Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Watch An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty Movie Online No Survey

Watch An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty Movie Online No Survey

Executive producers Jay-Z, Dream Hampton, and Wyatt Cenac present Terence Nance's explosively creative debut feature, AN OVERSIMPLIFICATION OF HER BEAUTY. With arresting insight, vulnerability, and a delightful sense of humor, the film documents the relationship between Terence (Nance) and a lovely young woman (Namik Minter) as it teeters on the divide between platonic and romantic. Utilizing a tapestry of live action and multiple styles of animation, the film blurs the line between narrative, documentary, and experimental film as it explores the fantasies, emotions, and memories that race through Terence's mind as he examines and re-examines a singular moment in time. (c) Variance
Release Date An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty Apr 26, 2013 Limited

Actors For An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty

Terence Nance,Namik Minter,Chanelle Pearson,Talibah Lateefah Newman,Dexter Jones

Genres An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty : Animation,Comedy,Special Interest

User Ranting An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty : 3.3
User Percentage For An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty : 63 %
User Count Like for An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty : 251
All Critics Ranting For An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty : 7.3
All Critics Count For An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty : 14
All Critics Percentage For An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty : 79 %

Review For An Oversimplification Of Her Beauty

What saves the film-and grandly-is Nance's wildly ambitious visual imagination.
Ernest Hardy-Village Voice

A dense, organic, dazzling and funny tapestry, making use of varied and subtly colored animation and stop-motion; candid video; playfully verbose direct address; chapters and footnotes and doodles; and suavely chosen music and sonic bridges.
Nicolas Rapold-New York Times

This musical, elliptical, personal, poetical, sensual indie produced by Jay-Z has a seductive DIY feel and a lineage that's part early Spike Lee and late Charles Bukowski.
Joe Neumaier-New York Daily News

Overambitiousness can turn a valentine into hot air and white noise, but it can also serve as a calling card for an artist finding his pitch-and Nance is indeed an artist, pure and simple.
David Fear-Time Out New York

This brisk and self-searching, sharply intelligent and deeply vulnerable romantic comedy is a masterwork of reflexive construction.
Richard Brody-New Yorker

Experimental debut is an engaging essay film about (probably) unrequited love.
John DeFore-Hollywood Reporter

Chock-a-block with creativity and cleverness, but ultimately too much of muchness.
David Noh-Film Journal International

Ghetto psychobabble strictly for the attention-deficit, Jay-Z demographic.

Incredibly heartfelt and sincere and urgent... It is the film that it is because it is sloppy and rough.
Tim Brayton-Antagony & Ecstasy

On the one hand, its multiple postmodernist levels and medium shifts make it one of the most original movies of the year. On the other, its relative lack of frustrating and causes the film to run out of juice about halfway through.
Luke Y. Thompson-Nerdist

An Oversimplification of Her Beauty is a serious but never somber offering from a member of the Brooklyn boheme 2.0 generation.
Elise Nakhnikian-Slant Magazine

I doubt I'll see a more visually inventive film at this fest-or this year, that matter-but I do wish that Oversimplification were easier to connect to.
Noel Murray-AV Club

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