Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Watch Trance Movie Online No Survey

Watch Trance Movie Online No Survey

Simon (James McAvoy), a fine art auctioneer, teams up with a criminal gang to steal a Goya painting worth millions of dollars, but after suffering a blow to the head during the heist he awakens to discover he has no memory of where he hid the painting. When physical threats and torture fail to produce answers, the gang's leader Frank (Vincent Cassel) hires hypnotherapist Elizabeth Lamb (Rosario Dawson) to delve into the darkest recesses of Simon's psyche. As Elizabeth begins to unravel Simon's broken subconscious, the lines between truth, suggestion, and deceit begin to blur. (c)Fox Searchlight
Release Date Trance Apr 5, 2013 Limited

Actors For Trance

James McAvoy,Vincent Cassel,Rosario Dawson,Matt Cross,Wahab Sheikh,Danny Sapani,Mark Poltimore,Tuppence Middleton,Simon Kunz,Michael Shaeffer,Tony Jayawardena,Vincent Montuel,Jai Rajani,Spencer Wilding,Gursharan Chaggar,Edward Rising,Michael Fassbender

Genres Trance : Mystery & Suspense,Special Interest

User Ranting Trance : 3.7
User Percentage For Trance : 73 %
User Count Like for Trance : 9,390
All Critics Ranting For Trance : 6.5
All Critics Count For Trance : 151
All Critics Percentage For Trance : 69 %

Review For Trance

Trance is to Danny Boyle more or less as Side Effects was to Steven Soderbergh: an arty spin on a trashy B-movie, engineered to showcase the director's particular gifts.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

The story draws us in even through the murk.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

Dawson walks through this film with majestic confidence while McAvoy is constantly inches from a full breakdown. And Boyle keeps that tension mesmerizing.
Tom Long-Detroit News

I came away wondering whether the headache I left the theater with was such a bad -- or even unintentional -- thing after all.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

The plot of Trance is purposely convoluted - you're supposed to get more and more confused as the story unfolds, not always sure if what you're watching is a dream.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

[Boyle] leaves it to the audience to try to figure out just what's up, and what's going down, in this sleek psychological puzzler.
Soren Anderson-Seattle Times

Trance is an elaborate tease. Trance is more mindless than mind-bending.
Tony Macklin-tonymacklin.net

The best we can say about this is that it's better than Guy Ritchie.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

Boyle's showboating has none of the impact of the film's most memorable image, a sudden full-length shot of Rosario Dawson, as bare as a Renaissance Venus. This is a startling example of cinema's original and unsurpassed special effect: the human figure.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Trance isn't the director's best by a long shot, but it's a perfectly serviceable thriller with all Boyle's trademark flourishes.
Pete Vonder Haar-Houston Press

... a flashy time-killer, a hodgepodge of trompe l'oeil ruses that add up to your standard noir mystery, only tricked-out in the latest in digital effects.
Glenn Lovell-CinemaDope

Trance is a busy, glittering picture, but you never have much of a stake in the outlandish twists (unless you happen to take hypnotism very seriously).
Craig Seligman-Bloomberg News

Like any good thriller worth its weight in red herrings, Trance keeps the audience guessing for the vast majority of its running time.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

A beguilingly brilliant cinematic puzzle.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)

(Rosario) Dawson, in a performance worthy of an Academy Award nomination, reveals Lamb to be a wily fox able to outwit the stronger prey that surrounds her.
Bob Bloom-Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)

Director Danny Boyle goes off the boil with this meandering Inception wannabe... far from being a clever, tense heist-film-with-a-twist Trance is a laboured, over-stylised slice of pseudo-psychological babble. And it's kind of dull.
Jim Schembri-3AW

An overly-preposterous, neo-Noir crime thriller that unravels its central mystery - and then collapses when bringing deeper significance to the proceedings.
Sandy Schaefer-ScreenRant

Trippy, intriguing, and enigmatic - it's a surreal, clever, ambiguous brain-teaser that will keep you thinking long after the lights go up.
Susan Granger-SSG Syndicate

The most mind-boggling movie since Inception, in a good way.
Willie Waffle-WaffleMovies.com

Deliciously twisty, until it has too many twists.
Michael Smith-Tulsa World

While we may not be able to trust any of the characters in Trance, we can certainly count on the filmmakers to deliver a story that holds us transfixed from start to finish.
Jason Buchanan-TV Guide's Movie Guide

The writing is crisp and the acting on target.
Rick Bentley-Fresno Bee

Convoluted and deliciously twisty but worth even a second viewing. I've been placed under hypnosis and it's not like this at all. Why isn't Vincent Cassel a huge star in the U.S.?
Victoria Alexander-Las Vegas Informer

This is a stylish enough, mind-bending thriller, a cocktail of "Inception," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," and "The Thomas Crown Affair" (the remake).
Marc Mohan-Oregonian

Trance stumbles around like a blind rat in a maze with no cheese at any exit: Whatever conclusion it reaches will leave us dissatisfied.
Lawrence Toppman-Charlotte Observer

Watch 6 Souls Movie Online No Survey

Watch 6 Souls Movie Online No Survey

After the death of her husband, Dr. Cara Harding's (Julianne Moore) faith in God has been shaken, but not her belief in science. In an attempt to open her up to accepting unexplainable psychiatric theories, her father introduces her to Adam, a patient with multiple personalities who takes on some of the physical characteristics of his other personalities. Cara quickly discovers that Adam's other personalities are murder victims and the more she finds out about him and his past, the closer she and her loved ones are to becoming murder victims themselves. (c) Radius
Release Date 6 Souls Apr 5, 2013 Limited

Actors For 6 Souls

Julianne Moore,Jonathan Rhys Meyers,Jeffrey DeMunn,Frances Conroy,Nate Cordory,Brooklyn Proulx,Cvetan Daskalov,Yanina Kasheva,Kaloyan Siriiski,Irena Hristoskova,Silvia Gerina

Genres 6 Souls : Drama,Horror,Mystery & Suspense

User Ranting 6 Souls : 3
User Percentage For 6 Souls : %
User Count Like for 6 Souls : 13,623
All Critics Ranting For 6 Souls : 3.9
All Critics Count For 6 Souls : 21
All Critics Percentage For 6 Souls : 5 %

Review For 6 Souls

Psychology-themed horror tale goes a little nutty in the end.
John DeFore-Hollywood Reporter

Beginning as a psychiatric freak show, "6 Souls" eventually trades serial-killer intimations for backwoods bad mojo before becoming just another dimly lighted pop-up-stalker flick.
Nicolas Rapold-New York Times

A preposterous supernatural thriller that inexplicably managed to sign up Julianne Moore to star.
Kyle Smith-New York Post

"6 Souls" is regrettably sick with that familiar disease afflicting movies of this ilk: ostentatious, hollow moodiness that spreads like an unwelcome rash.
Robert Abele-Los Angeles Times

What unholy spirit could have possessed Julianne Moore when she signed on for the sort of throwaway horror flick that would normally star unknowns and go straight to DVD?
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

The end credits, which seem almost as long as the movie itself, dementedly thank everyone from the citizens of Pennsylvania to William Wyler, Howard Hawks and God. What an insult.
Rex Reed-New York Observer

(T)here is a nice sense of dread here, a level of suspense that slowly dissipates as the movie meanders toward the exhausting end of its one hour and forty five minute run time.
Bill Gibron-PopMatters

Convention-straddled to a significant fault, 6 Souls is however notable for its performances and for sticking to its creepy, contained formula, far more at least than most recent horror films.
Simon Brookfield-We Got This Covered

The film belongs to a long tradition of horror films that offensively suggest that all atheists might as well hang a Welcome sign up for the devil.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine

Tired and cliche ridden, yet watchable due to its stars Julianne Moore and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers.
Staci Layne Wilson-Inside Horror

A psychological thriller/cum horror tale about a dangerous fellow with three personalities, a movie that proves Robert Louis Stevenson right: two are fine, more's a crowd.
Harvey S. Karten-Compuserve

The conflicting speeds of the feature create chaos, derailing a familiar but promising junk food thriller, which tries much too hard to keep the viewer off the scent of a mystery they will likely show limited interest in to begin with.
Brian Orndorf-BrianOrndorf.com

All too often [the film] borrows from the ideas and conventions of the pysch-horror without giving either them, or the audience, enough respect for it to work.
Mayer Nissim-Digital Spy

As it is, it's an adequate Saturday night scare, but little more.
Jennie Kermode-Eye for Film

A muddled and dramatically inert thriller about a psychiatric patient who plays host to a veritable flash mob of multiple personalities.
Wendy Ide-Times [UK]

As far as its own multiple personalities go, Shelter gives you your pick of exhausting, grim and absurd.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

Is it a psychological thriller or a giddy horror of the evil-in-them-there-hills persuasion? This split-personality number can't quite decide.
Cath Clarke-Guardian [UK]

Begins as a psychological thriller, transforms into a supernatural bonce-scratcher and finally descends into an almighty mess.
Rosie Fletcher-SFX Magazine

Watch Evil Dead Movie Online No Survey

Watch Evil Dead Movie Online No Survey

In the much anticipated remake of the 1981 cult-hit horror film, five twenty-something friends become holed up in a remote cabin. When they discover a Book of the Dead, they unwittingly summon up dormant demons living in the nearby woods, which possess the youngsters in succession until only one is left intact to fight for survival. R
Release Date Evil Dead Apr 5, 2013 Wide

Actors For Evil Dead

Jane Levy (II),Jessica Lucas,Shiloh Fernandez,Lou Taylor Pucci,Elizabeth Blackmore

Genres Evil Dead : Mystery & Suspense,Horror

User Ranting Evil Dead : 3.7
User Percentage For Evil Dead : 71 %
User Count Like for Evil Dead : 39,268
All Critics Ranting For Evil Dead : 6.2
All Critics Count For Evil Dead : 156
All Critics Percentage For Evil Dead : 62 %

Review For Evil Dead

Despite much old-school splatter, it's seldom frightening and oddly unfunny.
Nigel Floyd-Time Out

An effectively relentless gore-fest.
Bruce Diones-New Yorker

Five years from now, will you want to watch this bloody $14 million extravaganza or Raimi's shoestring original, which was Amateur Hour elevated to pop art? Evil Dead just bleeds money.
David Edelstein-Vulture

A stylish and worthy homage: inventive even as it is derivative, never quite jokey but never taking itself too seriously, and clocking in at an entirely appropriate 91 minutes. Any longer would be unmerciful; any shorter, ungenerous.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

Though it never channels the raw DIY energy of the original Evil Dead series -- what big-budget version could? -- this polished, clever remake remains true to the spirit of the original, which was at once viscerally terrifying and weirdly lighthearted.
Dana Stevens-Slate

A gore fest that's just effective enough to whet fans' appetite for a sequel, even as it kills everyone else's appetite for dinner.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

... not for people prone to nightmares. It's highly effective as causing involuntary chills and hand movements (as in, up to eyes to block the bloody chaos onscreen). ... a cut above just about any other modern horror/slasher remake
Matt Kelemen-AspectRatio.us

If Hollywood is having trouble with deciding who its 'war and terror' enemies are, that's nothing compared with its crisis in horror.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

All the requisite blood and gits but not much else to offer by way of entertainment.
Jackie K. Cooper-jackiekcooper.com

The result is something less than the sum of its parts; in other words, the diametric opposite of that beloved original.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

There's more slickness than imagination on display.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Using the very latest Cern-tested atom interferometry, we can reveal that Evil Dead is precisely, exactly - in the coldest atomic terms -the film that you were expecting.
Tara Brady-Irish Times

Remaking an iconic classic is dangerous business, even if the original filmmakers are on board as producers, but at least Uruguayan writer-director Alvarez has a few clever ideas up his sleeve.
Rich Cline-Contactmusic.com

Happy days for those who love this sort of thing. But Raimi's effort, perhaps because we hadn't seen the plot before, was infinitely more scary.
Derek Malcolm-This is London

This could easily have been the best demon possession film released in decades. Instead it is just a very effective, still-terrifying, evil retread.
Matt Looker-TheShiznit.co.uk

There's no suspense, and it isn't scary.
Christopher Tookey-Daily Mail [UK]

The characters are forgettable but the horror they suffer lingers in the memory, for good or ill.
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express

A decent, gory horror treat for those who've never watched an Evil Dead movie - while at the same time exhibiting discreet respect for the 1980s incarnations, with plenty of low-key nods to the original for fans.
Catherine Bray-Film4

A full-bloodedly grisly and macabre film that zaps over a few scares.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

Anonymous, forgettable and doesn't hold a candle to the brilliant original.
David Jenkins-Little White Lies

I was left clamping my hand to my open jaw, not so much in terror, more in shocked hilarity at how grand the guignol was willing to go.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

Well made and delivers buckets of the red stuff, but it's hampered by poorly developed characters, a lack of humour and a tendency to substitute gore for actual scares.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon

Sam Raimi's horror classic gets a terrifying and intense rebirth for the 21st century.
Lewis Bazley-Sky Movies

An undemandingly fun and instantly forgettable update that provides the required amounts of blood, gore and demonic possession, although no real scares or re-invention.
Virginie Sélavy-Electric Sheep

Will not inspire endless repeat viewings like the original, mostly because there's no Bruce Campbell.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

Watch Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience Movie Online No Survey

Watch Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience Movie Online No Survey

Steven Spielberg's phenomenally successful sci-fi adventure thriller is graced by state-of-the-art special effects from the team of Stan Winston, Phil Tippett and Michael Lantieri from George Lucas's Industrial Light & Magic. The film follows two dinosaur experts -- Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and Dr. Ellie Sattler Laura Dern) -- as they are invited by eccentric millionaire John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) to preview his new amusement park on an island off Costa Rica. By cloning DNA harvested from pre-historic insects, Hammond has been able to create living dinosaurs for his new Jurassic Park, an immense animal preserve housing real brachiosaurs, dilophosaurs, triceratops, velociraptors, and a Tyrannosaur Rex. Accompanied by cynical scientist Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum), who is obsessed with chaos theory, and Hammond's two grandchildren (Ariana Richards and Joseph Mazzello), they are sent on a tour through Hammond's new resort in computer controlled touring cars. But as a tropical storm hits the island, knocking out the power supply, and an unscrupulous employee (Wayne Knight) sabotages the system so that he can smuggle dinosaur embryos out of the park, the dinosaurs start to rage out of control. Grant then has to bring Hammond's grandchildren back to safety as the group is pursued by the gigantic man-eating beasts. ~ Paul Brenner, Rovi
Release Date Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience Apr 5, 2013 Wide

Actors For Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience

Sam Neill,Laura Dern,Jeff Goldblum,Richard Attenborough,Bob Peck,Martin Ferrero,Joseph Mazzello,Ariana Richards,Samuel L. Jackson,Wayne Knight,Richard Kiley,Greg Burson,Christopher John Fields,Whitby Hertford,Jerry Molen,Miguel Sandoval,Cameron Thor,B.D. Wong,Jophery C. Brown,Dean Cundey

Genres Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience : Action & Adventure,Mystery & Suspense,Science Fiction & Fantasy

User Ranting Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience : 3.6
User Percentage For Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience : 83 %
User Count Like for Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience : 1,029,357
All Critics Ranting For Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience : 8.2
All Critics Count For Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience : 96
All Critics Percentage For Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience : 92 %

Review For Jurassic Park: An IMAX 3D Experience

The enthralling man-vs.-nature parable based on the late Michael Crichton's best-selling novel hasn't aged one bit.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

The 3-D process adds not just dimension but depth - a technological extension of cinematographer Gregg Toland's deep-focus innovations in The Grapes of Wrath and Citizen Kane. The change in perspective creates greater intensity.
Richard Corliss-TIME Magazine

I'm a fan of this movie. It is thrilling, and the 3-D treatment is a nice enhancement.
Tom Russo-Boston Globe

This movie doesn't just stand the test of time, it transcends it.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

"Jurassic Park" remains an absolute thrill from a Spielberg in top form: Funny, scary, fast-moving and full of just-right details.
Rafer Guzman-Newsday

"Jurassic Park" was impressive in 1993. Twenty years later, it's flawless.
Sean O'Connell-Washington Post

A classic gets even better.
Bruce Bennett-Spectrum (St. George, Utah)

Steven Spielbeg's 1993 tale of an island plagued dinosaurs running amok holds up surprisingly well in the special effects category.
Phil Villarreal-COEDMagazine.com

The film is a classic and the chance to see it on the big screen again (or for the first time) should not be missed
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes

Sentiment is explained by science as the family impulse that motivates so many Steven Spielberg stories is revealed to be an evolutionary imperative in this near-perfect action-adventure.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

[Looks] better not only than effects-driven movies of the same period, but better, frankly, than half of what gets released nowadays.
Tim Brayton-Antagony & Ecstasy

Kids who love dinosaurs will love it. And who doesn't?
Cynthia Fuchs-Time to Play Magazine

confirms both Spielberg's mastery of cinematic thrills and the comparatively empty bombast of today's summer tentpole movies, even the better ones.
James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk

Jurassic Park shows us a director in transition, and the film captures his transformation in its own kind of cinematic amber.
Bilge Ebiri-Vulture

[The] 3D [conversion] provides the definitive version of this classic film. Jurassic Park has been transformed with with artistry, nuance and sophistication, and it's an absolute must-see during this brief run.
Jason Gorber-Twitch

The 3D effects had me nearly jumping out of my seat. Some say Hollywood is converting too many old films to 3D. But, "Jurassic Park" was the perfect choice. There's nothing more fun than sharing a seat with a snapping dinosaur.
Paul Chambers-Movie Chambers

Spielberg treats us as he does his characters, leading us into a strange land and expecting us to make it out with all our faculties intact; it's a tall order, given the heart-stopping, bloodcurdling, limbs-numbing excitement packed into the second hour.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

It is as if time has passed the movie by. "Jurassic Park" remains solid entertainment, but the awe and wonder have faded.
Bob Bloom-Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)

The thrill of seeing live dinosaurs on screen is not as acute today as it was 20 years ago admittedly, but there is still some 3D awe left in the creations that roared 65 billion years ago...
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

The 3D isn't pushed on the audience, but it does reveal the amount of depth that Spielberg actually put into the film 20 years ago.
Kevin Carr-7M Pictures

While it's not the most profound of Spielberg's works or the most entertaining from a popcorn perspective, it's one of the most technically flawless movies he's ever produced.
Rob Vaux-Mania.com

Jurassic Park 3D is like being reunited with an old friend; an old friend that wants to eat you and maul you to death, but still. A classic is reborn in glorious IMAX with a vibrantly stunning use of 3D.
Chris Sawin-Examiner.com

If releasing the film in 3-D is the only way to get it back in theaters, then the gimmick is an acceptable addition. The 3-D is good. But when a movie is this near flawless, nothing is needed to make it better.
Rick Bentley-Fresno Bee

The 3D conversion ruins everything, like the comet that killed the dinosaurs, making Jurassic Park the rare amusement I'd prefer to revisit at home.
Radheyan Simonpillai-NOW Toronto

A beast of a movie is gifted a superfluous-but-superb rouging of the cheeks, offering fanatics something new to study while newcomers will be ruined for any future television airings.
Brian Orndorf-Blu-ray.com

Watch Tattoo Nation Movie Online No Survey

Watch Tattoo Nation Movie Online No Survey

For years people saw tattoos as a sign of rebellion. A middle finger salute to the rest of the world. Outlaw bikers got tattoos. Sailors on leave in Singapore got tattoos. Lifers in the joint got tattoos. But now in the United States one out of every three adults under forty has a tattoo! So what happened? How did tattoo go from something that was put on you to an expression that comes from within you? Tattoo Nation tells the story of a few people who helped transform the world of tattoo, and the way we think about tattoos, forever. This is the true story of the ink revolution.
Release Date Tattoo Nation Apr 4, 2013 Limited

Actors For Tattoo Nation

Danny Trejo,Don Ed Hardy,Freddy Negrete,Corey Miller,Mister Cartoon

Genres Tattoo Nation : Documentary

User Ranting Tattoo Nation :
User Percentage For Tattoo Nation : %
User Count Like for Tattoo Nation :
All Critics Ranting For Tattoo Nation :
All Critics Count For Tattoo Nation : 2
All Critics Percentage For Tattoo Nation : 2 %

Review For Tattoo Nation

A vivid portrait that should satisfy aficionados and intrigue the curious. Ink-averse viewers, however, may remain unsold.
Gary Goldstein-Los Angeles Times

The images of the style as it evolves, and especially those that fill the last 15 minutes of Tattoo, are so beautiful and often majestic that they overshadow the film's small shortcomings.
Ernest Hardy-Village Voice

Watch André Gregory: Before and After Dinner Movie Online No Survey

Watch André Gregory: Before and After Dinner Movie Online No Survey

ANDRE GREGORY: BEFORE AND AFTER DINNER is a wonderful exploration of the life and work of groundbreaking director, actor and artist Andre Gregory. A witty and often hilariously funny raconteur, Gregory looks back on a career that spanned decades, shattered boundaries and established him as a cultural icon. He recalls the making of MY DINNER WITH ANDRE, the Louis Malle-directed classic in which he starred and co-wrote, reflects on his pivotal role in American theatre, dishes on his brief sojourn in Hollywood, and talks about the discovery that led him to question his own identity and life's work. Bringing us back and forth in time, Gregory looks not only at his life, but at the nature of art, love and the creative process. Directed by award-winning filmmaker Cindy Kleine (who is also his wife), ANDRE GREGORY: BEFORE AND AFTER DINNER is a brilliant portrait of a modern renaissance man. (c) Cinema Guild
Release Date André Gregory: Before and After Dinner Apr 3, 2013 Limited

Actors For André Gregory: Before and After Dinner

Andre Gregory,Cindy Kleine,Wallace Shawn,Lisa Joyce,George Gaynes,Allyn Ann McLerie,Larry Pine,Julie Hagerty

Genres André Gregory: Before and After Dinner : Documentary,Special Interest

User Ranting André Gregory: Before and After Dinner :
User Percentage For André Gregory: Before and After Dinner : %
User Count Like for André Gregory: Before and After Dinner :
All Critics Ranting For André Gregory: Before and After Dinner : 6.4
All Critics Count For André Gregory: Before and After Dinner : 12
All Critics Percentage For André Gregory: Before and After Dinner : 75 %

Review For André Gregory: Before and After Dinner

Gregory is a great theater director and raconteur, but both talents are ill-served here.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post

For all its suggestive title, Andre Gregory: Before and After Dinner is less a sequel to My Dinner with Andre than an update from the orchestra seats.
Ella Taylor-NPR

Viewers may find the narrative aimlessness here frustrating. Perhaps a narrower scope-like one dinner?-could have proven more manageable.
Zachary Wigon-Village Voice

To some, André Gregory: Before and After Dinner will feel like a bagel-and-schmear cliché of self-involved urbanity. Still, its subject is too richly philosophical for the movie to ever be boring ...
Joshua Rothkopf-Time Out New York

As Mr. Gregory demonstrated in "My Dinner With André," he is a spellbinding raconteur who exudes the same sorcererlike aura that he emanates while directing Ibsen.
Stephen Holden-New York Times

Cindy Kleine pays tribute to her famed theater-director hubby in Andre Gregory: Before and After Dinner, with thoroughly delightful results.
Ronnie Scheib-Variety

As in My Dinner with Andre, Gregory comes across as a man who may not have all the answers, but never stops asking the right questions.
Curt Holman-Paste Magazine

Perhaps the most valuable insight that the film provides about its subject is that he acts even as he directs.
Joseph Jon Lanthier-Slant Magazine

The rich life and world of a true theatre artist, seen through the eyes of an adoring wife.
David Noh-Film Journal International

Before And After Dinner ... has a lot of value, because Gregory is such a remarkable individual whose career has gone under-recorded on film and video.
Noel Murray-AV Club

Watch Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams Movie Online No Survey

Watch Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams Movie Online No Survey

Decadent rock star, '70s survivor, gypsy songbird, white-winged dove-the inimitable Stevie Nicks has entranced millions of fans worldwide with her poetic lyrics, sultry singing and featherand-lace style. In 2010 Nicks embarked on the recording of a new solo album, In Your Dreams, produced by former Eurythmics mastermind Dave Stewart. With cameras in tow, documentarian Stewart and diva Nicks set up shop in her home studio and reveal their collaborative creative process. Shifting dynamically among video formats, painstaking recording sessions and revealing interviews, this magic-tinged musical journey is a loving and tuneful portrait of the eternally bewitching Gold Dust Woman.
Release Date Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams Apr 2, 2013 Limited

Actors For Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams

Stevie Nicks,Dave Stewart,Lori Nicks,Glen Ballard,Lindsey Buckingham,Ann Marie Calhoun,Mike Campbell,Scott Campbell,Sharon Celani,Waddy Wachtel

Genres Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams : Musical & Performing Arts,Documentary

User Ranting Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams :
User Percentage For Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams : %
User Count Like for Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams :
All Critics Ranting For Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams :
All Critics Count For Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams : 4
All Critics Percentage For Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams : 4 %

Review For Stevie Nicks: In Your Dreams

True fans will find their gold dust woman as the doc unspools, witnessing the creative machinery behind her songwriting process, as Nicks makes the 2011 album of the same name in her California home studio.
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star

[A] vanity project.
Jay Stone-Canada.com

For all the generic filmmaking device, In Your Dreams is not a generic experience because Stevie Nicks is not your average pop star.
Katherine Monk-Canada.com

While watching people write is rarely effective cinema, the only thing less gripping is watching people track boring albums, which Nicks and her band do throughout In Your Dreams.
Dave Bidini-National Post

Watch Code Of The West Movie Online No Survey

Watch Code Of The West Movie Online No Survey

At a time when the world is rethinking its drug policies large and small, one state rises to the forefront. Once a pioneer in legalizing medical marijuana, the state of Montana may now become the first to repeal its medical marijuana law. Set against the sweeping vistas of the Rockies, the steamy lamplight of marijuana grow houses, and the bustling halls of the State Capitol, CODE OF THE WEST follows the political process of marijuana policy reform - and the recent federal crackdown on medical marijuana growers across the country. This is the story of what happens when politics fail, emotions run high and communities pay the price.(c) Official Site
Release Date Code Of The West Mar 29, 2013 Limited

Actors For Code Of The West

Genres Code Of The West : Documentary,Special Interest

User Ranting Code Of The West :
User Percentage For Code Of The West : %
User Count Like for Code Of The West :
All Critics Ranting For Code Of The West :
All Critics Count For Code Of The West : 3
All Critics Percentage For Code Of The West : 3 %

Review For Code Of The West

A mostly dutiful documentary that drifts dangerously close to earnestness.
Anita Gates-New York Times

Engrossing, compassionate documentary about the fight over medical marijuana in Montana.
David Noh-Film Journal International

The filmmaker's failure of empathy for those who strive to outlaw medicinal marijuana turns the protestors into hissable puritanical bad guys.
Chuck Bowen-Slant Magazine

Monday, April 29, 2013

Watch Triumph Of The Wall Movie Online No Survey

Watch Triumph Of The Wall Movie Online No Survey

As fascinating as it is meditative as it is hilarious, Triumph of the Wall begins as a filmed chronicle about the construction of a 1000-foot dry-stone wall by a novice stonemason in rural Quebec. The stonemason, Chris Overing, is to complete the stone structure within eight weeks; the filmmaker, Bill Stone plans the film as a straightforward telling of this laborious yet creative task. But after Overing realizes he has woefully underestimated the time and energy required to construct the wall, both projects evolve into something altogether different. Triumph of the Wall is a film about expectations, about two guys who embark on an eight-week journey and spend the next eight years trying to figure out how to finish what they started...a reminder that sometimes art (and life) is as much about the process of creation as it is about the finished product. (c) First Run Features
Release Date Triumph Of The Wall Mar 29, 2013 Limited

Actors For Triumph Of The Wall

Bill Stone

Genres Triumph Of The Wall : Documentary,Art House & International,Comedy

User Ranting Triumph Of The Wall :
User Percentage For Triumph Of The Wall : %
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All Critics Count For Triumph Of The Wall :
All Critics Percentage For Triumph Of The Wall : %

Review For Triumph Of The Wall

Watch Himmatwala Movie Online No Survey

Watch Himmatwala Movie Online No Survey

The biggest remake of the 80s Bollywood cult classic "Himmatwala" is a story of a poor and wronged mothers son who comes to the village to avenge his father. (c) UTV Unrated
Release Date Himmatwala Mar 29, 2013 Limited

Actors For Himmatwala

Ajay Devgn,Tamannah,Mahesh Manjrekar,Paresh Rawal

Genres Himmatwala : Drama,Action & Adventure

User Ranting Himmatwala : 2.1
User Percentage For Himmatwala : %
User Count Like for Himmatwala : 328
All Critics Ranting For Himmatwala :
All Critics Count For Himmatwala : 2
All Critics Percentage For Himmatwala : 2 %

Review For Himmatwala

As grotesque and garish a spectacle as I've seen in quite some time, this Hindi remake of a coarse and unremarkable hit comedy from 1983 is cringe-worthy and puerile.
Simon Foster-sbs.com.au

You have to be a 'himmatwala' to endure this.
Priya Joshi-Digital Spy

Watch Stitches Movie Online No Survey

Watch Stitches Movie Online No Survey

STITCHES, starring funny man ROSS NOBLE, is the black-comedy horror that has become one of the most anticipated films of the season. Directed by CONOR MCHAHON (Dead Meat), the film enjoyed a hugely successful screening at this year's Frightfest and won TOTAL FILM's 'Best Death' Award. Jaded Richard Grindle is the sleaziest clown working the children's party circuit in Ireland. Arriving late to one birthday, his timing is off, the bratty kids a nightmare and a prank goes horribly wrong - he falls on a kitchen knife and goes to that Big Top in the sky. Years later the same nasty kids attend another more grown up bash. Little do they know, thanks to a black magic clown cult, Stitches will be the uninvited guest of honour seeking revenge on those responsible for his untimely death. Laughs and gore combine in this twisted tale which also sees some fantastic performances from its young and upcoming cast that includes; TOMMY KNIGHT (Doctor Who) and GEMMA-LEAH DEVEREUX (The Tudors).(c) Official Site
Release Date Stitches Apr 1, 2013 Limited

Actors For Stitches

Ross Noble,Tommy Knight,Gemma-Leah Devereux,Shane Murray Corcoran,Thommas Kane Byrnes,Eoghan McQuinn,Roisin Barron,Hugh Mulhern,Tom Cullen,Lorna Dempsey,Jemma Curran,Ryan Burke,Valerie Spelman,Kelianne Coughlan,Kevin Smith,Riki Blich,Shira Katzenelenbogen,John McDonnell

Genres Stitches : Drama,Horror,Art House & International

User Ranting Stitches : 3
User Percentage For Stitches : %
User Count Like for Stitches : 708
All Critics Ranting For Stitches : 5.3
All Critics Count For Stitches : 17
All Critics Percentage For Stitches : 47 %

Review For Stitches

It's like a twisted balloon animal filled with blood and guts, waiting to burst.
Nigel Floyd-Time Out

Stitches has all the makings of a perfect cult classic, effortlessly blending comedically dark clown work by Ross Noble with grade "A" horror shenanigans - plus you can't ignore that distinctively schlocky 80s feel.
Matt Donato-We Got This Covered

Neither funny nor scary, just amateurish in a bad student film way.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman

Imitation blood flows like a tsunami and the aim of disgusting the audience while raising a few heartless laughs proves moderately successful.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

A must for those who appreciate imaginative gore-mongering, with scene after scene of brain-scooping, lung-exploding, eye-javelin-ing brilliance.
Natasha Hodgson-SFX Magazine

Stitches is bursting at the seams with good ideas, but director Conor McMahon stumbles when it comes to the execution.
Niki Boyle-The List

This low-budget throwback to Eighties slasher movies is stronger on gory deaths than lethal one-liners but if you have the stomach for it, it's an efficient little shocker.
Allan Hunter-Daily Express

There are moments of inspired black comedy in this Irish slasher spoof, but the movie is undermined by its obviously miniscule budget.
Rich Cline-Contactmusic.com

Anyone with a fear of clowns would suffer an irreversible breakdown if they watched this kids' entertainer as he goes on a murderous spree of vengeance.
Grant Rollings-Sun Online

It somehow wasn't funny or scary enough - though I do have to admit it is always more than revolting enough.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

There's nothing inherently funny or provocative about a bunch of obnoxious kids being relentlessly horrible to a psychologically troubled peer.
Paul Callaghan-Little White Lies

Often playing as bright and colourful as the clown's outfit itself, Stitches is better as an idea than it is in execution.
Graham Young-Birmingham Post

The horror-comedy genre is notoriously hard to pull off, but this Irish effort makes a decent, trashy fist of it.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

Stitches gets the gore-to-laughs ratio exactly right and is often both inventive and side-splittingly funny, but it's also slightly let down by dodgy dialogue, poor performances and lacklustre direction.
Matthew Turner-ViewLondon

Deeply icky on many different levels, with Ross Noble's feature debut illuminated by stomach-churning effects.
Kim Newman-Empire Magazine

A Halloween crowd-pleaser that's missing a few tricks and treats.
Rosie Fletcher-Total Film

it is for the over-the-top inventiveness of its latex gore effects that Stitches is most memorable. Unfortunately, though, despite the best efforts of its young cast, the film is more crude and mean-spirited than ever actually scary or funny.
Anton Bitel-Little White Lies

Watch Temptation Movie Online No Survey

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Watch The Place Beyond The Pines Movie Online No Survey

Watch The Place Beyond The Pines Movie Online No Survey

The highly anticipated new drama from director Derek Cianfrance ("Blue Valentine") powerfully explores the consequences of motorcycle rider Luke's (Academy Award nominee Ryan Gosling) fateful decision to commit a crime to support his child. The incident renders him targeted by policeman Avery (Golden Globe Award nominee Bradley Cooper), and the two men become locked on a tense collision course which will have a devastating impact on both of their families in the years following. (c) Focus R
Release Date The Place Beyond The Pines Mar 29, 2013 Limited

Actors For The Place Beyond The Pines

Genres The Place Beyond The Pines : Drama

User Ranting The Place Beyond The Pines : 3.9
User Percentage For The Place Beyond The Pines : 81 %
User Count Like for The Place Beyond The Pines : 27,863
All Critics Ranting For The Place Beyond The Pines : 7.2
All Critics Count For The Place Beyond The Pines : 157
All Critics Percentage For The Place Beyond The Pines : 80 %

Review For The Place Beyond The Pines

This naturalistic drama is ambitious to the point of being unwieldy... But once the story has advanced from one generation to the next and its thematic sweep has become apparent, these flaws seem much more tolerable.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader

"Pines" is hardy stuff, but it's at its toughest when Gosling's on screen.
Tom Long-Detroit News

The Place Beyond the Pines is hackneyed and dull: Not a single moment rings true.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

This is a story about legacy, the sins of the father, the restlessness in our souls. It's powerful, it's bold, it hits you hard.
Steven Rea-Philadelphia Inquirer

Cianfrance and his sterling cast keep it all together, vanquishing doubt and soap suds. There's a palpable sense of teamwork that brings out the best in all of these players.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

Its three stories are so loosely connected, its themes so scattered -- morality, justice, fate, fatherhood -- that it never manages to make a point.
Rafer Guzman-Newsday

A film of two distinct halves and it works to provide a dual character study of paternity and legacy
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie

The most satisfying cinematic experience we've had at the multiplex thus far this year, and largely through its disinterest in playing along with movie trends.
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews

Not since Steve McQueen has any man looked cooler on a motorbike. Men admire him, women adore him, Ryan Gosling proves again, he is the most dynamic film star working in cinema today.
Brian Henry Martin-UTV

Great cast but the script meanders and ends up nowhere.
Jackie K. Cooper-jackiekcooper.com

It allows you to really observe its characters and to ponder the themes that fuel the plot. For that reason, it is a film that makes a deeply emotional impact.
Mike McGranaghan-Aisle Seat

The mythically tinged final scene brings events full circle in a way that is superficially satisfying while also conceding that the movie's chief concern is men and the art of motorcycle maintenance.
Ryan Gilbey-New Statesman

"It's up to the actors to figure this out, and they try...but The Place Beyond the Pines displays a strange paternalistic streak."
Richard von Busack-MetroActive

Dove into deep psychological turf but without coming up with significant insights.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

By the time director and co-writer Derek Cianfrance gets to the third act, it's a soap opera and not a very good one.
Gary Wolcott-Tri-City Herald

Gosling and Cooper in a movie? Yeah, you should go.
Bob Grimm-Tucson Weekly

Pines Intrigues then Pulls its Punches
Charles Koplinski-Illinois Times

Basically a two act play, "The Place Beyond the Pines" attempts to be a clever puzzle but by the time the pieces are put into place you just want to sweep the whole thing off the table
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes

Somehow, perhaps to the credit of the disarming Gosling and even Cooper, who perfectly delivers the hero-cop-turned-pariah, Cianfrance keeps us absorbed through three very intimate and heart-rending character studies.
Manori Ravindran-National Post

The actors lift the story above and beyond.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

Like Cianfrance's Blue Valentine, which also starred Gosling, this film deepens with a second viewing, the repeats, coincidences and echoes in scenes creating almost a genetic memory of a previous life.
Kate Muir-Times [UK]

Duck out at the 110 minute mark and don't look back.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

Roger Ebert once said, 'It's not what a movie is about, it's how it is about it,' and that applies 100 percent to this movie, a haunting film that makes something new out of the tradition of sprawling epic tragedies told in linear fashion.
Eric Melin-Scene-Stealers.com

A great film that captures how every decision you make has its repercussions.
Jolene Mendez-Entertainment Spectrum

a film for sinners that can't even bother to see the fun and comfort in sinning.
Chris Cabin-Film Racket

The Place Beyond the Pines is an engrossing, extremely well designed and acted film.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Watch Room 237 Movie Online No Survey

Watch Room 237 Movie Online No Survey

Many movies lend themselves to dramatic interpretations, but none as rich and far ranging as Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. In LA filmmaker Rodney Ascher's ROOM 237, we hear from people who have developed far-reaching theories and believe they have decoded the hidden symbols and messages buried in the late director's film. Carefully examining The Shining inside out, and forwards and backwards, ROOM 237 is equal parts captivating, provocative and pure pleasure. It gives voice to the fans and scholars who espouse these theories, reworking the film to match their ideas and intercutting it with layers of dreamlike imagery to illustrate their streams of consciousness. Sometimes outrageous, always engaging, the words of the interviewees are given full force by Ascher's compelling vision. Also featured at the 2012 Sundance, Cannes and Toronto film festivals. Opens in March 2013 through IFC Midnight. (104 min.)
Release Date Room 237 Mar 29, 2013 Limited

Actors For Room 237

Bill Blakemore,Geoffrey Cocks,Juli Kearns,John Fell Ryan,Jay Weldner,Buffy Visick

Genres Room 237 : Documentary,Television,Horror

User Ranting Room 237 : 3.4
User Percentage For Room 237 : 64 %
User Count Like for Room 237 : 6,033
All Critics Ranting For Room 237 : 7.6
All Critics Count For Room 237 : 108
All Critics Percentage For Room 237 : 94 %

Review For Room 237

There's enough real evidence supporting the theory that Kubrick was a genius, and that's pretty entertaining all by itself.
John Anderson-Newsday

It's about the human need for stuff to make sense - especially overpowering emotional experiences - and the tendency for some people to take that sense-making to extremes.
Ty Burr-Boston Globe

The results can range from enlightening - Kubrick did like to mess with things - to embarrassing. But it's never dull. "Room 237" shines.
Tom Long-Detroit News

You don't have to buy any of the nutty theories in Room 237 to appreciate what director Rodney Ascher has accomplished.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

It's nuts, in the best possible way.
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

Their imaginings are not far removed from the deconstuctionist gobbledygook that has hammerlocked academic film and literary scholarship. But here at least the gobbledygook is entertaining.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Termitic film nerds could chow down for years on the wood chips.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

You know when "Room 237″ starts getting really scary? When the people in the film start making sense.
Rob Thomas-Capital Times (Madison, WI)

Kubrick fans and movie geeks will want to check this film out as soon as possible
John A. Nesbit-Old School Reviews

Kubrick fans will take 'Shining' to 'Room 237.'
James Verniere-Boston Herald

The credibility of these theories ranges from faintly plausible to frankly ridiculous, but Ascher isn't interested in judging them; his movie is more about the joys of deconstruction and the special kind of obsession that movies can inspire.
Marc Mohan-Oregonian

Some of the interpretations seem more of a stretch than others but all are entertainingly presented by director Rodney Ascher. (The movie) serves as a testament to Stanley Kubrick's cinematic mastery.
Fr. Chris Carpenter-Movie Dearest

As fascinating as it is frustrating
Bill Gibron-Film Racket

It is nice to see a doc that makes you smile instead of making you angry. Anyone who is a fan of Stanley Kubrick will eat this up.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews

Powered by a deep and abiding affection for both The Shining and Kubrick in general, Room 237 is an amuse-bouche of remix culture.
Brent Simon-Shared Darkness

Room 237 is an extended riff of the "Paul is dead" variety. But, you know what? Sometimes a guy moving a table in the background is just a guy moving a table in the background.
Jeff Meyers-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

A diverting excursion for lovers of Kubrick's films...even if, at over a hundred minutes, it does go on a bit long.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion

A fascinating doc that will get both film geeks and conspiracy theorists alike drooling, it all but guarantees you'll never watch The Shining quite the same way again.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

Confounding, eye-opening, and often hilarious.
Norm Schrager-Paste Magazine

I suspect that Ascher's intention was to dynamize an academic exercise, but these constant, sundry inserts render the tone as corny and glib as a VH1 special.
Kimberley Jones-Austin Chronicle

Watch Wrong Movie Online No Survey

Watch Wrong Movie Online No Survey

Dolph Springer (Reno 911's Jack Plotnick) awakens one morning to find he has lost the sole love of his life - his dog, Paul. Desperate to reunite with his best friend and to set things right, Dolph embarks on a journey which spirals into the realm of the absurd. On his quest, he drastically alters the lives of several severely bizarro characters, including a promiscuous pizza delivery girl (Entourage's Alexis Dziena), a mentally unstable, jogging-addicted neighbor, an opportunistic French-Mexican gardener, an eccentric pet detective (Steve Little of HBO's Eastbound And Down) and most mysterious of all, an enigmatic pony-tailed guru, Master Chang (William Fichtner) who imparts his teachings to Dolph on how to metaphysically reconnect with his pet. From fearless cinematic surrealist Quentin Dupieux, the director behind the head-exploding Rubber, Wrong is a wholly original and hilariously hallucinatory universe all its own. (c) Drafthouse
Release Date Wrong Mar 29, 2013 Limited

Actors For Wrong

Jack Plotnick,Eric Judor,Alexis Dziena,Steven E. Little,Mark Burnham,William Fichtner,Regan Burns,Arden Myrin,Maile Flanagan,Todd Giebenhain,Barry Alan Levine,Zia Harris,LeShay Tomlinson,Guy Valentine,Max Nicolas,Tony Ruiz,Ian J. Putnam,Bob Jennings,Willy Cole Jenson,Josef Lieck

Genres Wrong : Drama,Comedy

User Ranting Wrong : 3.3
User Percentage For Wrong : %
User Count Like for Wrong : 1,538
All Critics Ranting For Wrong : 6
All Critics Count For Wrong : 37
All Critics Percentage For Wrong : 70 %

Review For Wrong

There's a winning confidence to the filmmaking, which is deceptively stylish - Dupieux favours nervy close-ups and blurred foregrounds - and some real soul in Plotnick's performance.
Adam Nayman-Globe and Mail

Dupieux makes the viewer work for it with Wrong. And it's not always worth the effort ...
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star

Dupieux has to be applauded for creating a unique universe, but sometimes he seems stuck in it - to the point where we feel we're not always in on the joke.
David Lewis-San Francisco Chronicle

In Wrong, reality and the world of the film will regularly upend themselves; it's never quite reliably clear, though, that these inexplicable events are happening for a purpose.
Joel Arnold-NPR

Dupieux doesn't make films for everyone, but he does craft creative and abstract trips that are more than worth going on, even if they're fantastically difficult to explain to anyone who has yet to join the club.
Kate Erbland-MSN Movies

Dupieux's absurdism is simply muddled, masking the fact he doesn't really have much to say.
Mark Olsen-Los Angeles Times

A work of much playfulness and imagination, Wrong hints at a broader promise of budding, starburst auteurism upon which the film as a whole -- a nice, silly riff that could work better in truncated form -- doesn't fully deliver.
Brent Simon-Shockya.com

Quentin Dupieux's brand of absurdism lands somewhere between the plays of Eugène Ionesco, the looniest sketches of Monty Python, and the most adventurous efforts of the Adult Swim brigade.
Jason Anderson-The Grid

This isn't a long film, but it lacks propulsion at times. Luckily, it maintains its wry outlook and never quite erases the good will that its best moments inspire.
Jeremy Mathews-Paste Magazine

For all its dominant paradigm subverting, "Wrong" never feels dangerous or truly challenging, content generally to amuse rather than amaze.
Marc Mohan-Oregonian

I'll happily jump aboard the "Why Not" train that Quentin Dupieux so emphatically conducts yet again for Wrong, another delightfully absurd film that so many viewers will wrongfully, but understandably, hate.
Matt Donato-We Got This Covered

... crafts some amusing exchanges and trippy images even if the whole thing never adds up to much in the end.
Todd Jorgenson-Cinemalogue.com

With all of its robe mocking, its pet kidnapping service, its squeaky turkey dog toys, and most of all its turd memories, Wrong is one of the most unique films you'll ever sit through.
Chris Sawin-Examiner.com

Have you ever been stuck at a party talking to a guy who thinks he's a comic genius?
Leah Churner-Austin Chronicle

There's off-kilter style to spare: empty frames, heightened sterile imagery and mannered performances. But there's nothing below the surface that we haven't seen before.
Robert Levin-amNewYork

Wrong, despite its off-putting opening scene, carries itself in a bright, curious manner that encourages deeper investigation into Dolph's seriously messed-up week of misfortune.
Brian Orndorf-Blu-ray.com

The story wanders at times and includes interludes that feel like non sequiturs even for a movie hinged on such absurdities, but Dupieux, with the help of Plotnick, has created a unique world of soft chaos and goofy humor.
Matthew Odam-Austin American-Statesman

There's a sly brilliance to the way Dupieux responds to audience expectation by repeatedly, pointedly violating Chekhov's Law.
Tasha Robinson-AV Club

Watch Mental Movie Online No Survey

Watch Mental Movie Online No Survey

Set in the fictional town of Dolphin Heads, MENTAL is written and directed by PJ Hogan and produced by Jerry Zucker, Janet Zucker, Todd Fellman and Jocelyn Moorhouse. The comedy stars Toni Collette (United States of Tara, Little Miss Sunshine, About A Boy, The Sixth Sense), Liev Schreiber (Salt, X-Men Origins: Wolverine), Anthony LaPaglia (Without A Trace, Balibo), Rebecca Gibney (Packed to the Rafters), Kerry Fox (Cloudstreet, Bright Star), Caroline Goodall (Dorian Gray) Deborah Mailman (Offspring, Bran Nue Dae), and Sam Clark (Neighbours). (c) Dada Films
Release Date Mental Mar 29, 2013 Limited

Actors For Mental

Toni Collette,Liev Schreiber,Anthony LaPaglia,Rebecca Gibney,Kerry Fox,Caroline Goodall,Deborah Mailman,Lily Sullivan,Sam Clark,Hayley Magnus,Malorie O'Neill,Nicole Freeman,Chelsea Bennett,Bethany Whitmore

Genres Mental : Horror,Art House & International,Comedy

User Ranting Mental : 3.4
User Percentage For Mental : 62 %
User Count Like for Mental : 1,134
All Critics Ranting For Mental : 5.5
All Critics Count For Mental : 50
All Critics Percentage For Mental : 40 %

Review For Mental

The heart of Hogan's film is in the right place, and Collette is masterful as an agent of anarchy.
Tom Keogh-Seattle Times

The scenery Down Under looks great and you certainly can't write off a film where Liev Schreiber plays a shark hunter.
Lou Lumenick-New York Post

Writer-director P.J. Hogan may have based "Mental" on an actual incident from his childhood, but the crazy quilt of a movie that resulted feels anything but real.
Gary Goldstein-Los Angeles Times

"Mental" wildly overplays the kookiness and quirk.
Stephen Holden-New York Times

A lot of times, you simply want the jabbering characters to shut up.
Randy Cordova-Arizona Republic

Mental skewers the easy-on and -off labels of psychiatry, but some sequences, particularly one of "bad dreams," are sophomoric.
Marsha McCreadie-Village Voice

The humour is every bit as rude and raucous as before, but Hogan's touch here seems heavy handed and the use of songs from The Sound of Music doesn't work nearly so well as the joyous Abba tunes that drove Muriel's Wedding.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

There are some big laughs and fine performances, yet not enough realistic grounding in the characters or story to sustain its dramatic transition in the second half.
Todd Jorgenson-Cinemalogue.com

Given the film's garrulous multitude of characters, one wishes they would all just shut up and sing.
Tina Hassannia-Slant Magazine

Enjoyable performances can't compensate for the film's lack of control: in Hogan's hands the broad humor sells out the sincerity, and when that mark is missed, we end up at twee.
Jessica Kiang-The Playlist

Not content to make his point through sharp-tongued comedy, Hogan ends up beating a dead horse -- or shark, as the case may be.
Marc Mohan-Oregonian

Hilarious but a tonal bucking bronco, the effort is perhaps best reserved for viewers in the mood for a runaway mine cart viewing experience, willing to absorb all the chaos Hogan happily provides.
Brian Orndorf-Blu-ray.com

A kooky comedy in which a spirited cast is almost suffocated by too-aggressive direction.
Ethan Alter-Film Journal International

If one wants to see Toni Collette light a fart on fire, well, this misguided reunion with her Muriel's Wedding director may be the only chance they get.
Brent Simon-Shared Darkness

It's a bewilderingly strange movie, the kind of thing that one might write off as being lost in translation from its Australian origin before realizing it wasn't that funny there either.
Brian Tallerico-HollywoodChicago.com

Not every cute movie about the mentally ill is Oscar worthy, but this touching and riotous one from Down Under works well enough.
Roger Moore-Movie Nation

Collette anchors the film with a selfless, let-it-all-hang-out performance that sets an agreeably anarchic tone.
Eddie Harrison-The List

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Watch Family Weekend Movie Online No Survey

Watch Family Weekend Movie Online No Survey

When a 16-year-old girl becomes fed-up with her self-absorbed family's lack of attention and affection - she decides to take matters into her own hands - and take her parents hostage.(c) Official Site R
Release Date Family Weekend Mar 29, 2013 Limited

Actors For Family Weekend

Olesya Rulin,Kristin Chenoweth,Matthew Modine,Joey King,Eddie Hassell,Shirley Jones,Robbie Tucker,Chloe Bridges,Adam Saunders,Chase Maser,Lisa Lauren Smith,Peter Gail,Cindy Chang,Jordan Mahome,Arthur Cartwright,Thomas Hoffman

Genres Family Weekend : Drama,Kids & Family,Comedy

User Ranting Family Weekend : 4
User Percentage For Family Weekend : 77 %
User Count Like for Family Weekend : 506
All Critics Ranting For Family Weekend : 5.6
All Critics Count For Family Weekend : 21
All Critics Percentage For Family Weekend : 38 %

Review For Family Weekend

Don't let the innocuous title fool you. Family Weekend is a subversive little comedy in which a tightly wound misfit of a teenage girl, fed up with watching her family spiral out of control, subjects her parents to an extreme intervention.
David Martindale-Dallas Morning News

The unconventional dysfunctional family has now become a Hollywood convention. It is familiar to a fault.
Tom Long-Detroit News

For a long while, director Benjamin Epps goes for breakneck farce; at its best, this is a batty mixture of family-values editorial and teen spoof.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post

We're sitting there, trapped. An angry little teenager's yelling at us. And we're not having any fun at all.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

The script, by Matt K. Turner, is loaded with contradictions, its hollow flirtation with subversion amount to airplane pablum.
Andy Webster-New York Times

What keeps the film afloat is the buoyant young cast, with Rulin especially watchable as the tightly wound lead and Joey King as her younger sister, who's an aspiring actress.
Mark Olsen-Los Angeles Times

A couple twists short of a good comedy; this film seems like more of a TV prime time test spin for the cast and crew than a fully developed film.
Ron Wilkinson-Monsters and Critics

Family Weekend is just as simpy as its plot sounds, but under Alabama-born director Epps, making his feature directing debut, this comedy skips along on good intentions with actors who put more into the characters than they deserve.
Dann Gire-Daily Herald (IL)

An enjoyably leftfield oddball comedy.
Mark Adams-Screen International

Anarchic, silly, witless, cartoonish and unsophisticated despite lively performances by the talented Olesya Rulin and Joey King.
Avi Offer-NYC Movie Guru

Teen tries to repair dysfunctional family in so-so comedy.
S. Jhoanna Robledo-Common Sense Media

An appealing film about the rigors of parenting and misperception of what it takes to be a parent.
Wesley Lovell-Cinema Sight

Feels longer than just two days
Robert Denerstein-Movie Habit

In need of a more judicious editor and a game plan to approach the steady erosion of marriage with a profound hit of honesty, not just a sitcom-style presentation of forced therapy.
Brian Orndorf-Blu-ray.com

Who was "Family Weekend" made for? Beats the hell out of me.
Dustin Putman-DustinPutman.com

Despite the occasional descent into clumsy farce, it largely succeeds in creating its own space and providing a pleasingly different teen perspective on life.
Jennie Kermode-Eye for Film

Watch Renoir Movie Online No Survey

Watch Renoir Movie Online No Survey

Set on the French Riviera in the summer of 1915, Gilles Bourdos' lushly atmospheric drama RENOIR tells the story of celebrated Impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir, in declining health at age 74, and his middle son Jean, who returns home to convalesce after being wounded in World War I. The elder Renoir is filled with a new, wholly unexpected energy when a young girl miraculously enters his world. Blazing with life, radiantly beautiful, Andrée will become his last model, and the wellspring of a remarkable rejuvenation. At the same time, Jean also falls under the spell of the free-spirited young Andrée. Their beautiful home and majestic countryside grounds reverberate with familial intrigue, as both Renoirs, père et fils, become smitten with the enchanting and headstrong young muse. (c) Samuel Goldwyn
Release Date Renoir Mar 29, 2013 Limited

Actors For Renoir

Michel Bouquet,Christa Theret,Vincent Rottiers,Thomas Doret,Anne-Lise Heimburger,Sylviane Goudal,Emmanuelle Lepoutre,Solène Rigot,Romane Bohringer,Carlo Brandt,Thierry Hancisse,Laurent Poitrenaux,Michele Gleizer,Helene Babu,Stuart Seide,Paul Spera

Genres Renoir : Art House & International,Drama

User Ranting Renoir : 3.4
User Percentage For Renoir : 65 %
User Count Like for Renoir : 812
All Critics Ranting For Renoir : 6.8
All Critics Count For Renoir : 34
All Critics Percentage For Renoir : 76 %

Review For Renoir

Stately to a fault, the film is not enough drama, too much still life.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

One would expect a film about French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir to look beautiful, to be shot in warm, sumptuous colors. And one would not be disappointed in Gilles Bourdos' "Renoir."
Bill Goodykoontz-Arizona Republic

If you love the paintings of Auguste Renoir or the films of his son Jean, there's a good chance you'll sit through this slow-moving prestige item.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader

Gilles Bourdos's film is more conventional than its mould-breaking subjects deserve.
Adam Nayman-Globe and Mail

As sensually beautiful as the work of its subject matter, French filmmaker Gilles Bourdos's dreamy biography Renoir is more a series of tableaux than a narrative film.
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star

The director Gilles Bourdos's sunshiny Portrait of the Artist as an Old Man.
David Denby-New Yorker

Perhaps it's damning Renoir with faint praise to call it agreeable, but Gilles Bourdos' film...shows an admirable restraint, quiet simplicity, and lush pictorial beauty.
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews

If you are interested in Renoir, you're better off gazing at his beautiful body of work.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

Bourdos hired art forger Guy Ribes to be the 'hands' of the painter, and so "Renoir" is a real look at art being created, showing us how nudes can be conjured out of a few rounded lines, how a stroke of brown paint defines a woman's curves.
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews

Bourdos's film offers an eye-pleasing approximation of the world that inspired Renoir to continue his prodigious output to the very end.
T'Cha Dunlevy-Montreal Gazette

At least the French art house biopic is rich in ambiance.
Nathalie Atkinson-National Post

Accompanying the spirited muse of two Renoirs, a gorgeous immersion into nature, family, love, and art in the Côte d'Azur during the summer of 1915.
Nora Lee Mandel-Film-Forward.com

Lovely, with everybody in the story more interesting than the dull, dedicated craftsman whose name provides the title.
Roger Moore-Movie Nation

A long string of picnics, portrait sessions, elaborate dinners, and countryside rituals, filtered through a svelte aesthetic pleasantness that ultimately corrodes its larger interests.
Steve Macfarlane-Slant Magazine

Implicitly the movie asks: Is beauty truth? Father and son supplied different answers.
Craig Seligman-Bloomberg News

Watch Violeta Went to Heaven Movie Online No Survey

Watch Violeta Went to Heaven Movie Online No Survey

Loosely based on Ángel Parra's memoirs of his mother Violeta Parra, the film offers a multi-faceted and lyrical portrayal of an influential figure in world music and complex cultural icon of Chile's history. Violeta Parra's revival of Chilean traditional music galvanized a socially and politically committed pan-Latin American folk music movement, the "nueva canción," and became a reference for other Latin American artists committed to their national legacies.(c) Kino Lorber Unrated
Release Date Violeta Went to Heaven Mar 29, 2013 Limited

Actors For Violeta Went to Heaven

Francisca Gavilian,Cristián Quevedo,Thomas Durand,Luis Machín,Gabriela Aguilera,Roberto Farias,Patricio Ossa,Stephania Barbagelata,Marcial Tagle,Jorge López,Roxana Naranjo,Francisca Duran,Guiselle Morales,Juan Quezada,Sergio Pina,Sonia Vidal,Ana Fuentes,Pablo Costabal,Juan Alfaro,Pedro Salinas

Genres Violeta Went to Heaven : Art House & International,Drama

User Ranting Violeta Went to Heaven : 4
User Percentage For Violeta Went to Heaven : 80 %
User Count Like for Violeta Went to Heaven : 322
All Critics Ranting For Violeta Went to Heaven : 6.8
All Critics Count For Violeta Went to Heaven : 11
All Critics Percentage For Violeta Went to Heaven : 73 %

Review For Violeta Went to Heaven

The formulaic storytelling has the unfortunate effect of making her extraordinary story feel familiar, though Wood's impressionistic style is a refreshing antidote to the portentousness one comes to expect from movies like this.
Ben Sachs-Chicago Reader

With its clarity and depth, Gavilan's singing is as good as her acting.
Sheri Linden-Los Angeles Times

The biographical bits soon feel like a distraction from the music, performed by Gavilán. It's heard often, but not often enough.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post

poignant portrait of an artist unable to escape the stamp of her class or the burdens of aging.
Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times

Violeta Went to Heaven's creators do a disservice to Chilean singer and multi-hyphenate artist Violeta Parra's legacy by making her suicide the logical climax to her working life.
Simon Abrams-Village Voice

A rare Chilean film that doesn't mention either the Allende or Pinochet regimes, Violeta Went to Heaven is a love letter to a lost 20th-century goddess. It's hard to resist her.
Michael Atkinson-Time Out New York

Suffers from an overtly conventional way of depicting the life events of an anything-but-conventional woman, a lazy flaw further highlighted by its brief moments of visual experimentation.
Diego Costa-Slant Magazine

The great draw here is theater, television and film actress Francisca Gavilán's performance as the conflicted, lonely multi-talent.
Donald J. Levit-ReelTalk Movie Reviews

Unlike most awards-grubbing biopics, this one feels no need to telegraph its own difficulty.
Sam Adams-AV Club

A well-acted and well-directed musical biodrama about the life and career of the Chilean singer and songwriter Viola Parra.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice

More enjoyable as an exploration of Parra's music than her life, and well-performed by lead Francisca Gavilán.
Shaun Munro-What Culture

Watch Gimme The Loot Movie Online No Survey

Watch Gimme The Loot Movie Online No Survey

Malcolm and Sofia, two determined teens from the Bronx, are the ultimate graffiti-writers. When a rival gang buffs their latest masterpiece, they must hatch a plan to get revenge by tagging an iconic NYC landmark, but they need to raise $500 to pull off their spectacular scheme. Over the course of two whirlwind, sun-soaked summer days, Malcolm and Sofia travel on an epic urban adventure involving black market spray cans, illicit bodegas, stolen sneakers, a high wire heist, and a beautiful, rich girl's necklace that is literally their key to becoming the biggest writers in the City. (c) Official Site
Release Date Gimme The Loot Mar 22, 2013 Limited

Actors For Gimme The Loot

Tashiana R. Washington,Ty Hickson,Meeko Gattuso,Zoë Lescaze,Sam Soghor,Adam Metzger,Greyson Cruz,James Harris,Joshua Rivera,Melvin Mogoli,Leah Hennessey,Howard Donowitz,Konstantinos Kliakas,Angelo Rodriguez,Nicole M. Ayala,Stephanie Solis,Jose Rivera,Nicholas Zayas,Hasham Kassim,Chris Bond

Genres Gimme The Loot : Drama

User Ranting Gimme The Loot : 3.7
User Percentage For Gimme The Loot : 72 %
User Count Like for Gimme The Loot : 586
All Critics Ranting For Gimme The Loot : 7.7
All Critics Count For Gimme The Loot : 41
All Critics Percentage For Gimme The Loot : 95 %

Review For Gimme The Loot

A thousand-watt jolt of mischief, a spunky, funky, ebullient indie that packs its 81 minutes with cinematic exhilaration.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

It may be a slight movie, but it has its sunny charms.
John Hartl-Seattle Times

A movie about teenage taggers in the Bronx should be fast and raw, scruffy and loose, and Adam Leon's Gimme the Loot is just that.
Steven Rea-Philadelphia Inquirer

As it lopes along, the movie offers a warm but very sharp portrait of New York's have-nots and their uneasy relationship with the haves.
Ty Burr-Boston Globe

"Gimme the Loot" shouldn't be as appealing and exuberant as it is, it really shouldn't.
Kenneth Turan-Los Angeles Times

Tashiana Washington and Ty Hickson are terrific in the main roles. So is Zoë Lescaze as Ginnie, a spoiled white kid who teaches the taggers a thing or two about drift and being dissolute.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

A slim, low-budget coming-of-age tale whose richness lies entirely in its interstices. A keenly observed work that celebrates the unfettered joys of youth, and rewards by reminding of the power of a simple tale told well.
Brent Simon-Shared Darkness

Simultaneously real and hopeful, "Loot" has almost no plot, but when the setting is so fresh and the characters feel so raw and alive, who needs one?
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

Ghetto laughs with a sophisticated point of view.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

...a magical, summery treat.
Chris Barsanti-PopMatters

Promotes robbery and can't be serious in expecting us to care whether Malcolm and Sofia become more than friends.
Matt Pais-RedEye

The winner of the Indie Spirit 'One to Watch' award could never work again and will always have a memorable New York City film to his credit.
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews

An impressive debut feature, Gimme the Loot is also an unusual take on characters who want to leave their stamp on "the city that never sleeps."
Maria Garcia-Film Journal International

Much more grownup than it looks, Gimme the Loot is that rare teen-centric film whose brisk pace is unburdened by sentimentality.
Monica Castillo-Paste Magazine

Writer-director Adam Leon has crafted a classic New York story, a film imbued with the fast rhythms and muggy sensations of city life during the summer.
Robert Levin-amNewYork

Watch InAPPropriate Comedy Movie Online No Survey

Watch InAPPropriate Comedy Movie Online No Survey

INAPPROPRIATE COMEDY is a no-holds barred sketch movie starring Academy Award-winner Adrien Brody as "Flirty Harry," a tough, no nonsense cop with a soft middle and a flair for fashion; Rob Schneider in a dual role as both a sleazy, horny psychologist and a curmudgeonly porn critic alongside his enthusiastic counterpart Michelle Rodriguez; Lindsay Lohan living out her fantasy of taking an ultimate revenge on the salivating paparazzi who haunt her, and Ari Shaffir as "The Amazing Racist," whose hilariously offensive hidden-camera encounters with members of different ethnic and minority groups push everyone's buttons. (c) Freestyle
Release Date InAPPropriate Comedy Mar 22, 2013 Limited

Actors For InAPPropriate Comedy

Rob Schneider,Adrien Brody,Michelle Rodriguez,Lindsay Lohan,Ari Shaffir,Noelle Kenney,Jonathan Spencer,Rick Chambers,Andrea Lwin,Davone McDonald,Thai Edwards,Chalante Phifer,Ashton Jordaan Ruiz,Jessie Usher,Caroline Rich,Issac Cheung,Jia Perlich,Christopher Kosek,Kiersten Hall,Anthony Russell

Genres InAPPropriate Comedy : Comedy

User Ranting InAPPropriate Comedy : 2.8
User Percentage For InAPPropriate Comedy : %
User Count Like for InAPPropriate Comedy : 2,129
All Critics Ranting For InAPPropriate Comedy : 1.1
All Critics Count For InAPPropriate Comedy : 5
All Critics Percentage For InAPPropriate Comedy : 0 %

Review For InAPPropriate Comedy

An inept, brutally unfunny collection of sketches ...
Lou Lumenick-New York Post

This painfully unfunny assemblage of would-be comedy sketches manages to make Movie 43 look good in retrospect.
Frank Scheck-Hollywood Reporter

There's no way anyone could have guessed just how offensive, brutally awful, grossly unfunny, and absolutely poisonous this garbage could have turned out to be.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Common Sense Media

In the right hands and with a sharpness of wit, there's comedy gold in taboo-smashing material. InAPPropriate Comedy is overseen by the ShamWow Guy. You've been warned.
Brian Orndorf-Blu-ray.com

Surely there are phone apps that could write a funnier film than this.
Roger Moore-Movie Nation

Watch Hunky Dory Movie Online No Survey

Watch Hunky Dory Movie Online No Survey

Relive the summer of 1976 in this heartwarming British musical from the producer of Billy Elliot. Minnie Driver plays Viv, a fiery high school drama teacher determined to fire up her hormonal, apathetic students by putting on the best end-of-the-year show the school has ever seen... a glam rock-infused musical version of Shakespeare's The Tempest. But as the Welsh summer begins to heat up, can she compete with the typical teenage distractions of sex and drugs with some great rock and roll? Find out in this fantastic, rousing film- but remove all fears of the typical teen-pop covered high school musicals from your minds, as the songs in this film are from legendary artists like David Bowie, The Beach Boys, ELO, and The Byrds. (c) Variance
Release Date Hunky Dory Mar 22, 2013 Limited

Actors For Hunky Dory

Minnie Driver,Aneurin Barnard,Danielle Branch,Robert Pugh,Haydn Gwynne,Adam Byard,Tom Harries,George McKay,Darren Evans,Kristian Gwilliam,Owen Teale,Steven Spiers,Kimberley Nixon,Kayleigh Bennett,Dafydd Llyr-Thomas,Jodie Davis,David Garner,Aled Pugh,Sam Pulsford,Kyle Lewis

Genres Hunky Dory : Drama,Art House & International,Comedy

User Ranting Hunky Dory : 3.2
User Percentage For Hunky Dory : %
User Count Like for Hunky Dory : 619
All Critics Ranting For Hunky Dory : 5.4
All Critics Count For Hunky Dory : 43
All Critics Percentage For Hunky Dory : 56 %

Review For Hunky Dory

Golden-hued, feel-good treacle, the sort that the U.K. has tried to export ever since Billy Elliot.
Amy Nicholson-Los Angeles Times

The golden-hued cinematography (a filming cliché that really needs to be retired) and the sometimes slack direction by Marc Evans are minuses ...
Lou Lumenick-New York Post

At various moments this endearing but sudsy movie, which spills all over the place, evokes "High School Musical," "Glee" and "Billy Elliot."
Stephen Holden-New York Times

Hunky Dory flits along blithely from number to transporting musical number until it ends - with a sigh - and dodges any authentic engagement with its own ideas.
Joel Arnold-NPR

Enthusiasm carries the day in this paint-by-numbers period tale, which is just charming enough to coast on its own clichés.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

Hunky Dory has some pleasant things in it, but unfortunately, the funereal pace makes a snail look like a jackrabbit.
Rex Reed-New York Observer

A period piece spin on Glee, as filtered through the gauzy lens of underclass-artistic-exuberance that's plagued a subset of comedic-leaning British imports ever since Billy Elliot.
Brent Simon-Shockya.com

A lyrically and emotionally intense coming of age tale. Touching on a teacher's struggle against the educational establishment in a search for the liberating musical self-expression of her students.
Prairie Miller-WBAI Radio

Although not perfect, 'Hunky Dory' offers much to admire. For example, the film's glorious finale almost took my breath away.
Betty Jo Tucker-ReelTalk Movie Reviews

Director Marc Evans and screenwriter Laurence Coriat fumble both the musical side of their movie and the coming-of-age side.
Noel Murray-AV Club

An appealing drama set in Wales in 1976 about a high school rock opera version of Shakespeare's The Tempest.
Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat-Spirituality and Practice

It's pleasant, forgettably feelgood and unabashedly hackneyed, doing everything you expect it to - nothing more, nothing less.
Aaron Yap-Flicks.co.nz

Dory has a spark that never catches fire, leaving the bulk of its personality up to Driver and her interesting take on the often strange moods of this coming-of-age musical drama.
Brian Orndorf-Blu-ray.com

There's at least one sub-plot too many, but audiences willing to suspend disbelief will be swept up as the greatest high school band in the history of music perform an impeccable selection of hits.
Paul Gallagher-The List

The earnest playing of the orchestra and the lo-fi warbling touch the heart in a way that a more polished production might not.
Anthony Quinn-Independent

If Hunky is hellishly clunky, it's also good-hearted and well-intentioned with some laughs and decent tunes.
Siobhan Synnot-Scotsman