Thursday, April 25, 2013

Watch The Loneliest Planet Movie Online No Survey

Watch The Loneliest Planet Movie Online No Survey

Alex and Nica are young, in love and engaged to be married. The summer before their wedding, they are backpacking in the Caucasus Mountains in Georgia. The couple hire a local guide to lead them on a camping trek, and the three set off into a stunning wilderness, a landscape that is both overwhelmingly open and frighteningly closed. Walking for hours, they trade anecdotes, play games to pass the time of moving through space. And then, a momentary misstep, a gesture that takes only two or three seconds, a gesture that's over almost as soon as it begins. But once it is done, it can't be undone. Once it is done, it threatens to undo everything the couple believed about each other and about themselves. -- (C) IFC
Release Date The Loneliest Planet Oct 26, 2012 Limited

Actors For The Loneliest Planet

Gael García Bernal,Hani Furstenberg,Bidzina Gujabidze

Genres The Loneliest Planet : Drama

User Ranting The Loneliest Planet : 2.6
User Percentage For The Loneliest Planet : %
User Count Like for The Loneliest Planet : 3,639
All Critics Ranting For The Loneliest Planet : 6.9
All Critics Count For The Loneliest Planet : 60
All Critics Percentage For The Loneliest Planet : 70 %

Review For The Loneliest Planet

You hope for these characters, and that hope carries the film.
Tom Long-Detroit News

Though it's not without virtues, "The Loneliest Planet" may try the patience of even the most dedicated lovers of art film.
Walter V. Addiego-San Francisco Chronicle

Why expend more energy on the film than its makers did?
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

Loktev has written and directed with a haunting emphasis on the shortcomings of some interpersonal communication.
Wesley Morris-Boston Globe

I can't deny that her scheme is dramatically effective, though I left the movie more conscious of the scheme than the drama.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader

All of this grows tiresome.
Roger Ebert-Chicago Sun-Times

Writer/director Julia Loktev, a New York filmmaker born in Russia, skilfully uses stillness and the vastness of the Caucasus Mountains to frame her trio of characters in psychological quicksand.
Jim Schembri-3AW

Frankly, I've greatly enjoyed discussing the film, whereas I merely tolerated the experience of actually watching it.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

Audiences used to actively engaging with cinema will find much to relish about The Loneliest Planet.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

Scoring a popular hit on the film festival circuit, director Julia Loktev elicits superb performances from a minimal cast.
Ed Gibbs-The Sun Herald

This load of tediously existential nonsense from writer/director Julia Loktev has been bizarrely celebrated as a profound artistic and feminist (?) statement, but make no mistake: it's ridiculously wannabe-cerebral codswallop.
David 'Mad Dog' Bradley-Rip It Up

...simmering just beneath its quiet, beautiful surface are endless questions to do with relationships and trust, and how they're tied to our expectations regarding masculinity.
Cara Nash-FILMINK (Australia)

Although short stories usually make terrific source material for films, in this case the adaptation suggests that this is not one of those instances
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

Curiosity triggers our interest at first, but eventually, the tedious nature of the drawn-out exposition is akin to watching grass grow
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

An elliptical, often baffling relationships drama about trust and reconciliation

An exceptionally thorny and pleasing little behavioral study.
Tim Brayton-Antagony & Ecstasy

This is one of those films where very little happens very slowly, but there are a couple of dramatic scenes which change the complexion of the film.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

Loktev's persistent use of long takes with little dialogue renders it a repetitive exercise that's more pretentious than profound.

With Brontes' camera sometimes right up in their faces, the actors create an intense intimacy that's a thrill to experience. They also share a palpable sexual chemistry that fires up this drama.
Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune

An intriguing film, that has a sense of poignancy, sparse dialogue and offers a deep suspicion of love if it's untested.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

The languid, observational style of director Julia Loktev will frustrate those expecting stuff to, like, happen more, but it has its real rewards.
Marc Mohan-Oregonian

Nothing hurts quite as much as self-doubt, and The Loneliest Planet is carpeted in it.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

It's alive; it requires active participation and curiosity; and it speaks eloquently to the best possibilities of film as a medium for conversation and reflection.
Walter Chaw-Film Freak Central

A relationship drama as radically bifurcated as Tropical Malady and as trenchantly insightful as Everyone Else.
A.A. Dowd-Time Out Chicago

I wouldn't say that I find the movie satisfying, but I do find it powerfully haunting. That's a compliment. To be haunted by art is a better thing than to be satisfied by it.
Jeffrey Overstreet-Looking Closer

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