Thursday, January 31, 2013

Watch Django Unchained Movie Online No Survey

Watch Django Unchained Movie Online No Survey

Set in the South two years before the Civil War, Django Unchained stars Jamie Foxx as Django, a slave whose brutal history with his former owners lands him face-to-face with German-born bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz). Schultz is on the trail of the murderous Brittle brothers, and only Django can lead him to his bounty. Honing vital hunting skills, Django remains focused on one goal: finding and rescuing Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), the wife he lost to the slave trade long ago. Django and Schultz's search ultimately leads them to Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), the proprietor of "Candyland," an infamous plantation. Exploring the compound under false pretenses, Django and Schultz arouse the suspicion of Stephen (Samuel L. Jackson), Candie's trusted house slave. -- (C) Weinstein
Release Date Django Unchained Dec 25, 2012 Wide

Actors For Django Unchained

Jamie Foxx,Leonardo DiCaprio,Samuel L. Jackson,Christoph Waltz,Walton Goggins,Kerry Washington,Dennis Christopher,Laura Cayouette,M.C. Gainey,Don Johnson,Todd Allen,Misty Upham,Sacha Baron Cohen,James Remar,Joseph Gordon-Levitt,RZA,James Russo,Tom Wopat,Jonah Hill,David Steen

Genres Django Unchained : Western,Drama

User Ranting Django Unchained : 4.4
User Percentage For Django Unchained : 94 %
User Count Like for Django Unchained : 179,621
All Critics Ranting For Django Unchained : 8
All Critics Count For Django Unchained : 222
All Critics Percentage For Django Unchained : 88 %

Review For Django Unchained

Django Unchained is Tarantino's most complete movie yet. It is also his most vital. His storytelling talents match the heft of the tale.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

Django Unchained has mislaid its melancholy, and its bitter wit, and become a raucous romp. It is a tribute to the spaghetti Western, cooked al dente, then cooked a while more, and finally sauced to death.
Anthony Lane-New Yorker

Genre-movie-mad writer-director Quentin Tarantino's foray into Western World is a pretty grave disappointment.
Glenn Kenny-MSN Movies

Wildly extravagant, ferociously violent, ludicrously lurid and outrageously entertaining, yet also, remarkably, very much about the pernicious lunacy of racism and, yes, slavery's singular horrors.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

The players are in fine form. But the movie he's embroiled them all in is a hit-and-miss affair, at times an amusing reimagining of history, more often a blood-spattered bore.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Quentin Tarantino no longer makes movies; he makes trailers.
Andrew O'

Overlong, overblown and overly self-indulgent. But excess is what Tarantino does. And just as he won't put one word in his characters' mouths when he can have them utter 10; he won't dispatch a bad guy with one bullet when he can discharge a dozen.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

It would seem that this film's irreverence isn't a case of didn't-try-can't-fail dismissiveness, but rather something more innocuous: it's simply the world interpreted through Tarantino's boisterous perspective.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

The funniest western since Blazing Saddles, the bloodiest since The Wild Bunch and the most visually stylish since The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.
Matt Neal-The Standard

Guilty of almost every indulgence [Tarantino] has ever been accused of...but it's hard to hold it against him, when the results are this bloody good
Tom Clift-Moviedex

Ultimately enjoyable, if a little underwhelming, if nothing else we can be grateful to Django Unchained for allowing the phrase "that's the worst thing since Quentin Tarantino's Australian accent".
Josh Forward-Trespass

Impolitic though it might be to suggest it, there's something extremely satisfying about the violence here-though, for my money, it resides less in seeing these racist thugs get their comeuppance, than in the director's staging of it.

it's fitting that one of the greatest American filmmakers of all time is using the western and blaxploitation genres to connect the enduring blemish on the American psyche - only to set loose a bad motherf*cker to set it right.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

Thrilling, stylish, funny, brutal, superbly-acted, sharply written and wonderfully offensive.
Andy Lea-Daily Star

Django Unchained is a joy. It's fun and foolish, unhinged and unapologetic.
Bill Gibron-PopMatters

Possibly Tarantino's most thoughtful and even political film to date.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

Tarantino is starting to look more and more like an angry teenager in his bedroom going, "Wouldn't it be good if..."
Erin Free-FILMINK (Australia)

Whereas there was savage beauty and irony in the '60-'70s violence of Penn, Peckinpah, and Leone, the coda of 'Django Unchained' is mere benumbing splatter.
Donald J. Levit-ReelTalk Movie Reviews

It's a big, crazy, hugely entertaining, multilayered piece of filmmaking - a fierce but fiercely intelligent testament to Tarantino's frequently questioned filmmaking proclivities and certainly among the best films he's made.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman

Trazendo alguns dos melhores momentos da filmografia de Tarantino, ainda culmina em um clímax longo e violento que certamente levará os fãs do diretor a orgasmos de sangue.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena

It certainly places Tarantino among the most impressive film-makers at work today.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Proudly doffing its cap to Sergios Corbucci and Leone, this latest, sprawling exercise in film lore dares to tread where most other white American filmmakers would not.
Ed Gibbs-The Sunday Age

Tarantino's made a great movie but an underwhelming film.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

Exciting, entertaining, funny, dramatic and edgy, Django Unchained is also intelligent and sometimes touching, often bloody and yet - in the end - a romantic softie, too
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

No-one does humour in violence like Tarantino.... Hell's bells, there is a lot to take in and soak up in this hotdog Tarantino Western. It's a killer
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Waltz anchors this film brilliantly so that Jamie Foxx as Django and the rest of the all-star cast can fit into Tarantino's latest heady mix of styles.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

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