Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Watch At Any Price Movie Online No Survey

Watch At Any Price Movie Online No Survey

In the competitive world of modern agriculture, ambitious HENRY WHIPPLE (Dennis Quaid) wants his rebellious son DEAN (Zac Efron) to help expand his family's farming empire. However, Dean has his sights set on becoming a professional race car driver. When a high-stakes investigation into their business is exposed, father and son are pushed into an unexpected crisis that threatens the family's entire livelihood. (c) Sony Classics R
Release Date At Any Price Apr 24, 2013 Limited

Actors For At Any Price

Dennis Quaid,Zac Efron,Kim Dickens,Heather Graham,Clancy Brown,Maika Monroe,Chelcie Ross,Red West,Sophie Curtis

Genres At Any Price : Drama

User Ranting At Any Price : 3.4
User Percentage For At Any Price : 75 %
User Count Like for At Any Price : 1,599
All Critics Ranting For At Any Price : 5.9
All Critics Count For At Any Price : 49
All Critics Percentage For At Any Price : 59 %

Review For At Any Price

It's one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen, and not in a particularly good way.
Richard Roeper-Richard Roeper.com

The narrative takes a surprising turn, leading to a troubling and, I think, successful third act. Most uneven pictures have a way of fading to gray in the final lap; this one actually gets better as it goes.
Michael Phillips-Chicago Tribune

Bahrani is a gifted filmmaker. But he shoots himself in the foot by throwing in a contrived plot device that creates drama at the expense of credibility.
Peter Travers-Rolling Stone

Feels like a series of note cards ("father-son conflict," "dad's mistress hits on son") that never weave together to make a gripping plot.
Alonso Duralde-The Wrap

It's powerful stuff.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

Easy resolutions compete with preposterous melodrama.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

a complex, intelligent film, poetic in its tragedy, and beautiful in its compassion.
Andrea Chase-Killer Movie Reviews

Works best when it sticks close to Henry, whose broad grin fails to mask a growing desperation. Quaid not only makes a believably corn-fed patriarch, but he captures the mien of one who is slowly ceding his soul...
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews

Admirably avoids cheap pathos, and offers a glimpse into the sorts of lives often overlooked by Hollywood.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

The actors seem to have been asked to give very clipped, elevated performances, especially Quaid, whose character is a smarmy salesman. Efron, on the other hand, responds to every situation with his usual blank, dead-eyed stare.
Jeffrey M. Anderson-Common Sense Media

Dennis Quaid nearly makes it worth seeing on his own and I have no doubt that the multi-talented Bahrani can bounce back but this modern farmer's tale is a melodrama that I simply didn't buy.
Brian Tallerico-HollywoodChicago.com

[I]t works because Bahrani and Newton stay true to the characters' reactions to even something that might, upon initial impact, seem contrived.
Mark Dujsik-Mark Reviews Movies

Dennis Quaid and Zac Efron simply do not have the gravitas to convince me that Henry and Dean are real people.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews

Achieves an ideal sense of place, where a small community isn't all innocence and sweetness.
Matt Pais-RedEye

This is a view of farm life that shows it to be far from what most people in the city imagine, abetted by outstanding performances of the entire cast.
Tony Medley-Tolucan Times

...despite its worthy themes, Bahrani has over stacked his deck with Henry's character while leaving too many questions with Dean's just as Quaid emotes to the rafters while Efron underplays.
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews

The last thing one expects is that the film will morph into a grim melodrama.
Leonard Maltin-Leonard Maltin's Picks

A movie about amateur race cars, sex in grain silos, murderous secrets, and Dennis Quaid's late-period acting crisis - only not as much fun as any of that sounds.
Christopher Null-Film Racket

Yes, it's a cutthroat world out there, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it, except hide the bodies well. That's the takeaway from "At Any Price."
Cole Smithey-ColeSmithey.com

The dialogue and performances in At Any Price are about at the level of a Founders' Day pageant.
Noel Murray-AV Club

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