Sunday, March 31, 2013

Watch Almayer's Folly Movie Online No Survey

Watch Almayer's Folly Movie Online No Survey

The first narrative feature in seven years by the great Chantal Akerman is this adaptation of Joseph Conrad's debut novel, which concerned a Dutch trader living in Malaysia. Transplanting the story from the 1890s to the 1950s, Akerman has brought the history of an extra half-century of colonialism and foreign intervention to bear on Conrad's tale, a story of cultural conflict, desire, and despair. Having married the adopted Malay daughter of the wealthy Captain Lingard inorder to obtain an inheritance that has failed to materialize, Almayer has become isolated and bitter, trapped in his remote trading post, and investing all his emotional energy in his own beloved daughter, Nina. But, haunted byfeelings of racial and cultural alienation and harboring hatred towards her father, Nina has no intention of providing him with comfort or companionship. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Almayer's Folly Aug 10, 2012 Limited

Actors For Almayer's Folly

Stanislas Merhar,Marc Barbé,Aurora Marion,Zac Andriansolo,Zac Andrianasolo,Sakhna Oum,Bunthang Khim,Solida Chan,Sun Yucheng

Genres Almayer's Folly : Drama

User Ranting Almayer's Folly : 2.4
User Percentage For Almayer's Folly : %
User Count Like for Almayer's Folly : 145
All Critics Ranting For Almayer's Folly : 8.5
All Critics Count For Almayer's Folly : 8
All Critics Percentage For Almayer's Folly : 100 %

Review For Almayer's Folly

It seems no accident that Almayer's torpor, once a heartache, spreads like tendrils throughout the film.
Nicolas Rapold-New York Times

Akerman's formal control is, as always, astounding ...
Keith Uhlich-Time Out New York

One of the year's most hypnotic and fascinating films ...
Michael Atkinson-Village Voice

More a formal treat than a great movie, Almayer's Folly should at least engage fans of director Chantal Akerman.
Eric Monder-Film Journal International

Fervently passionate and formally meticulous, the latest stunning coup for a director who's made a career of repurposing archetypal storylines.
Jesse Cataldo-Slant Magazine

There's little if any comfort to be found in death, just the sense that our quibbles -- few of which are so enticing as quests for buried riches -- amount to rather little.
Michael Nordine-L.A. Weekly

Watch Soldiers of Fortune Movie Online No Survey

Watch Soldiers of Fortune Movie Online No Survey

Captain Craig McKenzie (Christian Slater), a former US special forces soldier, is hired to protect a group of millionaires who want to experience firsthand the kicks and thrills of war. However, the mission goes horribly wrong, and the men get a lot more than they bargained for. -- (C) MGM R
Release Date Soldiers of Fortune Aug 3, 2012 Limited

Actors For Soldiers of Fortune

Sean Bean,Christian Slater,Ving Rhames,Dominic Monaghan,James Cromwell

Genres Soldiers of Fortune : Action & Adventure

User Ranting Soldiers of Fortune : 1.3
User Percentage For Soldiers of Fortune : %
User Count Like for Soldiers of Fortune : 2,800
All Critics Ranting For Soldiers of Fortune : 3.3
All Critics Count For Soldiers of Fortune : 7
All Critics Percentage For Soldiers of Fortune : 14 %

Review For Soldiers of Fortune

Korostyshevsky doesn't waste a lot of time getting from run-jump-shoot to duck-roll-cover and back again; the artillery decibel level isn't matched by any notable level of filmmaking craft or excitement.
Robert Abele-Los Angeles Times

For the cast, shooting the movie (in Ukraine) may have been a working vacation, but for viewers, watching it is an excruciating sentence of hard labor.
Andy Webster-New York Times

A talented cast is wasted in this sub-par, umpteenth variation on The Dirty Dozen.
Frank Scheck-Hollywood Reporter

Soldiers of Fortune has a good cast, and most of them try their best, but you have to wonder why any of them actually signed on for this lopsided movie.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Common Sense Media

Soldiers of Fortune is...hardly the fun throwback to the action films of the 1980s that one might've hoped for...
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

While the conclusion doesn't inspire much enthusiasm, Soldiers of Fortune carries a lot further than most of its ilk, providing a small dose of entertainment in a genre that typically elicits eye-rolls and yawns.

Watch Dreams of a Life Movie Online No Survey

Watch Dreams of a Life Movie Online No Survey

Would anyone miss you? Nobody noticed when Joyce Vicent died in her bedsit above a shopping mall in North London in 2003. Her body wasn't discovered for three years, surrounded by Christmas presents she had been wrapping, and with the TV still on. Newspaper reports offered few details of her life -- not even a photograph. Interweaving interviews with imagined scenes from Joyce's life is not only a portrait of Joyce but a portrait on London in the eighties -- the city, music and race. It is a film about urban lives, contemporary life, and how, like Joyce, we are all different things to different people. It is about how little we may ever know each other, but nevertheless, how much we can love. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Dreams of a Life Aug 3, 2012 Limited

Actors For Dreams of a Life

Zawe Ashton,Alix Luka-Cain,Neelam Bakshi,Cornell John,Kelly Agbowu,Frances Cooper,Nadia Di Mambro,Sophia Leonie,Darren Elliot Holme,Diveen Henry,Jay Simpson,Joanna Brookes,Jonathan Harden,Angela Sims,K'Juan Whitton,Robert Cawsey,Lee Colley,Tom Nearney,Michael Anthony,Alex Gatehouse

Genres Dreams of a Life : Documentary,Drama,Art House & International,Special Interest

User Ranting Dreams of a Life : 3.6
User Percentage For Dreams of a Life : 68 %
User Count Like for Dreams of a Life : 2,206
All Critics Ranting For Dreams of a Life : 7
All Critics Count For Dreams of a Life : 21
All Critics Percentage For Dreams of a Life : 67 %

Review For Dreams of a Life

For all its subtext about identity and London's social fabric, "Dreams of a Life" leaves too many blanks and is ultimately more frustrating than rewarding.
Stephen Holden-New York Times

A riveting tale of a onetime vivacious personality, described by those who knew her as "stunning," "lovely," and "very well liked," but who nevertheless died alone, friendless and seemingly missed by nobody.
Charles Gant-Variety

Director Morley has at least restored something of a soul to her subject.
Joshua Rothkopf-Time Out New York

Left with barely any there there, Morley compensates with long reenactments starring look-alike Zawe Ashton that are never quite convincing but instead suck more air out of the haunting vacuum left behind in Vincent's wake.
Michael Atkinson-Village Voice

Morley's film is a mirror. How much do we know ourselves? How much do others know us? It works on the ego as much as it works on our empathy.
Dave Calhoun-Time Out

Disappointing documentary-fiction hybrid on the true story of a woman found dead and alone in an apartment three years after her demise. A pile-up of unanswered questions and unidentified witnesses frustrates more than it intrigues.
Doris Toumarkine-Film Journal International

Dreams of a Life unintentionally amounts to a mean-spirited snooze.
Eric Kohn-indieWIRE

Dreams of a Life succeeds in making its point about the unkowability of the people in our lives, but there isn't quite enough substance here to fully sustain the film.
Andrew Schenker-Slant Magazine

Stunningly perplexing ... while it does leave you terribly bummed out in the end, it also leaves you with a whole lot of questions.

It's a fascinating film, skilfully assembled, and one is inevitably reminded of Citizen Kane and Rashomon...
Philip French-Observer [UK]

What results is an impressionistic study of how the big city can envelope a person until there is almost nothing left except what bits and pieces acquaintances can remember.
Derek Malcolm-This is London

It is necessarily incomplete but still constructs a haunting portrait of a woman who deserved a better life and death.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express

Makes for queazy viewing.
Jamie Dunn-The Skinny

She may have been forgotten in life, but Joyce Vincent will haunt anyone who watches this astonishing film.
Lucy Barrick-Radio Times

The problem - and it's a glaring one - is that Morley imposes a creative stamp on the material that keeps getting in the way.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

It isn't just the mystery that mesmerises, it is the misery or the apprehension of it: the sense of some untold, secret pain that had been Vincent's constant companion.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

Watching it is an almost claustrophobic experience, but a very powerful and moving one.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

Hard to recall a film that lodges in the memory quite like this. Unmissable.
Ashley Clark-Little White Lies

Impressively assembled and exhaustively researched, this is a grimly fascinating, deeply upsetting documentary-slash-mystery that raises some uncomfortable questions.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon

Morley's documentary is as much about our own fears and conditions of connection, as it is about a woman who slipped from sight.
Siobhan Synnot-Scotsman

Watch Assassin's Bullet Movie Online No Survey

Watch Assassin's Bullet Movie Online No Survey

When an unknown vigilante begins killing high-priority terrorists from America's Most Wanted list in Europe, a former FBI field agent (Christian Slater) is brought in by the US Ambassador (Donald Sutherland) to discover the identity of the assassin. -- (C) Arc Entertainment R
Release Date Assassin's Bullet Aug 3, 2012 Limited

Actors For Assassin's Bullet

Christian Slater,Donald Sutherland,Elika Portnoy,Timothy Spall,Valentin Ganev,Mariana Stanisheva,Ivailo Geraskov,Marian Valev,Kiril Efremov,Yordanka Angelova,Vasil Mihaylov,David Krumov,Martin Ghiaurov,Filip Avramov,Petyo Petkov,Margarita Dilova,Kalina Stancheva,Stoyan Alexiev,Bashar Rahal,Vesilav Pavlov

Genres Assassin's Bullet : Drama,Action & Adventure,Mystery & Suspense

User Ranting Assassin's Bullet : 1.9
User Percentage For Assassin's Bullet : %
User Count Like for Assassin's Bullet : 307
All Critics Ranting For Assassin's Bullet : 2.3
All Critics Count For Assassin's Bullet : 14
All Critics Percentage For Assassin's Bullet : 0 %

Review For Assassin's Bullet

Think the Bourne franchise meets the Bond franchise, without the wit or action.
Scott Bowles-USA Today

[A] dippy hodgepodge of hitman action, illogical romance and geopolitical commentary.
Robert Abele-Los Angeles Times

Why is Slater in this? Why are Sutherland and Spall? Why am I even watching it?
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

Corny action scenes and borderline-hilarious direction by Isaac Florentine mark the film as an obvious straight-to-video item that somehow took a wrong turn into a movie theater.
Kyle Smith-New York Post

Mr. Slater valiantly tries to appear turned on by his leading lady's shimmying midsection, but he might as well be watching a performing dog for all the heat mustered between them.
Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times

This psychologically tinged thriller about a mysterious female assassin won't erase memories of La Femma Nikita.
Frank Scheck-Hollywood Reporter

The script and direction are equally inept, with a series of overwrought action sequences and ludicrous plot twists that come suspiciously close to parody.

What do belly dancers, wigs, shrinks, split personalities and secret ops sexpot mercenary mayhem have to do with a movie? Well, an awful lot it seems, in this CIA espionage freakout that makes waterboarding appear tame by comparison.
Prairie Miller-Long Island Press

In trying to pass off the obvious as some type of mystery, Assassin's Bullet repeatedly insults viewer intelligence until the whole effort transforms into unintentional camp.

Assassin's Bullet feels like a shameless, dismal vanity project.
Alison Willmore-AV Club

Isaac Florentine's film is maligned with gaping plot holes, terrible expository dialogue, and obvious moments of foreshadowing.
Glenn Heath Jr.-Slant Magazine

Watch Girlfriend Boyfriend Movie Online No Survey

Watch Girlfriend Boyfriend Movie Online No Survey

When three rebellious students leave their hometown to pursue their lifelong dreams in the big city, their relationships start to face the pressures of real life as the 1980s Taiwanese sociopolitical reformation movement unfolds in the background. -- (C) China Lion Unrated
Release Date Girlfriend Boyfriend Aug 3, 2012 Limited

Actors For Girlfriend Boyfriend

Gwei Lunmei,Joseph Chang,Rhydian Vaughan,Bryant Chang,Lun Mei Gwei,Joseph,Hsiao-chuan Chang,Rhydian,Fon Yuen Vaughan

Genres Girlfriend Boyfriend : Comedy,Romance

User Ranting Girlfriend Boyfriend : 3.7
User Percentage For Girlfriend Boyfriend : 76 %
User Count Like for Girlfriend Boyfriend : 210
All Critics Ranting For Girlfriend Boyfriend : 6.5
All Critics Count For Girlfriend Boyfriend : 11
All Critics Percentage For Girlfriend Boyfriend : 64 %

Review For Girlfriend Boyfriend

The shift from social portrait to domestic soap opera practically negates the democratic message of the first section, but Yang's stylish filmmaking is impressive throughout.
Ben Sachs-Chicago Reader

While attempting to chart the evolving parameters of a romantic triangle over two decades of Taiwan's tumultuous societal upheavals, Yang fails to adequately explore either the personal or the political aspects of his drama.
Joe Leydon-Variety

In wanting to make a film that is both about sweeping societal change and small-scale personal relationships, Yang has missed on both counts.
Mark Olsen-Los Angeles Times

"Girlfriend Boyfriend" starts as a comedy, but quickly turns into a soap opera with too many subplots.
V.A. Musetto-New York Post

Though Mr. Yang paints a colorful portrait of a country grappling with new freedoms, his real triumph is a moving and complex love triangle that will configure and reconfigure into adulthood.
Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times

Most vivid in its early years, as we see the students bursting with energy and promise.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times

Taiwanese nationalism provides a weird backdrop to a moody romantic triangle that stretches out over three decades.
Daniel Eagan-Film Journal International

Complicated but compelling, the film also struggles a bit with Yang's erratic direction, but that flaw mirrors the indecisiveness of Liam himself, who is played engagingly by Joseph Chang.
Monica Castillo-Boston Phoenix

Ya-che Yang's prodigious command of his material suggests an intuitive understanding of film's ability to evoke sensations beyond sight and sound.
Rob Humanick-Slant Magazine

Taiwanese drama offers a romantic triangle with a novel twist.

Watch Mosquita Y Mari Movie Online No Survey

Watch Mosquita Y Mari Movie Online No Survey

In a fast-paced immigrant community where dreams are often lost to economic survival, two young Chicanas contemplate life when they stir unexpected desires in each other. Mosquita y Mari is a coming of age story that focuses on a tender friendship between two young Chicanas. Yolanda and Mari are growing up in Huntington Park, Los Angeles and have only known loyalty to one thing: family. Growing up in immigrant households, both girls are expected to prioritize the well-being of their families. Yolanda, an only child, delivers straight A's and the hope of the American Dream while Mari, the eldest, shares economic responsibilities with her undocumented family who scrambles to make ends meet. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Mosquita Y Mari Aug 3, 2012 Limited

Actors For Mosquita Y Mari

Fenessa Pineda,Venecia Troncoso,Joaquin Garrido,Laura Patalano,Dulce Maria Solis,Omar Leyva,Paul Alayo,Tonita Castro

Genres Mosquita Y Mari : Drama

User Ranting Mosquita Y Mari : 3.5
User Percentage For Mosquita Y Mari : 73 %
User Count Like for Mosquita Y Mari : 128
All Critics Ranting For Mosquita Y Mari : 7.2
All Critics Count For Mosquita Y Mari : 11
All Critics Percentage For Mosquita Y Mari : 91 %

Review For Mosquita Y Mari

Guerrero's attitude toward the teenagers - understanding and affectionate, without being cloying - is what holds your interest.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post

"Mosquita y Mari," an unassuming indie jewel, resists all of the clichés that its story of the fraught friendship between two 15-year-old girls invites.
Stephen Holden-New York Times

[It] doesn't aim to make any grand statements. It doesn't need to. The sweetness and sincerity Guerrero and her leads infuse into their intimate coming-of-age story is more than enough.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

First-time writer-director Aurora Guerrero beautifully captures the fluctuating dynamics of friendship between 15-year-old girls in Mosquita y Mari.
Rob Nelson-Variety

The film thankfully resists being either a typical coming-out movie or an ethnocultural curio, but it doesn't offer much insight into the twosome's attraction, platonic or otherwise, to each other.
David Fear-Time Out New York

Despite occasional lapses into showy expressionistic slo-mo, Guerrero's direction demonstrates a patience and attention to emotional detail that allows the two young leads' performances to develop naturally.
Nick Schager-Village Voice

Unreels with outstanding compassion and tenderness, and authentic detail...
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

It knows the conventions surrounding the type of tale it is telling, and it steers clear of them...
Mark Bell-Film Threat

Most of what transpires between the two girls feels as internal as something you only keep to yourself.
Kalvin Henely-Slant Magazine

To think that in just one generation we've gone from Chico and the Man to Chica and the Girl!

Watch Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film Movie Online No Survey

Watch Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film Movie Online No Survey

Filmmaker and film activist Pip Chodorov offers this affectionate overview of some of the leading figures of 20th century experimental film. Narrating in a personal and plainspoken manner ("I'd like you to meet some of my friends and see their films"), Chodorov combines clips and even films in their entirety with conversations with such luminaries as Hans Richter, Robert Breer, Michael Snow, Peter Kubelka and Stan Brakhage in his final recorded interview. -- (C) Kino Lorber Unrated
Release Date Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film Aug 3, 2012 Limited

Actors For Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film

Jonas Mekas,Ken Jacobs,Peter Kubelka,Robert Breer,M.M. Serra,Andy Warhol,Hans Richter,John Mhiripiri,Len Lye,Michael Snow,Nam June Paik,Pip Chodorov,Stan Brakhage,Stephan Chodorov,Maurice Lemaître

Genres Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film : Documentary,Television

User Ranting Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film : 3.2
User Percentage For Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film : 60 %
User Count Like for Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film : 106
All Critics Ranting For Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film : 6.8
All Critics Count For Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film : 5
All Critics Percentage For Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film : 80 %

Review For Free Radicals: A History of Experimental Film

A pleasant ramble through little-known cinematic territory.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times

This friendly, colorful documentary from Pip Chodorov is not the last word on all the shapes, sizes and languages of experimental film, but rather an introduction brightened by a companionable enthusiasm and an apposite sense of community.
Nicolas Rapold-New York Times

There are simply too many obvious condensations and omissions in the course of the meager 82-minute running time ...
Keith Uhlich-Time Out New York

Aspires to no less a feat of compression than surveying, in 80 minutes, 10 decades of the filmmaking practice that has variously been described as experimental, nonnarrative, underground, etc.
Nick Pinkerton-Village Voice

Breezy overview of classic cinematic avant garde will be best appreciated by established fans.
Eric Monder-Film Journal International

Watch Jism 2 Movie Online No Survey

Watch Jism 2 Movie Online No Survey

A porn star is hired by a dashing intelligence officer to become a 'Honey-trap' for a dreaded assassin. In doing so, she not only has to confront her bitter-sweet past, but is also forced to make an impossible choice - one that will put her own life in double jeopardy. -- (C) Official Site Unrated
Release Date Jism 2 Aug 3, 2012 Limited

Actors For Jism 2

Mohan Agashe,Randeep Hooda,Sunny Leone,Arunoday Singh,Imran Zahid

Genres Jism 2 : Drama,Romance

User Ranting Jism 2 : 1.8
User Percentage For Jism 2 : %
User Count Like for Jism 2 : 171
All Critics Ranting For Jism 2 :
All Critics Count For Jism 2 : 2
All Critics Percentage For Jism 2 : 2 %

Review For Jism 2

The most controversial Hindi film of the year is also the worst.
Lisa Tsering-Hollywood Reporter

Beautiful Sunny Leone makes her Bollywood debut in Jism 2 but her acting skills fall short when she needs them most.
Manish Gajjar-Birmingham Mail

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Watch Craigslist Joe Movie Online No Survey

Watch Craigslist Joe Movie Online No Survey

In a time when America's economy and sense of community were crumbling, one guy left everything behind - to see if he could survive solely on the support of the 21st century's new town square: Craigslist. As of recent, the United States found itself in one of the most precarious financial meltdowns in modern history. It was in this climate that 29-year-old Joseph Garner cut himself off from everyone he knew and everything he owned, to embark on a bold adventure. Armed with only a laptop, cell phone, toothbrush, and the clothes on his back - alongside the hope that community was not gone but just had shifted - Joe lived for a month looking for alms in America's new town square: Craigslist. For 31 December days and nights, everything in his life would come from the Craigslist website. Would America help Joe? -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Craigslist Joe Aug 2, 2012 Limited

Actors For Craigslist Joe

Joseph Garner,David Garner,Michael Garner,Angelique Sheppard,Uday Sehgal,Juliane Mesiroff,Nathan Stuart,Sarah Boos,Tony Topete,Joanne Licardo,Rachel Holbrook,Susan Harmon,Walter Sherrick,Rachel Harmon,Mohammed Al-Maly,Kristen Bargender,Lara Margelofsky,Brian "B. Rock" Ekerman,Daisy Saenz,Dustin Schneider

Genres Craigslist Joe : Documentary,Action & Adventure,Special Interest

User Ranting Craigslist Joe : 3.7
User Percentage For Craigslist Joe : 67 %
User Count Like for Craigslist Joe : 2,103
All Critics Ranting For Craigslist Joe : 3.4
All Critics Count For Craigslist Joe : 5
All Critics Percentage For Craigslist Joe : 20 %

Review For Craigslist Joe

The briskly edited docu seldom stops long enough to let Joe's new friends (identified only by first name) make anything beyond the most superficial impressions.
Dennis Harvey-Variety

Craigslist Joe is sweet, moving, and frustrating.
Ernest Hardy-Village Voice

A generally agreeable but perhaps hopelessly meandering nonfiction snapshot of one guy's attempt to hit the road for 31 days and live off the alms of America's new, digital age thrift store.

It's an inspiring experience. For him.
Scott Tobias-AV Club

As hard as he tries, we never truly believe there's a lot at stake for Garner, who seems to cruise through America like a gringo taking a favela tour in Rio.
Diego Costa-Slant Magazine

Watch Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry Movie Online No Survey

Watch Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry Movie Online No Survey

Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry is the first feature-length film about the internationally renowned Chinese artist and activist, Ai Weiwei. In recent years, Ai has garnered international attention as much for his ambitious artwork as his political provocations. From 2008 to 2010, Beijing-based journalist and filmmaker Alison Klayman gained unprecedented access to Ai Weiwei. Klayman documented Ai's artistic process in preparation for major museum exhibitions, his intimate exchanges with family members and his increasingly public clashes with the Chinese government. Klayman's detailed portrait of the artist provides a nuanced exploration of contemporary China and one of its most compelling public figures. -- (C) IFC
Release Date Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

Ai Dan II,Ai Lao II,Ai Weiwei,Lee Ambrozy,Chen Danqing III,Ethan Cohen,Feng Boyi III,Gao Ying II,Gu Changwei III,He Yunchang III,Hseih Tehching III,Huang Kankan,Hung Huang II,Li Zhanyang III,Liu Yanping,Li Qing II,Evan Osnos,RongRong II,Karen Smith,Philip Tinari

Genres Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry : Documentary,Special Interest

User Ranting Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry : 4.1
User Percentage For Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry : 89 %
User Count Like for Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry : 4,293
All Critics Ranting For Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry : 8
All Critics Count For Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry : 76
All Critics Percentage For Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry : 97 %

Review For Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry

A fascinating portrait of a modern artist and activist trying to make a difference within China's repressive political system.
Tom Long-Detroit News

The film's recurring theme is of an artist on a perpetual hunt for transparency, in his country and abroad.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

A movie that somehow mixes apprehension for Ai with a feeling of warmth and, certainly, fun.
John Anderson-Newsday

Affable and unpretentious, Ai comes across as a cagey operator whose candor is very appealing.
Mary Abbe-Minneapolis Star Tribune

It's likely to change the way you think about art and politics and the state of China today.
Tirdad Derakhshani-Philadelphia Inquirer

Using archival footage dating back to Ai's adventures in the New York art world in his 20s, Klayman traces his evolution as a creator and as an activist.
Kerry Lengel-Arizona Republic

To say Ai Weiwei is an interesting character is an understatement. He is an unconventional social activist and a thorn in the side of the authoritarian Chinese Communist Party.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

Ai Weiwei is such a laid back, calm and yet mischievous spirit that the film takes on a whole different, almost joyous tone.
Brian Holcomb-Kinetofilm

The film is about the power and limits of art.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Klayman never demonizes the authoritarian Chinese government, as her purpose seems to be to show how difficult it is to be a rebel in such a closed society as China.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

A compelling documentary that explodes proper and stuffy notions of what a foreign intellectual dissident looks and sounds like.
Brent Simon-Shared Darkness

The struggle for free speech in China is given sharp, sobering, disturbing voice through the struggles of cutting edge, digitally savvy, Twitter-loving artist Ai Weiwei.
Jim Schembri-3AW

Alison Klayman's remarkable film about China's leading 'digital dissident' fully illustrates the talents of a man who often does the opposite of what you'd expect.
Graham Young-Birmingham Post

... straightforward, entertaining and provocative documentary about the titular Chinese artist
Philip Martin-Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Even if you don't like documentaries as a rule, I'm betting you'll like Ai Weiwei himself so much that you'll be glad you took the time to get to know him through this film.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)

Klayman deserves a lot of credit for being in the right place at the right time with the right person. Ai is a treat to follow around, and his courage is clearly more than a pose.
Dan Lybarger-KC Active

An unprecedented inside look at Chinese politics and a fascinating tour of modern art at the same time.
Ron Wilkinson-Monsters and Critics

Watch Runaway Slave Movie Online No Survey

Watch Runaway Slave Movie Online No Survey

"Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we're free at last!" Nearly a half-century after these words were spoken, has Dr. Martin Luther King's dream become reality? Or has that longed-for freedom somehow become even more elusive? In Runaway Slave, an intriguing new documentary that opens in theaters this summer, Rev. C.L. Bryant journeys across America to find the answer. Using leading black conservatives as "conductors," this one-time NAACP local chapter president blazes a new Underground Railroad to help liberate all Americans from the Government plantation that has created a new form of slavery: entitlements. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Runaway Slave Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Runaway Slave

Glenn Beck,Deneen Borelli,Andrew Breitbart,Stephen Broden,Herman Cain,Kevin Daniels,Tony Katz,Alveda King,Star Parker,Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson,AlfonZo Rachel,Marvin Rogers,Erik Rush,Sonja Schmidt,K. Carl Smith,Thomas Sowell,Mason Weaver,David Webb,Allen West,Bill Whittle

Genres Runaway Slave : Documentary,Special Interest

User Ranting Runaway Slave : 4.7
User Percentage For Runaway Slave : 96 %
User Count Like for Runaway Slave : 261
All Critics Ranting For Runaway Slave :
All Critics Count For Runaway Slave : 1
All Critics Percentage For Runaway Slave : 1 %

Review For Runaway Slave

This Tea Party-approved documentary about the 'black conservative' movement wastes only three minutes before linking Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Glenn Beck...
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Watch Deranged Movie Online No Survey

Watch Deranged Movie Online No Survey

Just before dawn, gruesomely skeletal bodies surface on the Han River. The cause of death is determined to be a mutant parasite-a hairworm--that brainwashes its hosts, ultimately making them jump into bodies of water and to their death. Jae-hyuk, a salesman for a pharmaceutical firm, faces an enormous terror: his entire family has become host to the fatal parasite. But while he searches for the cure to save his family, the parasite becomes a nationwide epidemic. The government takes action and builds a camp for the patients, experiencing only a series of failures in their attempts to cure them of the horrifying disease. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Deranged Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Deranged

Kim Myung-min,Jung-Hee Moon,Dong-wan Kim,Lee Hanee,Eom ji-seong,Yeom Hyeon-so,Kang Shin-il,Deok-hyeon Jo,Gook-hwan Jeon,Lee Hyeong-cheol,Song Yeong-chang,Moon Jeong-hee,Ha-nui Lee,Myeong-min Kim,Craig Fairbrass,Natalia Celino,Marcia Do Vales,Victoria Broom,Tabitha Quitman

Genres Deranged : Drama,Horror,Mystery & Suspense

User Ranting Deranged : 3.2
User Percentage For Deranged : %
User Count Like for Deranged : 114
All Critics Ranting For Deranged : 4.9
All Critics Count For Deranged : 5
All Critics Percentage For Deranged : 60 %

Review For Deranged

A disaster film with just the right touch of reality to ground the outre genre flourishes.
Mark Olsen-Los Angeles Times

Yes, there are messages about the callousness of big business and the recurring foolishness of man tampering with nature, but they're never didactic, and they never overwhelm the film's escapist thrills.
-Village Voice

virus thriller Deranged (Yeon-ga-si) tries hard to break free of its Contagion shackles by giving its infection a truly bizarre origin & symptomatology... [but] ends up being both preposterously silly and numbingly repetitive.
Anton Bitel-Sight and Sound

Deranged is, for the most part, simply unable to become the tense or engrossing thriller promised by its admittedly spectacular setup.
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

Terrific, engrossing and intelligent epidemic thriller from Korea, which shows up American product like Contagion and Outbreak for their shallowness and commercialism.
David Noh-Film Journal International

Watch Abendland Movie Online No Survey

Watch Abendland Movie Online No Survey

Characteristically penetrating, tough-minded, and masterfully composed, Geyrhalter's new documentary, Abendland, is a portrait of Europe at night, drawing together glimpses of a wide range of locations, milieus, activities, and themes, under the umbrella of a continent after nightfall. A film of extraordinary beauty but sinister implications - depictions of border controls, surveillance, and forcefully suppressed political protests predominate - Abendland is, both literally and figuratively, a dark vision of 21st-century Europe. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Abendland Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Abendland

Genres Abendland : Documentary

User Ranting Abendland : 3
User Percentage For Abendland : %
User Count Like for Abendland : 57
All Critics Ranting For Abendland :
All Critics Count For Abendland : 4
All Critics Percentage For Abendland : 4 %

Review For Abendland

The overall impression is a vision of Europe as a mosaic, as an artful amalgam of perfectly framed, seemingly disconnected moments during a long shared night, give or take a time zone change or two.
Manohla Dargis-New York Times

A documentary composed of vignettes of Europe by night, shot as though through the eyes of some inquisitive, unobtrusive, silent ghost...
Nick Pinkerton-Village Voice

These images of security, technology run amok and multiculturalism bump up against some serious class issues.
David Fear-Time Out New York

The documentary discipline can't escape its own inherent intermediateness, or its own penchant for deception.
Joseph Jon Lanthier-Slant Magazine

Watch Big Boys Gone Bananas!* Movie Online No Survey

Watch Big Boys Gone Bananas!* Movie Online No Survey

Big Boys Gone Bananas!* has been called a classic David Vs Goliath story - but this is more about defending the right to freedom of speech and what happens to a documentary filmmaker when he goes up against a large corporation like Dole Foods and how far Dole will go to shift the focus off of them and onto the filmmaker even after their own CEO has admitted wrong doing in a court of law. Media spin, PR scare tactics, dirty tricks, lawsuits, and corporate bullying come into play, but it is the people who ultimately prevail, thus creating a cautionary tale and a real life lesson learning experience. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Big Boys Gone Bananas!* Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Big Boys Gone Bananas!*

Alex Rivera,Alfonso Allende,Arvid Jurjaks,Bart Simpson,Bernt Hermele,Dan Koeppel,David Magdael,Ken Silverstein,Lincoln Bandlow,Sven Hughes

Genres Big Boys Gone Bananas!* : Documentary

User Ranting Big Boys Gone Bananas!* : 3.9
User Percentage For Big Boys Gone Bananas!* : 84 %
User Count Like for Big Boys Gone Bananas!* : 141
All Critics Ranting For Big Boys Gone Bananas!* : 6.1
All Critics Count For Big Boys Gone Bananas!* : 20
All Critics Percentage For Big Boys Gone Bananas!* : 75 %

Review For Big Boys Gone Bananas!*

Compelling and often shocking.
Dave Calhoun-Time Out

An eye-opening look at the way the U.S. media fell lockstep behind Dole's claims.
Sheri Linden-Los Angeles Times

The film's protests of censorship ring hollow given its selective version of the truth.
Simon Abrams-Village Voice

A provocative look at what can happen when corporate power takes aim at independent film.
Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times

An occasionally fascinating, if ultimately reductive, showdown between First Amendment rights and corporate power.
Andrew Schenker-Time Out New York

A David-and Goliath story that delves into corporate scare tactics, legal effrontery, brand protection, media manipulation, online propagandizing and craven behavior.
John Anderson-Variety

A compelling story about freedom of speech, and how in a worldwide economy and digital age companies are even more apt to take aggressive measures to squelch voices and stories that can negatively impact their bottom lines.

Important ...
Philip French-Observer [UK]

A salutary story.
Derek Malcolm-This is London

A film that convinces you that individuals' actions can make a difference.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express

Interesting enough but there's nothing here a Wikipedia page won't tell you.
Adam Woodward-Little White Lies

Gertten's film deftly lifts the lid on the black ops of 21st-century "brand management". Dole comes out smelling of ordure.
Xan Brooks-Guardian [UK]

Corporate PR has seldom looked so sinister, or daft.
Robbie Collin-Daily Telegraph

A sweetly quixotic documentary about the justice sought by a Swedish film-maker after Dole, the fruit-tinning company, tried to ban his earlier documentary about pesticide-poisoned banana pickers in Nicaragua.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

A punchy examination of an oppressive corporate machinery in full swing.
David Parkinson-Empire Magazine

A compelling case study in the perils of taking on Goliath, and a timely parable about modern media and corporate "reputation anxiety".
Simon Kinnear-Total Film

Far more dramatic than Dragon Tattoo since it involves a real Swede against real vicious corporate pigs. The truth, of course, is always more interesting than fiction.

The issue remains that this variety of faux-populism seems better suited to the soapbox than the silver screen.
Budd Wilkins-Slant Magazine

Lying as a corporate art form
S. James Wegg-JWR

Big Boys Gone Bananas!* makes a damning case against Dole as a corporate bully eager to silence criticism, but it raises troubling questions about the veracity of its own case it frustratingly has no interest in answering.
Nathan Rabin-AV Club

Watch Falling Overnight Movie Online No Survey

Watch Falling Overnight Movie Online No Survey

Falling Overnight tells the story of twenty-two year old Elliot Carson on the day before he has risky surgery to remove a brain tumor. Facing what could be his last night, Elliot's path intersects with Chloe Webb, a young photographer who invites him to her art show. Elliot welcomes the distraction and as the night descends, Chloe takes him on an intimate and exhilarating journey through the city. But as morning approaches, and Chloe learns of Elliot's condition, the magic of the evening unravels, and they must together face the uncertainty of Elliot's future. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Falling Overnight Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Falling Overnight

Parker Croft,Emilia Zoryan,Barak Hardley,Millie Zinner,Jake Olson,Elizabeth Jackson,Nathalie Antonia,Christian Yeager,Christopher Blim,Jon Michael Hill,Sascha Rasmussen,Jesse Garcia,Chad Matheny,Leon Bubba Ganter,Lydia Bensimmon,Corin Grant,Aly Mawji,Aaron Golden,Brian Foyster,Michael Finn

Genres Falling Overnight : Drama,Comedy

User Ranting Falling Overnight : 3.6
User Percentage For Falling Overnight : 64 %
User Count Like for Falling Overnight : 301
All Critics Ranting For Falling Overnight : 4.9
All Critics Count For Falling Overnight : 5
All Critics Percentage For Falling Overnight : 40 %

Review For Falling Overnight

Seems designed to have a love-will-find-you serendipity about it, but instead comes off as formless and inane.
Mark Olsen-Los Angeles Times

The film's sweetness is endearing but too featherweight to engage.
Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times

A lo-fi romantic drama that isn't awash in self-pity or -aggrandizement, Conrad Jackson's Falling Overnight is something of a rarity.
Michael Nordine-Village Voice

Rarely has a romantic drama been made with such genuine, pure, unadulterated emotion. Emilia Zoryan delivers a radiant, well-nuanced performance.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru

Recalls some of the more annoying entries in the mumblecore subgenre that erroneously believe that every indiscriminate moment in a person's life is worthy of a film regardless of subtext.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine

Watch Klown Movie Online No Survey

Watch Klown Movie Online No Survey

Two wildly inappropriate friends run amok through the Danish countryside plowing through endless awkward confrontations and unspeakable debaucheries. Hopelessly wrongheaded Frank "kidnaps" the 12-year-old nephew of his pregnant girlfriend in an eager attempt to prove his fatherhood potential to join sex-crazed Casper on his secret adulterous weekend canoe trip. From exclusive brothels, hospitalizations, armed robberies and even prison, the three paddle downstream from one chaotic misadventure to the next culminating in a surprise sentimental portrait of friendship and a final shocking reveal that you won't soon unsee. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Klown Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Klown

Frank Hvam,Casper Christensen,Marcuz Jess Petersen,Mia Lyhne,Iben Hjejle

Genres Klown : Comedy

User Ranting Klown : 3.6
User Percentage For Klown : 70 %
User Count Like for Klown : 1,926
All Critics Ranting For Klown : 6.5
All Critics Count For Klown : 42
All Critics Percentage For Klown : 79 %

Review For Klown

Its deliberate aversion to good taste is the biggest gag of all, and the source of its claim to infamy; yet running beneath the grossness, and the calamitous bonhomie, is a quiet streak of despair.
Anthony Lane-New Yorker

It can seem sometimes that Hollywood has a monopoly on stupid, obnoxious comedy. Anyone who sees "Klown" will learn otherwise.
Mark Feeney-Boston Globe

Think of all the gags you think might go too far, and then watch as Nørgaard takes them even further.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

Ultra-raunchy, sometimes hilarious...
Lou Lumenick-New York Post

At its best, it's a sly dismantling of a familiar comedy template built on male cluelessness and female responsibility.
Sheri Linden-Los Angeles Times

It's actually rather sweet, in its raunchy way.
Neil Genzlinger-New York Times

Each and every situation here is designed to make viewers squirm -- and, as a side effect, laugh out of shock and discomfort.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Common Sense Media

A raunchy shock comedy through and through, one in which nearly every major laugh involves, in one way or another, male genitalia. Or, in one case, an index finger.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

There are certainly laughs to be had here, but maybe Klown was more effective (and funnier) in thirty-minute doses on TV than dragged out to feature length.
Ethan Alter-Television Without Pity

Klown is another comedy that wrings most of its laughs from the premise that in the absence of a civilizing female presence males are apt to revert to despicable and idiotic behavior.

[It's] ridiculously raunchy yet also remains relatively heartfelt.
Joseph J. Airdo-San Francisco Examiner

The degree of difficulty is very high with this uncomfortable comedy. I cringed with laughter throughout.
Jeff Bayer-The Scorecard Review

Raunchy, awkward, over-the-top and fun.
Will McCord-Paste Magazine

Great Danes 'Klown' Around
James Verniere-Boston Herald

It isn't art, it's will-o-the-wisp thin, but it might well make you squirt your soda through your nose.
Shawn Levy-Oregonian

Denmark's answer to Curb Your Enthusiasm, with vestiges of Dogme 95.
Brett Michel-Boston Phoenix

The screenplay wades through a stream of absurd situations during the trip, but they're treated with an earnest, understated hand that keeps the focus on the characters.
Robert Levin-amNewYork

At some point, someone will write the history of this modern comedy of the uncomfortable, and when they do, I hope they devote an entire chapter to 'Klown.'
Drew McWeeny-HitFix

KLOWN may not necessarily garner Casper and Frank too many new fans, yet it will most likely please the target audience with its raunchy and sardonic humor.
JimmyO-JoBlo's Movie Emporium

A distinctive sense of comedy that fans of the 'Hangover' and 'Jackass' movies should appreciate.

Frank and Casper (the characters and the writers both) err by devoting themselves to building up these sorry specimens of masculinity rather than deconstructing them to see what makes them tick -- or throb, as the case may be.
Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle

Klovn is something like Sideways, with prostitutes and cheap hookups taking the place of Pinot Noir

Friday, March 29, 2013

Watch Nuit #1 Movie Online No Survey

Watch Nuit #1 Movie Online No Survey

Clara and Nikolaï meet at a rave. They return to Nikolaï's apartment and make love. Afterwards, instead of parting, the two lovers divulge their deepest secrets to one another. Nicolaï is a beautiful loser. At thirty-one years old, he leads a simple and frugal life. He applies himself to reading the great classics of literature but never finishes a book he has begun. Unable to submit to any schedule, he finds himself unfit for work. He envisions big projects and has large ideas but, inevitably and despite himself, loses sight of them beforethey are realized. Clara, like Nikolaï, seems not to be made for this world. She leads a double life. By day, she works as a third grade teacher; by night, she is a compulsive party-girl. She goes out every night, gets drunk and high and sleeps with men, women or both at once. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Nuit #1 Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Nuit #1

Catherine de Léan,Dimitri Storoge

Genres Nuit #1 : Drama

User Ranting Nuit #1 : 3.2
User Percentage For Nuit #1 : %
User Count Like for Nuit #1 : 336
All Critics Ranting For Nuit #1 : 6.2
All Critics Count For Nuit #1 : 16
All Critics Percentage For Nuit #1 : 63 %

Review For Nuit #1

Some of their dialogue is twaddle -- they're not philosophers -- but the feelings are electric.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

Like a filmed stage piece, a series of monologues in which the characters reveal their unhappiness without offering a hint that they might change.
Mark Jenkins-Washington Post

Returning to some of the same themes she explored in her short films, Émond continues her smart contemplation of youth and the difficulties of making meaningful emotional connections in these times.
Betsy Sharkey-Los Angeles Times

This is a different kind of movie, as graphic as porn, but not porn, not titillating and not unintelligent.
Mick LaSalle-San Francisco Chronicle

Despite the allure of the actors and some witty lines, it's ultimately quite wearying to be confronted with such determination to turn youth and good looks into existential burdens.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post

They invest so much humanity in their miserable characters that despite your dislike, you empathize enough to think, there but for the grace of God.
Stephen Holden-New York Times

Except for the graphic sex, this talkathong is pretty much a drag.
Tony Medley-Tolucan Times

Conveys through soulless stranger sex, current youth's emotionally and economically distressed powerlessness, false freedoms and an absence of future. Much more than a love story, the film is possibly, according to Émond, 'the night before revolution.'
Prairie Miller-WBAI Radio

[The] concept works because of two actors who are willing to bare their bodies and souls.

The two performances are phenomenal making Émond's directorial debut an unforgettable experience.

Desperately ambitious yet emptily windy, unconvincing two-hander which purports to say something serious about modern-day romantic anomie.
David Noh-Film Journal International

In both its setup and its theme, Nuit #1 hopes to explore what it means to skip social precedents in order to go straight to something intimate, and whether those in-between stages can be revisited afterward.
Alison Willmore-AV Club

...there's no mistaking it for anything other than a narrow-minded bit of festival fare...
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

It works--quite successfully, in places--as a warming tonic against this emotional nippiness of the cinema of Canadian coldness.
John Semley-Slant Magazine

Watch Sacrifice Movie Online No Survey

Watch Sacrifice Movie Online No Survey

A story of epic revenge, Sacrifice focuses on a power hungry general who wipes out his rival along with his entire family, save for one newborn. The infant is protected by the doctor who delivered him and raises him as his own, hoping to mold him into his own instrument of retribution. -- (C) Samuel Goldwyn R
Release Date Sacrifice Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Sacrifice

Man Cheuk Chiu,Bingbing Fan,You Ge,Xiaoming Huang,Xueqi Wang

Genres Sacrifice : Drama

User Ranting Sacrifice : 3.2
User Percentage For Sacrifice : %
User Count Like for Sacrifice : 1,738
All Critics Ranting For Sacrifice : 6.7
All Critics Count For Sacrifice : 24
All Critics Percentage For Sacrifice : 71 %

Review For Sacrifice

With its widescreen compositions and flame-illuminated interiors, "Sacrifice" is visually entrancing. Yet the movie is not just an exercise in style.
Mark Jenkins-Washington Post

It is handsomely done and well-acted, but it lacks real energy or purpose.
Mark Olsen-Los Angeles Times

Perhaps it's all that armor, or that even the estimable Mr. Wang seems exhausted by the film's dolorous themes, but it's tough to care about characters who spend most of their lives obsessing over the violent deaths of others.
Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times

Chen Kaige (Farewell My Concubine) cowrote and directed, and his talent for psychological drama isn't really suited to this sort of broad, mythic storytelling.
Ben Sachs-Chicago Reader

It charges out of the gate in Indiana Jones style, employing so many plot twists that you may need a scorecard. Then after an hour or so, it settles into an intimate, character-driven drama, before its low-key yet thought-provoking finale.
David Lewis-San Francisco Chronicle

Now who exactly are those two guys slurping noodles? Are they both doctors? Why do they matter?
Mark Feeney-Boston Globe

Both a thrilling swordplay epic as well as an intimate chamber drama about clashing filial loyalties.

The visuals from Chen and his crew are striking.

The master's touch is evident throughout a carefully calibrated drama that builds to a shocking tragedy.

Chinese film fans will be intrigued by a shift to more human, less spectacle-based storytelling.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

Chen can't seem to decide whether he's making a fable or something more down-to-earth, but Sacrifice works either way, if not both at once.
Sam Adams-AV Club

There are some wonderful wuxia-style fight scenes spread throughout, and a last duel finally shifts all the plodding backstory into a visual spectacle.
Jake Mulligan-Boston Phoenix

A widowed father grooms his son to be a killer in a sweeping drama set in fifth-century B.C. China.
Daniel Eagan-Film Journal International

A historical melodrama that retains an ancient, elemental pull even as it insufficiently charts motivation and the self-denying values of antiquity.
Bill Weber-Slant Magazine

Techs are terrific, from costume to cinematography, giving the film a lovely look.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews

Kaige Chen reaches back in time to tell another story of a child's relation to his father as well as his place in history. Featuring a grounding performance from You as the adoptive parent, "Sacrifice" is at once both epic and intimate.
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews

Watch Killer Joe Movie Online No Survey

Watch Killer Joe Movie Online No Survey

When 22 year-old drug dealer Chris (Hirsch) has his stash of drugs stolen from him by his mother, he has to come up with six-thousand dollars quick, or he's dead. Desperate, he goes to the trailer-park to see his father, Ansel (Hayden Church), and he lays out the plan. Chris's mother, who everyone hates, has a life insurance policy that would clear up his debt and make them all rich. The problem is that Chris' mother is very much alive. Enter Detective "Killer" Joe Cooper, a hired hit man with the manners of a Southern gentleman, who will do the job - for an upfront fee, that Chris and Ansel can't pay. Just as Joe is about to leave, he spots Dottie (Temple), Chris' innocent younger sister. Joe makes Chris an offer, he'll keep Dottie as sexual collateral until the money is collected and his fee can be paid. -- (C) Voltage Pictures
Release Date Killer Joe Jul 27, 2012 Limited

Actors For Killer Joe

Matthew McConaughey,Emile Hirsch,Juno Temple,Thomas Haden Church,Gina Gershon,Marc Macaulay,Graylen Banks,Carol Sutton,Danny Epper,Jeffrey Galpin,Scott Martin,Gregory Bauchard,Charley Vance

Genres Killer Joe : Mystery & Suspense,Comedy

User Ranting Killer Joe : 3.4
User Percentage For Killer Joe : 62 %
User Count Like for Killer Joe : 75,418
All Critics Ranting For Killer Joe : 6.8
All Critics Count For Killer Joe : 150
All Critics Percentage For Killer Joe : 77 %

Review For Killer Joe

If you like your movies filled with twisted humor, sexual perversion, psychological intimidation and sudden violence, "Killer Joe" is the flick for you.
Tom Long-Detroit News

You will either love "Killer Joe" or run away screaming. I absorbed this NC-17 nail bomb with awestruck admiration.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

[Friedkin] has retained his touch ... all these years later. And in Matthew McConaughey, he has the perfect vehicle for madness.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

You end up feeling sorry for all the actors forced to humiliate themselves, except for McConaughey, whose portrayal of sadistic, manipulative evil is mesmerizing.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

The movie frequently clicks as a sendup of over-the-top film-noir storytelling.
John Hartl-Seattle Times

If y'all like your comedy with a Lone Star drawl and as black as Texas tea, then by all means tuck right into Killer Joe.
Bruce Demara-Toronto Star

McConaughey is funny and fearsome in the title role, the devil holding the family accountable for their choices.
Mark Pfeiffer-Reel Times: Reflections on Cinema

As sordid and vile as possible.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

Killer Joe is America at its worst but Friedkin and McConaghey at very close to their best.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

One of the best films of the past year-bracing, funny, uncompromising-arrives on home video in a package that makes good on its swelling rep as an American indie video nasty.
John Semley-Slant Magazine

A wily script, smoldering suspense and slick dialogue keep the drama lively.
Phil Villarreal-OK! Magazine

It's like a cheap, nasty dessert: completely devoid of nutrition, probably very bad for you, but kind of delicious while it briefly lasts.
CJ Johnson-ABC Radio (Australia)

Only the faint-hearted or KFC kitchen staff should give it a miss.
Andy Lea-Daily Star

Stage-to-screen adaptations are rarely this primal, and it's been a long time since a William Friedkin film has felt so vital.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

The humor magnifies the horror, and vice versa. Like the inflammatory Dr. Strangelove, we've sewn these seeds, and we deserve whatever is reaped from them.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

Killer Joe will leave many people in shock, confusion, and in need of a thorough shower by the time it's done.
Kofi Outlaw-ScreenRant

The scene with the fried chicken drumstick might cause Colonel Sanders to repurpose one of his famous buckets as a barf bag.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Killer Joe is a white-hot fever dream of a film. A toxic swill of sex and violence, Joe is mordantly funny, tantalizing and, ultimately, shocking.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

Matthew McConaughey gives an intensely wry performance while director William Friedkin applies his old-master craftsmanship to a brutal, ugly story.
John Wirt-Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA)

Killer Joe will both infuriate and impress, but when it impresses there is nothing quite like it. It plays on the senses and lingers in the mind, McConaughey is brilliant and Friedkin finds himself in his best form in years
Will Chadwick-We Got This Covered

Resembling yard sculptures in a trailer park, where trash becomes art, "Killer Joe" is a Picasso signed with a branding iron.
Graham Killeen-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Sick and twisted in the most interesting ways.
Scott Weinberg-Twitch

A daringly impressive and darkly funny work, which sees its director William Friedkin return to the audacious spirit of his early films.
Andrew Moraitis-FILMINK (Australia)

Aside from Letts scathing one-liners the best reason to see the film is McConaughey. His Killer Joe is a quite brilliant variation on cool villainy.

It unfolds like a prank. After freewheeling dangerously and thrillingly for 90 minutes, it skips the relief and goes straight to the punishment. After that: The final, puzzling twist suggests that it may not have been a joke at all.

May well do for the fried chicken leg what Friedkin's The Exorcist did for split-pea soup back in 1973.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)

Watch Step Up 4: Miami Heat Movie Online No Survey

Watch Step Up 4: Miami Heat Movie Online No Survey

Step Up Revolution is the next installment in the worldwide smash Step Up franchise, which sets the dancing against the vibrant backdrop of Miami. Emily (Kathryn McCormick) arrives in Miami with aspirations of becoming a professional dancer and soon falls in love with Sean (Ryan Guzman), a young man who leads a dance crew in elaborate, cutting-edge flash mobs, called "The Mob." When a wealthy business man threatens to develop The Mob's historic neighborhood and displace thousands of people, Emily must band together with Sean and The Mob to turn their performance art into protest art, and risk losing their dreams to fight for a greater cause. -- (C) Summit
Release Date Step Up 4: Miami Heat Jul 27, 2012 Wide

Actors For Step Up 4: Miami Heat

Ryan Guzman,Kathryn McCormick,Misha Gabriel,Peter Gallagher,Stephen Boss,Mia Michaels,Megan Boone,Tommy Dewey,Michael "Xeno" Langebeck,Cleopatra Coleman,Claudio Pinto,Nicole Dabeau,Chris Charles Herbert,Katie Peterson,Alejandro Posada,Marc Macaulay,Mario Ernesto Sánchez,Sabina V. Gomez,Dominique Bell,Tangi Colombel

Genres Step Up 4: Miami Heat : Drama,Romance,Musical & Performing Arts

User Ranting Step Up 4: Miami Heat : 3.9
User Percentage For Step Up 4: Miami Heat : 69 %
User Count Like for Step Up 4: Miami Heat : 60,112
All Critics Ranting For Step Up 4: Miami Heat : 5
All Critics Count For Step Up 4: Miami Heat : 90
All Critics Percentage For Step Up 4: Miami Heat : 42 %

Review For Step Up 4: Miami Heat

It's equal parts 'Flashdance,' 'Burlesque' and 'Lambada', all parts ludicrous - but we aren't here for the story any more than we watch Béla Tarr for the salsa numbers.
Guy Lodge-Time Out

With the most wooden leads of the series to date - an MMA fighter and a "So You Think You Can Dance" alum - the drama between the dancing has never felt more interminable.

"Step Up: You've Seen All This Before" would be more accurate, but Summit Entertainment's marketing department knows that wouldn't help sell tickets.
Sean O'Connell-Washington Post

Delivers plenty of spectacular fancy footwork in what is otherwise a flat-footed fantasy.
Jennie Punter-Globe and Mail

While dance purists won't be impressed by the energetic and athletic choreography -- the dancers have clearly learned routines but not necessarily technique -- date-movie audiences will likely want to go out dancing afterward themselves, and that's fun.
Frank Lovece-Newsday

The choreography is solid throughout, but director Scott Speer gets in his own way every time, relentlessly shifting camera angles to close-ups and reaction shots when he should be letting us witness the spectacle.
Sara Stewart-New York Post

The story is sappy and predictable... But the dancing has a freshness and vibrancy that's infectiously enjoyable.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

Many of the old tropes and gimmicks from the previous films are recycled into an all-too-familiar plotline: An edgy, streetwise guy falls for a classy, upper-crust sweetie, and together they dance their way past obstacle after obstacle.
Alaina O'Connor-TV Guide's Movie Guide

The Step Up franchise has never been noted for its astute screenwriting, but this instalment sets the bar so low that even its bendy cast members would have trouble limboing under it
Rich Cline-Shadows on the Wall

99.99% of Step Up Revolution is the most entertaining movie of the year so far. But oh, that 0.01%...
William Bibbiani-CraveOnline

[A] poorly scripted, energetically performed hip-hop musical in which a team of young dancers take to the streets of Miami hoping to publicise themselves and get rich.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

One can't help but feel that if the franchise hasn't jumped the shark it's certainly stepping over a finned killer fish with abandon. Damn. We've been served.
Tara Brady-Irish Times

Great routines, silly story but it still delivers infectious, energetic 3-D escapism.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express

Plausibility aside, Speer's film is undemanding fun.
-Birmingham Mail

Watch The Watch Movie Online No Survey

Watch The Watch Movie Online No Survey

Four everyday suburban guys come together as an excuse to escape their humdrum lives one night a week. But when they accidentally discover that their town has become overrun with aliens posing as ordinary suburbanites, they have no choice but to save their neighborhood -- and the world -- from total extermination. -- (C) 20th Century Fox R
Release Date The Watch Jul 27, 2012 Wide

Actors For The Watch

Ben Stiller,Vince Vaughn,Jonah Hill,Richard Ayoade,Rosemarie DeWitt,Will Forte,Mel Rodriguez,Doug Jones,Erin Moriarty,Nicholas Braun,R. Lee Ermey,Joseph A. Nuñez,Liz Cackowski,Johnny Pemberton,Sharon Gee,Eric Lee Goins,Robert C. Sibley,Grace Fronebarger,Bonnie Silver,Jill Jane Clements

Genres The Watch : Science Fiction & Fantasy,Comedy

User Ranting The Watch : 3
User Percentage For The Watch : %
User Count Like for The Watch : 71,685
All Critics Ranting For The Watch : 4
All Critics Count For The Watch : 152
All Critics Percentage For The Watch : 16 %

Review For The Watch

A film packaged as pure product, aiming to snare the combined markets for loudmouth comics, sci-fi action and, er, Richard Ayoade - who, however seemingly misplaced, is the freshest thing here.
Guy Lodge-Time Out

It's a mash-up of blah buddy comedy and gross-out CGI monster splatter, with nary a laugh to be had.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

The Watch is a predictable and lazy comedy wrapped around a penis joke occasionally enlivened with some funny lines.
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star

What should have been at least Ghostbusters lite ends up sliming audiences with sloppy seconds.
Peter Travers-Rolling Stone

"The Watch" takes the same ethos of male bonding, obsession with sex and sardonic violence that has proved so profitable in recent years on yet another summer spin.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

Improvisation is definitely The Watch-word, with Vaughn and Hill in particular winging just about every line they speak - most of them filthy, few of them funny.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

Light entertainment at its lightest, The Watch does at least elicit some laughs.
Tom Glasson-Concrete Playground

"The Watch" is a Dream Team in which no one's drawn up any plays and nobody passes the ball. Everybody just shoots and hopes for the best.
Tim Grierson-Deadspin

This lame sci-fi comedy was supposed to be for teens, but was re-written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg to be aimed at adults. The result is a movie that doesn't work for either.

Bland and juvenile, with little thought, humour, or imagination. It actually endorses its posse of puerile nobodies as noble, ass-kicking Americans.
Brian Gibson-Vue Weekly (Edmonton, Canada)

A talented cast shines brightly, but can't carry the weight of this under-inspired sci-fi frolic.
Michael Sauter-Film Journal International

The Watch is an unfunny, unfocused mess that comes to Blu-Ray with good quality, but also a complete lack of interesting special features.
Jeff Beck-We Got This Covered

For a flabby 101-minute movie, the gag hit rate is alarmingly low.
Andy Lea-Daily Star

Aims for ridiculous comedy, hits "ridiculous"
Marty Mapes-Movie Habit

The aliens may be not of this Earth, but the jokes in this lifeless sci-fi comedy are so lazy they never even manage to lift off.
Jason Buchanan-TV Guide's Movie Guide

The only arcs these characters encounter are in their pants.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

If the scenes between the four leads had been stronger, it might have been easier to overlook the film's structural and tonal weaknesses, but as it happens they only rescue it in dribs and drabs.
Martin Roberts-Fan The Fire

The Watch is a lazy production at nearly every level. Expect these aliens to have better luck in a couple years - when they invade basic cable.
Ben Kendrick-ScreenRant

All of this builds a pretty catastrophic picture of The Watch - and I think, given how many other awesome, funny, gross and clever comedies are out there, I refuse to be an apologist. It's not an unmitigated disaster, but it's not good - or good enough.
Patrick Kolan-Shotgun Critic

... one of the funniest movies of the year.
Jim Lane-Sacramento News & Review

the story regularly dozes off and wakes up in other places, squinting its eyes and groping in the dark for laughs.
Luke Buckmaster-Crikey

It's one of those sad occasions where the bringing together of funny people mysteriously negates their ability to be funny.
Jim Schembri-3AW

The Watch is an utterly soulless, lazy, painfully dull affair. It is not a film. It is a product, and an awful one. This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen.
Jonathan Lack-We Got This Covered

There may be plenty of studio comedies that are better than this film, but there are more that are worse.

The Watch doesn't totally know what it is - but that doesn't matter. It's entertaining, silly fun, if you like gaggles of fools stumbling upon alien invasions and d*ck jokes.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

The Watch is indeed a feathered fish. It's a freaking underwater ostrich. Whether or not it will appeal to all four quadrants is of little concern to any viewer lucky enough to be located within its niche demographic, however.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

Watch Ruby Sparks Movie Online No Survey

Watch Ruby Sparks Movie Online No Survey

Calvin (Dano) is a young novelist who achieved phenomenal success early in his career but is now struggling with his writing - as well as his romantic life. Finally, he makes a breakthrough and creates a character named Ruby who inspires him. When Calvin finds Ruby (Kazan), in the flesh, sitting on his couch about a week later, he is completely flabbergasted that his words have turned into a living, breathing person. -- (C) Fox Searchlight R
Release Date Ruby Sparks Jul 25, 2012 Limited

Actors For Ruby Sparks

Paul Dano,Zoe Kazan,Elliott Gould,Chris Messina,Annette Bening,Antonio Banderas,Steve Coogan,Alia Shawkat,Aasif Mandvi,Toni Trucks,Deborah Ann Woll,Jane Anne Thomas,John F. Beach,Eleanor Seigler,Emma Julia Jacobs,Wallace Langham,Rightor Doyle,Eden Brolin,Michael Silverblatt,Mary Jo Deschanel

Genres Ruby Sparks : Drama,Comedy

User Ranting Ruby Sparks : 3.7
User Percentage For Ruby Sparks : 76 %
User Count Like for Ruby Sparks : 31,792
All Critics Ranting For Ruby Sparks : 7.1
All Critics Count For Ruby Sparks : 166
All Critics Percentage For Ruby Sparks : 79 %

Review For Ruby Sparks

Sometimes it's worth surrendering to cinematic enchantments, and Ruby Sparks makes a pretty good case for its own magic.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

Sure it's been done before -- man brings ideal woman to life -- but not quite like Ruby Sparks. And that sets this film up to be a smart and romantic low-key comedy that goes beyond expectations.
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star

If the result feels like a Pinocchio story that spends too much time with Geppetto, or a takedown of narcissism that never breaks free of what it's critiquing, Dano nonetheless makes Calvin compelling company.
Justin Chang-Variety

Kazan winds up indulging in the very wish-fulfillment she initially sets out to deconstruct.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

Ruby Sparks flirts with preciousness and has less fun with its premise than it could have, but that's because it's actually a gently touching metaphorical drama about the real essence of love.
Owen Gleiberman-Entertainment Weekly

Ruby Sparks might have been more fun if Cal were written to be expansive instead of a worrywart in the middle-aged Matthew Broderick mode.
David Edelstein-New York Magazine

Directed by the team behind the equally quirky-but-heartwarming Little Miss Sunshine, it's never quite the biting satire you may expect, aiming rather for a Michel Gondry vibe.
Dave Golder-SFX Magazine

It's a refreshing take for a rom-com, and when you add in a healthy dose of humour, it makes for an enjoyable and intelligent treat.
Matt Neal-The Standard

The hit and miss nature of Ruby Sparks is a surprise given it's from the same duo that brought us Little Miss Sunshine.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire

Ruby Sparks feels like the best Woody Allen movie Woody Allen never made.
Norman Wilner-NOW Toronto

Screenwriter/actress Kazan's theory seems to have been that if she's going to write herself a part, she might as well make it a crackerjack one.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

Even with the draggy pacing, though, the actors and the central idea are so good that Dayton and Faris never lose us completely.
Perry Seibert-TV Guide's Movie Guide

It tackles the idea that people in a relationship will often try to remake the other person in their image. Some of the twists are more obvious than others, but it has just enough charm (mostly from Kazan herself) to skate by.

It may be directed by the pair that gave us "Little Miss Sunshine," but what makes this one work is writer Zoe Kazan, who doubles as the female lead.
James Plath-Movie Metropolis

far too derivative of other angsty independent romances that it failed to keep my attention
Kevin Carr-7M Pictures

Displaying a self-confidence that would put Muhammad Ali to shame, Kazan has cast herself as her real-life boyfriend's fantasy woman.
Andy Lea-Daily Star

A sprightly, slightly twisted take on the romcom genre.
James White-SFX Magazine

The movie's funny for the first half-hour. But thereafter it stumbles like someone trying to find their way out of a hall of mirrors.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

The picture offers worrying commentary on male stereotypes of femininity and on the gender's domineering tendencies.
Donald Clarke-Irish Times

[B]arely distinguishable from other similar tales of young men who need a schooling in the realities of not being a selfish jerk, with one glaring exception: ... this one is all about teaching Calvin that -- spoiler! -- women are people.
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

Watch Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours Movie Online No Survey

Watch Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours Movie Online No Survey

We follow Lung Neaw, living off the land, visiting neighbours, in a world of simple realities and compassion for his environment and fellow villagers. We see the basic truths of a humble man, another man making our world turn, to a better revolution. At the age of sixty, Lung Neaw (Uncle Neaw) finds himself retired from his life as a rice farmer in a small village in the Northern Thai Province of Chiang Mai. Away from the chatter and noise of recent political upheaval, in the capital Bangkok, and the demand for democratic reforms, we follow Lung Neaw in his daily life. We see Lung Neaw living off the land that he has known since he was born, fishing, hunting and foraging for herbs and vegetation in the open fields and forest nearby his home. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours Jul 16, 2012 Limited

Actors For Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours

Lung Neaw

Genres Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours : Drama

User Ranting Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours : 3
User Percentage For Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours : %
User Count Like for Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours : 1,016
All Critics Ranting For Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours :
All Critics Count For Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours : 3
All Critics Percentage For Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours : 3 %

Review For Lung Neaw Visits His Neighbours

[It] rewards concentration once you adjust to its glacial pace and its radically minimalist aesthetic.
Stephen Holden-New York Times

This epic-length Thai documentary takes the observational jungle stillness so hypnotic in Apichatpong Weerasethakul's work and doubles the bet.
Michael Atkinson-Village Voice

Watch Magic Mike Movie Online No Survey

Watch Magic Mike Movie Online No Survey

Set in the world of male strippers, Magic Mike is directed by Steven Soderbergh and stars Channing Tatum in a story inspired by his real life. The film follows Mike (Tatum) as he takes a young dancer called The Kid (Pettyfer) under his wing and schools him in the fine arts of partying, picking up women, and making easy money. -- (C) Warner Bros. R
Release Date Magic Mike Jun 29, 2012 Wide

Actors For Magic Mike

Channing Tatum,Alex Pettyfer,Matt Bomer,Joe Manganiello,Matthew McConaughey,Cody Horn,Olivia Munn,Riley Keough,Kevin Nash,Adam Rodriguez,Gabriel Iglesias,James Martin Kelly,Reid Carolin,Avery Camp,George E. Sack Jr.,Micaela Johnson,Denise Vasi,Camryn Grimes,Kate Easton,Asher Wallis

Genres Magic Mike : Drama,Comedy

User Ranting Magic Mike : 3.6
User Percentage For Magic Mike : 62 %
User Count Like for Magic Mike : 116,157
All Critics Ranting For Magic Mike : 6.9
All Critics Count For Magic Mike : 190
All Critics Percentage For Magic Mike : 80 %

Review For Magic Mike

Soderbergh has created a spicy yet lucid, surgingly high-energy yet smartly modernistic musical.
Richard Brody-New Yorker

Tatum, whose talents have been the subject of debate, also makes Mike genuinely affecting, not to mention articulate within the bounds of a sketchy script.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

Does a better job of mixing Chippendales-style guilty pleasures with reality-based cautionary tales than you might expect.
Eric D.

The dance numbers, choreographed by Allison Faulk, are inventive and athletic, but not really erotic; Soderbergh never lets you forget that, for these men, dancing is above all a job.
Ben Sachs-Chicago Reader

Magic Mike has a conventional structure, yet a teasing question percolates beneath: If selling yourself is as much fun as this movie makes it look, what could be wrong with it?
Owen Gleiberman-Entertainment Weekly

If you're looking for a romance with 100 percent prime beefcake? Get your singles out and ready, ladies. "Magic Mike" is in the house.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

Raucous, funny and disgracefully entertaining.
Andy Lea-Daily Star

Musings on the nature of capitalism wrapped in a very pretty package ... Magic Mike is a film for adventurous audiences of all persuasions.
Catherine Bray-Film4

Some wildly entertaining dancing (and stripping) underscores several impressive performances.
Tom Glasson-Concrete Playground

Channing Tatum talks "Magic Mike" and his breakout year as a movie star.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Steven Soderbergh has made a movie that works as both intimate character study and party film.
Mike McGranaghan-Aisle Seat

The extras are a little, um, bare, but this transfer of one of the best American films of the year is otherwise superb.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine

A compelling character study not to be missed, if only to witness a gutsy, career performance delivered by the ever-improving Channing Tatum.
Kam Williams-NewsBlaze

Magic Mike takes a familiar story and transforms it into something modern, unique and beautiful to look at (and I'm not just talking beefcakes, here).
Kofi Outlaw-ScreenRant

Engaging and sensitive
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire

I never imagined that I would see The Full Monty re-envisioned by the Oscar winning director of Erin Brokovich and Traffic. But yup, here you have it: Steven Soderberg has created his stripping opus.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

Magic Mike is far from perfect, but that's the fun. Whether you think Soderbergh is winking at the audience or the movie is "so bad it's good," Magic Mike is one heck of a good time at the movies.
Jonathan Lack-We Got This Covered

It's good to have another Soderbergh movie, and one that's completely different from anything he's done before. But beneath the magic, "Mike" is ultimately meh.

A vanilla panorama of beefcake for rent
Fernando F. Croce-CinePassion

Soderbergh lets scenes develop in a raw, natural way that makes the stripping scenes hilariously entertaining to watch

It's "Showgirls" for girls, but with its camp knob tuned to a much more tolerable and skilled frequency... It's pretty awesome
Witney Seibold-CraveOnline

Magic Mike is just fun, and it's fun because it's good.
Annlee Ellingson-Paste Magazine

I was gunning for Showgirls only as Show Boys. Instead director Steven Soderbergh did something normal and classy, which are two words I associate with his other films and did not want to describe this film.

Reigning men on a physical, philosophical and psychological level, Steven Soderbergh's Magic Mike also completes the transformation of Channing Tatum from mumbling toy-boy to thinking man's beefcake.
Matthew Pejkovic-Matt's Movie Reviews

As Mike, Tatum is a pillar of integrity, a hard-working stud with his eyes on the end game.

... the director, the unpredictable Steven Soderbergh, gives the clichés a surface gloss of credibility.
Jim Lane-Sacramento News & Review