Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Watch 10 Years Movie Online No Survey

Watch 10 Years Movie Online No Survey

In this ensemble comedy, 10 Years follows a group of friends on the night of their high school reunion who, a decade later, still haven't quite grown up. Channing Tatum plays Jake, who is deeply in love with his girlfriend (Jenna Dewan-Tatum) and ready to propose-until he runs into his high school flame (Rosario Dawson) for the first time in years. Jake's friend Cully (Chris Pratt) married his cheerleader girlfriend (Ari Graynor), and has been looking forward to the reunion so he can finally apologize to all the classmates he bullied in high school. However, after a few too many drinks, the jock-turned-family man ends up reverting back to his old ways instead. Meanwhile, longtime rivals Marty (Justin Long) and A.J (Max Minghella) spend the night picking up right where they left off, vying to impress the hottest girl in class (Lynn Collins). The famous one of the group, Reeves (Oscar Isaac) is now a rock star, but is still too shy to talk to his high school crush (Kate Mara.)-- (C) Official
Release Date 10 Years Sep 14, 2012 Limited

Actors For 10 Years

Channing Tatum,Jenna Dewan-Tatum,Justin Long,Max Minghella,Kate Mara,Chris Pratt,Rosario Dawson,Lynn Collins,Oscar Isaac,Ari Graynor,Brian Geraghty,Ron Livingston,Anthony Mackie,Eiko Nijo,Aubrey Plaza,Scott Porter,Aaron Yoo,Nick Zano,Isaac Kappy,Sara A. Emami

Genres 10 Years : Drama,Comedy

User Ranting 10 Years : 3.1
User Percentage For 10 Years : %
User Count Like for 10 Years : 8,546
All Critics Ranting For 10 Years : 5.8
All Critics Count For 10 Years : 56
All Critics Percentage For 10 Years : 59 %

Review For 10 Years

A bracingly un-gimmicky, heartfelt and fresh take on the theme of growing up.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

Even the most exhausted, hackneyed and innately annoying genre can yield a film of breezy charm and prickly dramatic consequence.
Amy Biancolli-San Francisco Chronicle

An inconsequential high-school-reunion comedy that gets better when it stops trying to make you laugh.
Wesley Morris-Boston Globe

Linden manages to overcome what would seem to be a premise fraught with peril with a lot of help from a likable cast, making "10 Years" a surprisingly enjoyable movie.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

'10 Years' is a surprisingly solid variation on a familiar tune.
Richard Roeper-Richard

Writer/director Jamie Linden and his excellent cast beautifully evoke the sentimental magic inherent in their scenario.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

It's easy to see how Linden attracted such a star-studded young cast. Most every character has his or her own moment, and many of them deliver lines that stick with you.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

To hate 10 Years is like hating the enthusiastic girl who organizes your high school reunion-- can you really be so mean when so much effort was made and a reasonably good time was had by all?

Solid, most notably, Lynn Collins, whose Anna is the most deeply explored character in the film.
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes

The ingredients are there, but not the follow-through: This resolutely niceness-first film just won't stir the pot.
Kimberley Jones-Austin Chronicle

a pleasing mix of belly laughs and gentle sighs. When the plot twists, and the secrets are revealed, what they lack in surprise they almost make up for in a gentle, heartfelt sincerity.
Andrea Chase-Killer Movie Reviews

This should be a new rule for filmmakers: If the people you're following aren't as interesting as the real folks you know and love, your movie won't be much to leave home for or come home to.
Dan Lybarger-KC Active

There is an embarrassment of wealth in the young acting pool participating in this enormous ensemble filled with drama and comedy.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews

It's about as much fun as spending 100 minutes in a room full of annoying strangers.
Robert Levin-Film School Rejects

[Linden] also makes a wise decision by having his cast drinking and/or drunk throughout the entire movie. The audience would do well to do the same.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid

Trite, banal and underwhelming.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru

"10 Years," which should have abandoned its attempted comedy and focused on its somewhat effective drama, unintentionally backfires by proving that a real-life Hollywood couple has less on-screen chemistry than two actors who've practically never met.

10 Years is no Big Chill, but it has just enough warmth to keep it alive.
Cary Darling-Fort Worth Star-Telegram/

..the major players all feel real and relatable and the Albuquerque location projects anywhere U.S.A.
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews

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