Friday, April 5, 2013

Watch Neighbouring Sounds Movie Online No Survey

Watch Neighbouring Sounds Movie Online No Survey

A history of violence and oppression threatens to engulf the residents of an affluent seaside community in Neighboring Sounds, a thrilling debut from filmmaker Kleber Mendonca Filho. A palpable sense of unease hangs over a single city block in the coastal town of Recife, Brazil. Home to prosperous families and the servants who work for them, the area is ruled by an aging patriarch and his sons. When a private security firm is reluctantly brought in to protect the residents from a recent spate of petty crime, it unleashes the fears, anxieties and resentments of a divided society still haunted by its troubled past. -- (C) Cinema Guild
Release Date Neighbouring Sounds Aug 24, 2012 Limited

Actors For Neighbouring Sounds

Irma Brown,Sebastião Formiga,W.J. Solha

Genres Neighbouring Sounds : Art House & International,Drama

User Ranting Neighbouring Sounds : 4
User Percentage For Neighbouring Sounds : 77 %
User Count Like for Neighbouring Sounds : 363
All Critics Ranting For Neighbouring Sounds : 8
All Critics Count For Neighbouring Sounds : 33
All Critics Percentage For Neighbouring Sounds : 94 %

Review For Neighbouring Sounds

One of the strongest feature debuts of the last decade ...
Robert Abele-Los Angeles Times

The film promises a little more than it delivers, and at over two hours there are moments where it drags. But as a statement of intent, 'Neighbouring Sounds' is incredibly bold.
Tom Huddleston-Time Out

Economically packed with social issues of wealth, property and class, and deft cinematic references, this is a movie built for the modern global high-rise condo market.
Liam Lacey-Globe and Mail

Similar to the slow-creep style of Dogtooth director Giorgos Lanthimos, the narrative unfolds with escalating tension, the cause of which is heard and felt but not always seen.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

"Neighboring Sounds" presents itself not only as a character study, but also as an authentic socio-economic class study.
Pablo Villaca-Chicago Sun-Times

A Brazilian drama with a powerful and enveloping sense of place ...
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader

With each scene, Kleber Mendonça Filho adds layers of meaning to his characters and the neighbourhood, many that no doubt can only be properly appreciated by Brazilian audiences.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

A hugely impressive debut feature from Kleber Mendonça Filho.
David Parkinson-Empire Magazine

An absorbing and extremely promising film.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

Has echoes of Michael Haneke as it explores the guilty secrets and bitter resentments lurking beneath the calm, respectable surface of a community in affluent Recife.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express

It is too long and sometimes drags, but burrs into the memory through naturalistic acting and a real sense of the perils of Brazilian life.
Derek Malcolm-This is London

For those who don't mind that lingering, almost voyeuristic display of human behaviour, this confident and promising debut is a must-see.
Adam Lowes-HeyUGuys

Violence feels just around the corner, and we're kept guessing where it might come from.
Steve Rose-Guardian [UK]

Neighbouring Sounds is scary, funny, mischievous, intelligent, magisterial: a picture of man and woman as social animal in which the animal never lurks far beneath the social.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

Filho's use of space is masterful, as fine as Antonioni or Polanski, with long Steadicam tracks and crisp wide shots giving us a fine-grained rendering of the block's communal and private spaces.
Jamie Dunn-The Skinny

This is a movie to get lost in. Kleber Mendonça Filho - you're on our list.
David Jenkins-Little White Lies

With its inventive sound, masterly lensing and diverse mix of characters, Filho reveals a society haunted by both its past and by the threat of future violence.
Tom Dawson-Total Film

Neighbouring Sounds might be considered something of a horror movie for Brazil's urban bourgeoisie. One of Filho's most audacious tactics is to package what might've otherwise been an Altmanesque ensemble drama as a sort of existential thriller.
Jason Anderson-The Grid

Neighbouring Sounds is a clever, original drama of social concern, with trivial incidents barely masking deep social fissures.
Eddie Harrison-The List

O Som ao Redor se revela não um estudo de personagens, mas um autêntico estudo de classe.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena

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