Friday, April 12, 2013

Watch The Lucky One Movie Online No Survey

Watch The Lucky One Movie Online No Survey

U.S. Marine Sergeant Logan Thibault (Efron) returns from his third tour of duty in Iraq, with the one thing he credits with keeping him alive--a photograph he found of a woman he doesn't even know. Learning her name is Beth (Schilling) and where she lives, he shows up at her door, and ends up taking a job at her family-run local kennel. Despite her initial mistrust and the complications in her life, a romance develops between them, giving Logan hope that Beth could be much more than his good luck charm. -- (C) Warner Bros
Release Date The Lucky One Apr 20, 2012 Wide

Actors For The Lucky One

Zac Efron,Taylor Schilling,Blythe Danner,Riley Thomas Stewart,Jay R. Ferguson,Trey Burvant,Adam Le Fevre,Robert Terrell Hayes,Joe Chrest,Russ Comegys,Dr. Sharon Morris May,Ann McKenzie,Kendal Tuttle,Cameron Banfield,Ritchie Montgomery,Courtney J. Clark,Gavin Reyna,Matthew Michaud,Dustin Bergene,Ned Yousef

Genres The Lucky One : Drama

User Ranting The Lucky One : 3.8
User Percentage For The Lucky One : 67 %
User Count Like for The Lucky One : 185,555
All Critics Ranting For The Lucky One : 4.3
All Critics Count For The Lucky One : 140
All Critics Percentage For The Lucky One : 20 %

Review For The Lucky One

Even taken as simple schmaltz, 'The Lucky One' lacks the romantic impact of the adaptation of Sparks's 'The Notebook' or even the Channing Tatum-starrer 'Dear John'.
Anna Smith-Time Out

As long as Efron's shirt comes off, he could play an accountant and no one in the target audience would care.
Tal Rosenberg-Chicago Reader

Well-acted schmaltz with some gaping plot holes.
Richard Roeper-Richard

There's not much to the movie besides handsome sets, sun-dappled photography and a plot as predictable as the verse in a Hallmark card.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

[Hicks] hits the beats - lonely woman, hunky stranger - without bothering to develop even the slightest depth.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

The overheated eroticism could have at least made for a camp classic, but the film's chilling narcissism ultimately makes for a pleasureless fantasy.
Rafer Guzman-Newsday

Falling victim to his source material, Hicks fails to invest it with any sort of edge, rendering the cinematic version as mawkish and saccharine as Sparks' bloated prose.
Cara Nash-FILMINK (Australia)

Even within the company of recent Sparks releases like this year's 'The Vow', 'The Lucky One' comes across as a two-dimensional cartoon masquerading as heartfelt human interaction.
Mark Clark-What Culture

The Lucky One isn't the best Nicholas Sparks adaptation, but it's not the worst. It makes for yet another harmless romance that excels because of the chemistry between its two leads.
Jeremy Lebens-We Got This Covered

A pretty to look at but emotionally void film that does no favours for its otherwise lovely lead actors.
Kristal Cooper-We Got This Covered

...a wholly improbable yet entirely predictable love story of the gushiest, most-maudlin kind. (Blu-ray Combo edition)
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

The movie follows the Sparks formula so precisely, you could write out every detail of the plot just from watching the trailer.
John J. Puccio-Movie Metropolis

If you're after a high-quality weepie, this superbly crafted romantic melodrama from director Scott Hicks (Shine; The Boys Are Back) and novelist Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook; Dear John) will drain your tear ducts.
Jim Schembri-3AW

If you are inclined to say, 'they had me at Zac Efron' then the hunky actor and his scene-stealing boxer briefs will likely make any logic in this screenplay superfluous.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

There is not one real, natural, or genuine second in this movie. It's a standard, stock romance that felt more like the filmmakers were completing a checklist of "romantic drama" story cliches, than telling an actual story
Austin Kennedy-Sin Magazine

Unfortunately, this film will only appeal to those on date night or diehard Sparks fans.
Christine N. Ziemba-Paste Magazine

Clearly, weepie king Sparks is scraping for angsty love story scenarios.

There's a thin line between the exploration of grief and its exploitation that this film crosses.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

All of this [plot] serves as justification for the movie's true purpose, which is to show two gorgeous-looking actors, Efron and Schilling, in artfully photographed and tasteful PG-13 sex scenes.
Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune

Old-fashioned romance to the core, Hicks' film will win no film-making accolades, but will do neither of its attractive leads any harm in the notoriety stakes either.

It's all very contrived and sentimental and could easily be unbearably slushy, but director Scott Hicks just about keeps the schmaltz in check.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

After this performance no further evidence is needed of Efron's ability to do vulnerability and puppy love - we're ready now to see whether he can show any bite.
Derek Malcolm-This is London

Hicks coats everything in a treacly glow that suffocates any sign of life, least of all from the cast.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express

It is dispiriting to see Efron fall prey to the most dangerous rival of artistic expression facing young actors today: the Nicholas Sparks adaptation.
Shaun Munro-What Culture

Flicks don't come chickier than this.
Christopher Tookey-Daily Mail [UK]

A tsunami of syrup and a Niagara of nonsense here in this mind-blowingly ridiculous romdram...
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

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