Saturday, February 9, 2013

Watch Mama Movie Online No Survey

Watch Mama Movie Online No Survey

Guillermo del Toro presents Mama, a supernatural thriller that tells the haunting tale of two little girls who disappeared into the woods the day that their mother was murdered. When they are rescued years later and begin a new life, they find that someone or something still wants to come tuck them in at night. The day their father killed their mother, sisters Victoria and Lilly vanished near their suburban neighborhood. For five long years, their Uncle Lucas (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) and his girlfriend, Annabel (Jessica Chastain), have been madly searching for them. But when, incredibly, the kids are found alive in a decrepit cabin, the couple wonders if the girls are the only guests they have welcomed into their home. (c)Universal
Release Date Mama Jan 18, 2013 Wide

Actors For Mama

Jessica Chastain,Nikolaj Coster-Waldau,Megan Charpentier,Isabelle Nélisse,Daniel Kash

Genres Mama : Art House & International,Horror

User Ranting Mama : 3.8
User Percentage For Mama : 69 %
User Count Like for Mama : 35,702
All Critics Ranting For Mama : 6
All Critics Count For Mama : 105
All Critics Percentage For Mama : 63 %

Review For Mama

Screenplay contrivances aside, it's as stylish and atmospheric as modern horror gets.
Drew Hunt-Chicago Reader

Even if the beats are familiar, Muschietti sustains a remarkable mood throughout: wintry, elemental and stark, like a late Sylvia Plath poem.
Dana Stevens-Slate

I was guessing right till the bitter, scary, transcendent end.
David Edelstein-New York Magazine

It starts out strongly, using evocative visuals and an unsettling backstory to establish a creepy tableau, but it proves unable to sustain those strengths all the way to the finish line.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

The metaphorical mother-child connection becomes a mystical horror show of significant power. Sadly it comes too late to save "Mama."
Betsy Sharkey-Los Angeles Times

It's an interesting effort ... although, sadly, in the end "effort" is really the crucial word.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

blessed with an original story, elegant direction, a gifted cast, and a suitably unsettling subtext about the pleasures and perils of childhood
Andrea Chase-Killer Movie Reviews

Stylishly efficient and well acted horror fare that doesn't bash the viewer over the head with its mythology.
Shaun Munro-What Culture

Within the context of a modern Brothers Grimm fairy tale Mama considers the range of maternal instincts from dutiful indifference to selfish sheltering.
Mark Pfeiffer-Reel Times: Reflections on Cinema

Fairytale horror that is low on scares and velocity but buoyed by the syrup-thick atmosphere and the creepy stares of the young actresses.
Ken McIntyre-Total Film

Creepy and strangely compelling, 'Mama' isn't the junky horror flick you might expect.
Linda Cook-Quad City Times (Davenport, IA)

No mere shocker, but a thoughtful rumination on what it means to love, lose, and move on from life's cruel blows.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

The movie's progressively uninvolving vibe is compounded by an increased emphasis on Annabel's Ring-style investigation into Mama's origins...
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

As each contrivance piles it becomes clear that the filmmakers are just padding an otherwise sporadic and unmotivated series of jolts.
Jeff Meyers-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

For about two-thirds of its length, it promises to be a masterpiece of its type. It eventually succumbs to the Hollywood contagions of too much CGI and too much MUCHness; the title ghost, for example, loses its power as it becomes too active and visible.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Feels like people who could be making a much better film spending too much time playing in the same old sandbox as everybody else.
Tim Brayton-Antagony & Ecstasy

This skin-crawling creep-out of a custody battle won't win any major awards, but it does liven things up with more than a few good, old-fashioned scares.
Neil Pond-American Profile

Billed as a horror movie but more truthfully a horrible movie. Jessica Chastain can't save this one.
Jackie K.

Muschietti makes the scares in Mama too obvious to be effective, but the quiet in-between times suggest genuine horror ...
Alexandra Cavallo-Boston Phoenix

Genuinely creepy, well-crafted, but after a fine setup it degenerates into a cheesy supernatural thriller.
Dennis Schwartz-Ozus' World Movie Reviews

'Mama' is at its scariest when it plays in the shadows and employs Val Lewton shock cuts to make the girls fairly explode into the frame ... Sadly, by story's end a strong sense of CG-laced déjà vu sets in.
Glenn Lovell-CinemaDope

The performances are fine, the effects believably chilling, and the suspense creeps up in a perfectly paced scarefest that thankfully proves that the horror genre still works (as long as the chainsaws stay put).
Mark Ellis-Schmoes Know

As Jessica gradually decides the girls are lovely examples of childhood in full bloom rather than cootie-carrying carpet vermin, the ghostly CG manifestation called "Mama" gets jealous. And Hell hath no fury like a CG manifestation scorned!
Mark Ramsey-MovieJuice!

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