci-fi landscape.
Jonathan Lack-We Got This Covered

What we end up with is a forgettable, monotonous reimagining that was wholly unnecessary.
Jeff Beck-Examiner.com

A sci-fi action movie that wears its influences loudly, what Total Recall lacks in originality it makes up in its brooding tech-world action noir spectacle.
Matthew Pejkovic-Matt's Movie Reviews

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