Sunday, April 14, 2013

Watch Doctored Movie Online No Survey

Watch Doctored Movie Online No Survey

"Doctored" is director Bobby Sheehan and producer Jeff Hays' entry into the emerging genre of health focused feature documentaries and follows both patients and health care providers struggling within a broken health care system. The story begins with the AMA's attack on their non-drug providing rivals, the chiropractic profession. Interviews and historical footage expose the AMA's clandestine campaign to eliminate chiropractic services, which culminates in a 15 year legal battle known as the Wilk case. Sheehan uses this story, and the following stories of patients seeking or forced into alternative treatments, as "a small doorway into a large room." The key point made early in the film is that as it relates to health care almost all areas have been "doctored". Endemic of the problem is the plight of today's MD who is forced to forgo the "art" of medicine in exchange for 12-15 minute appointments and forced prescriptions dispensing. The film also shows spectacular successes from seeming chiropractic miracles from Olympic gold medalists, Hall of Fame NBA players and a mother that was sent home to die who regains health. Sheehan and Hays shot hundreds of hours of footage from Surgeons, MD's, DC's, DO's, patients from Picabo Street and John Stockton; normal, every day people fighting for their lives, shown in crisis, each having to choose to follow the normal, drug-based, standard of care or risk everything by providing or accepting belittled alternative therapies. Although the US makes up only 5% of the world's population, we consume over 50% of all the world's pharmaceutical drugs, while we endure worsening health. Sheehan shed's light on this "doctored" system and opens a conversation on real solutions.
Release Date Doctored Sep 21, 2012 Limited

Actors For Doctored

Genres Doctored : Documentary,Sports & Fitness,Special Interest

User Ranting Doctored : 4.8
User Percentage For Doctored : 95 %
User Count Like for Doctored : 237
All Critics Ranting For Doctored : 5.2
All Critics Count For Doctored : 7
All Critics Percentage For Doctored : 57 %

Review For Doctored

Though it's mostly one-sided and sometimes plays like a commercial for the alternative medical community, "Doctored" makes a cogent case for real cooperation between Western medicine and less traditional protocols.
Gary Goldstein-Los Angeles Times

Mr. Sheehan seems to forget the primary documentarian directive: First, do no harm to your main argument.
Daniel M. Gold-New York Times

Sheehan largely omits the voices of skeptics, resulting in a considerable-but possibly overdue-slant in favor of chiropractors.
Chris Packham-Village Voice

When corporations and organizations put money before people - and they do - everyone should wake up and pay attention. Doctored is a thought-provoking call to arms on that front.
Mike McGranaghan-Aisle Seat

Doctored offers no fix for the problems it identifies, beyond a visit to your local chiropractor.
Maria Garcia-Film Journal International

A hard-hitting attack on the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical industry's continuing attacks on alternative therapies.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice

Bobby Sheehan doesn't just squander his objectivity, he drowns it out with bleating strings.
Calum Marsh-Slant Magazine

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