Thursday, January 24, 2013

Watch Rust and Bone Movie Online No Survey

Watch Rust and Bone Movie Online No Survey

A struggling single father helps a beautiful whale trainer recover her will to live following a terrible accident that leaves her confined to a wheelchair. Lonely and destitute, Ali (Matthias Schoenaerts) leaves the north of France for his sister's house in Antibes after becoming the sole guardian of his estranged five-year-old son Sam. When Ali lands a job as a bouncer in a nearby nightclub, things quickly start to look up for the itinerant father and son. Then one night, after breaking up a fight in the club, Ali meets the radiant Stephanie (Marion Cotillard), and slips her his number after dropping her off safely at home. Though Stephanie's position on the high end of the social spectrum makes romance an unlikely prospect for the pair, a tragic accident at Marineland robs her of her legs, and finds her reaching out in desperation to Ali. Her spirit broken by the same tragedy that took her legs, Stephanie gradually finds the courage to go on living trough transcendent moments spent with Ali -- a man with precious little pity, but an enormous love of life. ~ Jason Buchanan, Rovi
Release Date Rust and Bone Nov 23, 2012 Limited

Actors For Rust and Bone

Marion Cotillard,Matthias Schoenaerts,Armand Verdure,Celine Sallette,Corinne Masiero,Bouli Lanners,Jean-Michel Correia

Genres Rust and Bone : Mystery & Suspense,Drama

User Ranting Rust and Bone : 3.9
User Percentage For Rust and Bone : 81 %
User Count Like for Rust and Bone : 8,114
All Critics Ranting For Rust and Bone : 7.5
All Critics Count For Rust and Bone : 138
All Critics Percentage For Rust and Bone : 80 %

Review For Rust and Bone

The movie wanders off course in the final act, as if none of its three screenwriters could quite figure out how to end it.
Connie Ogle-Miami Herald

"Rust" has some lovely scenes - Alain carrying Stephanie out to the sea - but it seems to wander off in search of something it already has, and in wandering, it loses its way.
Tom Long-Detroit News

You couldn't ask for a more random relationship, but "Rust and Bone" slowly, almost magically, gives it meaning, symbolism, even a kind of symmetry.
Rafer Guzman-Newsday

Interesting, but emotionally and dramatically flat
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

The masterful writer-director Jacques Audiard draws vivid performances from Marion Cotillard and Matthias Schoenaerts for this gripping French romance about the body and the soul.
J. R. Jones-Chicago Reader

When Rust and Bone tells a story of a woman's recovery from a devastating injury, it hits all the right notes, traveling a path that is poignant without being mawkish and triumphant without being saccharine.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

Filmmaking this self-indulgent screams "refund" in any language.
Rick Kisonak-Film Threat

In 'Rust and Bone,' Marion Cotillard loses both legs but retains her hotness. This might seem like an inappropriate observation, but it's very much to the point of this very physical French romance of redemptive suffering from director Jacques Audiard.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

This is a very different film to Audiard's most recent release - the impressive A Prophet - but it has a similar sense of maturity about it, and could well have acting awards aplenty heading its way in the coming months.
Martin Roberts-Fan The Fire

The strength of director Jacques Audiard's film is that he refuses to elicit pity from the audience for his protagonists.
Bob Bloom-Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)

Like a carnival barker or presidential candidate, Rust and Bone promises far more than it delivers.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

Though Stéphanie's legs are removed from sight through the wonders of digital film effects, the character will remain in your consciousness like a phantom limb.
Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle

Marion Cotillard impresses in this intimate, harsh and realistic study of two troubled souls.
Clint O'Connor-Cleveland Plain Dealer

The story is what it is, and other than the ridiculous ending crisis, isn't bad. What drives the film is Marion Cotillard's acting.
Gary Wolcott-Tri-City Herald

It moves at its own, often slow pace, but Marion Cotillard gives another great performance and the visual effects that turn her into a double amputee are astonishing.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

Audiard juxtaposes Schoenaerts' physicality with Cotillard's disability and explores their mutual vulnerability in haunting and suggestive fashion.
Duane Dudek-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Has significant blemishes that don't quite come out in the wash...but the picture persists on the strength of its committed performances.
Peter Canavese-Groucho Reviews

A lesser director would not have breathed life into Rust and Bone, but Audiard directs with skill and sensitivity, even when his characters lack those attributes.

"Rust and Bone" has heart and soul.
Calvin Wilson-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

"Rust and Bone" seems to wander unexpectedly into its heart; it feels organic in its casual unfolding, like life itself.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times

Hits us harder in the head than in the heart, but packs a wallop nonetheless.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

It doesn't have the same absorbing, epic qualities of "A Prophet." But Audiard's craft is still arresting, and the film hums with beauty, vigor and blood.
Stan Hall-Oregonian

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