Thursday, January 31, 2013

Watch Django Unchained Movie Online No Survey

Watch Django Unchained Movie Online No Survey

Set in the South two years before the Civil War, Django Unchained stars Jamie Foxx as Django, a slave whose brutal history with his former owners lands him face-to-face with German-born bounty hunter Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz). Schultz is on the trail of the murderous Brittle brothers, and only Django can lead him to his bounty. Honing vital hunting skills, Django remains focused on one goal: finding and rescuing Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), the wife he lost to the slave trade long ago. Django and Schultz's search ultimately leads them to Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), the proprietor of "Candyland," an infamous plantation. Exploring the compound under false pretenses, Django and Schultz arouse the suspicion of Stephen (Samuel L. Jackson), Candie's trusted house slave. -- (C) Weinstein
Release Date Django Unchained Dec 25, 2012 Wide

Actors For Django Unchained

Jamie Foxx,Leonardo DiCaprio,Samuel L. Jackson,Christoph Waltz,Walton Goggins,Kerry Washington,Dennis Christopher,Laura Cayouette,M.C. Gainey,Don Johnson,Todd Allen,Misty Upham,Sacha Baron Cohen,James Remar,Joseph Gordon-Levitt,RZA,James Russo,Tom Wopat,Jonah Hill,David Steen

Genres Django Unchained : Western,Drama

User Ranting Django Unchained : 4.4
User Percentage For Django Unchained : 94 %
User Count Like for Django Unchained : 179,621
All Critics Ranting For Django Unchained : 8
All Critics Count For Django Unchained : 222
All Critics Percentage For Django Unchained : 88 %

Review For Django Unchained

Django Unchained is Tarantino's most complete movie yet. It is also his most vital. His storytelling talents match the heft of the tale.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

Django Unchained has mislaid its melancholy, and its bitter wit, and become a raucous romp. It is a tribute to the spaghetti Western, cooked al dente, then cooked a while more, and finally sauced to death.
Anthony Lane-New Yorker

Genre-movie-mad writer-director Quentin Tarantino's foray into Western World is a pretty grave disappointment.
Glenn Kenny-MSN Movies

Wildly extravagant, ferociously violent, ludicrously lurid and outrageously entertaining, yet also, remarkably, very much about the pernicious lunacy of racism and, yes, slavery's singular horrors.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

The players are in fine form. But the movie he's embroiled them all in is a hit-and-miss affair, at times an amusing reimagining of history, more often a blood-spattered bore.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Quentin Tarantino no longer makes movies; he makes trailers.
Andrew O'

Overlong, overblown and overly self-indulgent. But excess is what Tarantino does. And just as he won't put one word in his characters' mouths when he can have them utter 10; he won't dispatch a bad guy with one bullet when he can discharge a dozen.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

It would seem that this film's irreverence isn't a case of didn't-try-can't-fail dismissiveness, but rather something more innocuous: it's simply the world interpreted through Tarantino's boisterous perspective.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

The funniest western since Blazing Saddles, the bloodiest since The Wild Bunch and the most visually stylish since The Good, The Bad & The Ugly.
Matt Neal-The Standard

Guilty of almost every indulgence [Tarantino] has ever been accused of...but it's hard to hold it against him, when the results are this bloody good
Tom Clift-Moviedex

Ultimately enjoyable, if a little underwhelming, if nothing else we can be grateful to Django Unchained for allowing the phrase "that's the worst thing since Quentin Tarantino's Australian accent".
Josh Forward-Trespass

Impolitic though it might be to suggest it, there's something extremely satisfying about the violence here-though, for my money, it resides less in seeing these racist thugs get their comeuppance, than in the director's staging of it.

it's fitting that one of the greatest American filmmakers of all time is using the western and blaxploitation genres to connect the enduring blemish on the American psyche - only to set loose a bad motherf*cker to set it right.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

Thrilling, stylish, funny, brutal, superbly-acted, sharply written and wonderfully offensive.
Andy Lea-Daily Star

Django Unchained is a joy. It's fun and foolish, unhinged and unapologetic.
Bill Gibron-PopMatters

Possibly Tarantino's most thoughtful and even political film to date.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

Tarantino is starting to look more and more like an angry teenager in his bedroom going, "Wouldn't it be good if..."
Erin Free-FILMINK (Australia)

Whereas there was savage beauty and irony in the '60-'70s violence of Penn, Peckinpah, and Leone, the coda of 'Django Unchained' is mere benumbing splatter.
Donald J. Levit-ReelTalk Movie Reviews

It's a big, crazy, hugely entertaining, multilayered piece of filmmaking - a fierce but fiercely intelligent testament to Tarantino's frequently questioned filmmaking proclivities and certainly among the best films he's made.
Alistair Harkness-Scotsman

Trazendo alguns dos melhores momentos da filmografia de Tarantino, ainda culmina em um clímax longo e violento que certamente levará os fãs do diretor a orgasmos de sangue.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena

It certainly places Tarantino among the most impressive film-makers at work today.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

Proudly doffing its cap to Sergios Corbucci and Leone, this latest, sprawling exercise in film lore dares to tread where most other white American filmmakers would not.
Ed Gibbs-The Sunday Age

Tarantino's made a great movie but an underwhelming film.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

Exciting, entertaining, funny, dramatic and edgy, Django Unchained is also intelligent and sometimes touching, often bloody and yet - in the end - a romantic softie, too
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

No-one does humour in violence like Tarantino.... Hell's bells, there is a lot to take in and soak up in this hotdog Tarantino Western. It's a killer
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Waltz anchors this film brilliantly so that Jamie Foxx as Django and the rest of the all-star cast can fit into Tarantino's latest heady mix of styles.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

Watch Barbara Movie Online No Survey

Watch Barbara Movie Online No Survey

Winner of the Best Director prize at this year's Berlin Film Festival, the latest film from Christian Petzold (Yella, Jerichow) is a simmering, impeccably crafted Cold War thriller, starring the gifted Nina Hoss-in her fifth lead role for the director-as a Berlin doctor banished to a rural East German hospital as punishment for applying for an exit visa. As her lover from the West carefully plots her escape, Barbara waits patiently and avoids friendships with her colleagues-except for Andre (Ronald Zehrfeld) the hospital's head physician, who is warmly attentive to her. But even as she finds herself falling for him, Barbara still cannot be sure that Andre is not a spy. As her defensive wall slowly starts to crumble, she is eventually forced to make a profound decision about her future. A film of glancing moments and dangerous secrets, BARBARA paints a haunting picture of a woman being slowly crushed between the irreconcilable needs of desire and survival. Germany's official Oscar submission for Best Foreign Language Film.
Release Date Barbara Dec 21, 2012 Limited

Actors For Barbara

Nina Hoss,Ronald Zehrfeld,Rainer Bock,Christina Hecke,Claudia Geisler,Peter Weiss,Carolin Haupt,Deniz Petzold,Rosa Enskat,Jasna Fritzi Bauer,Peer-Uwe Teska,Elisabeth Lehmann,Mark Waschke,Peter Benedict,Thomas Neumann,Anette Daugardt,Thomas Bading,Susanne Bormann,Jannik Schümann,Alicia von Rittberg

Genres Barbara : Art House & International,Drama

User Ranting Barbara : 3.7
User Percentage For Barbara : 76 %
User Count Like for Barbara : 1,727
All Critics Ranting For Barbara : 7.6
All Critics Count For Barbara : 49
All Critics Percentage For Barbara : 94 %

Review For Barbara

[Leaves] you drained and horrified.
Anthony Lane-New Yorker

Sometimes, the sun shines and the wind blows fresh and the very elements that make for intense hardship also open a window on intense joy.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

Hoss is mesmerizing as a woman who holds it all together to the point of losing herself.
Linda Barnard-Toronto Star

It's one terrific film, as smart, thoughtful and emotionally involving as just about anything that's out there.
Kenneth Turan-Los Angeles Times

It's a quiet film built of careful details.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post

"Barbara" re-visits the quiet, everyday tragedies of the Iron Curtain era, when paranoia ran deep and for very good reasons.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

Worth seeing ... both for Petzold's singular aesthetic and for Hoss, who as usual is a riveting presence.
Stan Hall-Oregonian

A well-observed, compelling, and evocative character piece, haunted by the ghosts of Germany's recent past.
Simon Miraudo-Quickflix

Feels like total immersion into the sights, stresses, and the subtle solidarity among middle-class professionals living in the workers' paradise that Petzold's parents fled.
Nora Lee

[R]esides somewhere in an unsatisfying borderland between drama and thriller, never quite catching fire as either...
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

A superbly crafted low-boil drama that gets its hooks into you the old-fashioned way, through character, and highlights the difficulties and cost of living by principles.

Subtly intriguing and ambiguous, it's filled with suspicion and subterfuge.
Susan Granger-SSG Syndicate

Despite the limited scope of its predictable narrative, "Barbara" remains a compelling character study thanks to Nina Hoss's enigmatic performance in the title role.

Christian Petzold's latest thriller threatens to cross over the line from minimalism to nihilism.
Ron Wilkinson-Monsters and Critics

Both insightful and poignant, but not intriguing character study set against the backdrop of a dark time in history.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion

The plotting, the planning and the deepening relationships don't make for kinetic action, but they are the foundation for a smart, engrossing film.
Cary Darling-Fort Worth Star-Telegram/

Hoss' acting is a marvel of subtlety; her body language is precisely calibrated to reveal a great deal about the character's inner feelings by the slightest changes of posture and facial expression.
Soren Anderson-Seattle Times

...a slow building character study where looks and actions speak louder than words because of an oppressive political climate.
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews

Watch The Impossible Movie Online No Survey

Watch The Impossible Movie Online No Survey

Maria, Henry and their three sons begin their winter vacation in Thailand, looking forward to a few days in tropical paradise. But on the morning of December 26th, as the family relaxes around the pool after their Christmas festivities the night before, a terrifying roar rises up from the center of the earth. As Maria freezes in fear, a huge wall of black water races across the hotel grounds toward her. PG-13
Release Date The Impossible Dec 21, 2012 Limited

Actors For The Impossible

Naomi Watts,Ewan McGregor,Tom Holland (X)

Genres The Impossible : Drama,Action & Adventure

User Ranting The Impossible : 4
User Percentage For The Impossible : 85 %
User Count Like for The Impossible : 15,945
All Critics Ranting For The Impossible : 7.3
All Critics Count For The Impossible : 164
All Critics Percentage For The Impossible : 80 %

Review For The Impossible

Alas, the movie tells a rather commonplace story.
David Denby-New Yorker

The tsunami sequence is amazing, right up there with the one Clint Eastwood staged in Hereafter.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

This is an unforgettable tribute to the determination of a very special family.
Richard Roeper-Richard

Naomi Watts gives one of her finest, most physically commanding turns.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

Although it's ostensibly based on true events, The Impossible is not so much an inspiring tale of survival as it is an action flick.
Bilge Ebiri-New York Magazine

While it may have been changed for the screen, this story of a family's ordeal is one from which any parent - any person, really - can't turn away.
Connie Ogle-Miami Herald

There's some cringe-worthy stuff in this... and I say that to the film's credit. It's tough to watch at times.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

The Impossible reminds that no matter the odds, human kind has the potential to rise above adversity no matter how great, for the human spirit knows no bounds.
Matthew Pejkovic-Matt's Movie Reviews

South East Asian tsunami survival saga is a test of endurance

The most challenging aspect of disaster movies to make the disaster believable. But performances aren't all about screaming, and this cast does a remarkable job of convincing us of their complexities and humanity
Andrew L. Urban-Urban Cinefile

There are many powerful scenes in this true life and death scenario about the impact of the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami to one family, but none can match the potency of the scene when Henry (McGregor) borrows a mobile phone from a stranger to ring home
Louise Keller-Urban Cinefile

Profound & Touching

[B]rings a new heart to the disaster film, focusing not on the large scale of physical destruction but on the small scale of fragile, traumatized people amidst the unimaginable scale of the catastrophe...
MaryAnn Johanson-Flick Filosopher

Bayona has the uncanny ability to put viewers in the moment, allowing them to vividly experience the family's struggles. But for all his formidable skills and artistic vision, his compassion is distressingly myopic.
Jeff Meyers-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

A more accurate name for this New Age disaster movie might be 'The Lucky' or 'The Coincidental.' If we accept the Brits' survival as something miraculous, what does that imply about the tens of thousands of Asians who were wiped out?
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

... a story of resiliency and humanity that is somewhat overwrought but emotionally exhausting and ultimately powerful.

The tsunami is easily more effective than anything to come out of a Roland Emmerich disaster sequence.
Nick Nunziata-CHUD

The Impossible has enough going for it to earn a mild recommendation, but it's unfortunate that it ends up self-destructing as rapidly as one of those Mission: Impossible messages.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

The massive numbers of people in an overflowing hospital with overwhelmed staff is nearly as gut wrenching as the disaster that created this landscape of human debris.
Lori Hoffman-Atlantic City Weekly

What reeks most about The Impossible is that it mistakes adventurous titillation for humanitarian mourning.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

Nothing beats God's eye for scale and perspective.
Ed Whitfield-The Ooh Tray

Yet one more example of a real-life story someone thought would "make a great movie," "The Impossible" is as flat and predictable as they come.

The Impossible takes the breath away with its powerful restaging of the catastrophe; but if the wave's visceral impact knocks you off your feet then it's the story's emotional undertow that sweeps you away.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

Watch The Road Movie Online No Survey

Watch The Road Movie Online No Survey

The Road tells the story of a twelve-year-old cold case that is reopened when three teenagers vanish while traversing an infamous and abandoned road. As investigators try to find leads to the whereabouts of the missing teens, they also unearth the road's gruesome past that spans two decades - a history of abduction, crimes and murders. -- (C) Freestyle R
Release Date The Road May 11, 2012 Limited

Actors For The Road

Carmina Villaroel,Rhian Ramos,Marvin Agustin,Barbie Forteza,T.J. Trinidad

Genres The Road : Drama,Horror

User Ranting The Road : 3.5
User Percentage For The Road : 63 %
User Count Like for The Road : 3,159
All Critics Ranting For The Road : 6
All Critics Count For The Road : 15
All Critics Percentage For The Road : 67 %

Review For The Road

If it's patchy and derivative it also has a compelling, soapy undertow that kept me watching.
Andrew O'

[Laranas] delivers a maximum of suspense and horror, working wonders with a small budget.
V.A. Musetto-New York Post

This philosophical film helps elevate the film above the usual scared-teenager shocker although, sometimes, the film ignores the bread-and-butter demands of the genre.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

The film's three-pronged narrative does a fair job of laying a spooky groundwork for the revelatory emotional sadism that lies behind most acts of evil; it just takes a bit of clunky exposition to get there.
Robert Abele-Los Angeles Times

A powerfully atmospheric blend of ghostly encounters, horrific situations and missing-persons mysteries from the Philippine director Yam Laranas.
Jeannette Catsoulis-New York Times

This low-budget shocker eventually pays off, displaying just enough narrative ingenuity to compensate for a cinematically crude and logistically sketchy deployment of the requisite blood-and-guts mayhem.
Rob Nelson-Variety

Laranas definitely has the mind and vision for good horror, but still has a bit to go before he can be called a 'master of the genre.'
Kofi Outlaw-ScreenRant

While effectively moody...proves overlong for optimal shock value, with entirely too many dull stretches along the way.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion

Genre fans beware -- 'The Road' proves a bumpy ride, slow-going, monotonous and, the most unforgivable sin of all, not in the least scary.
Glenn Lovell-CinemaDope

... Enough rattling thrills for the date-night crowd, and enough story and character for older film buffs to chew on. The ride home afterwards might require your high beams.
Burl Burlingame-Honolulu Star-Advertiser

The Road spends most of its time going in circles, working and reworking a small set of potent images.
Sam Adams-AV Club

Heavy on atmosphere, but light on substance.

For a spell, the film gets by on its unpretentious flair for atmosphere, even its disconcerting nonsensicality.
Ed Gonzalez-Slant Magazine

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Watch Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D Movie Online No Survey

Watch Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D Movie Online No Survey

From the big top to the big screen, visionary filmmaker James Cameron and director Andrew Adamson (Shrek, Narnia) invite you and your family on an all new 3D adventure: Cirque du Soleil Worlds Away. A young couple who is separated, must journey through the astonishing and dreamlike worlds of Cirque du Soleil to find each other, as audiences experience the immersive 3D technology that will allow them to leap, soar, swim, and dance with the performers. This Holiday Season, Cirque du Soleil brings their world to your city! -- (C) Paramount
Release Date Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D Dec 21, 2012 Wide

Actors For Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D

Erica Linz,Igor Zaripov,John Clarke,Lutz Halbhubner,Dallas Bennett

Genres Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D : Documentary,Kids & Family,Art House & International,Science Fiction & Fantasy

User Ranting Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D : 3.6
User Percentage For Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D : 63 %
User Count Like for Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D : 7,463
All Critics Ranting For Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D : 5.5
All Critics Count For Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D : 33
All Critics Percentage For Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D : 52 %

Review For Cirque Du Soleil: Worlds Away 3D

This big-screen vehicle for the popular performance troupe would be more bearable if the exhibitors passed out earplugs along with the 3-D glasses.
Ben Sachs-Chicago Reader

It's refreshing to sit back and bask in the sheer joy with which these brightly costumed, stunningly agile performers navigate fire, water and air.
Sara Stewart-New York Post

What the movie lacks, unfortunately, is coherence.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

Even if the film is no substitute for the real thing, it is at least an effective advertisement.
A.O. Scott-New York Times

It's a big promo reel, and not a carefully disguised one.
Peter Hartlaub-San Francisco Chronicle

"Worlds Away" functions solely as some sort of bargain sampler platter appetizer, never proving it has a real reason of its own to exist.
Mark Olsen-Los Angeles Times

The film doesn't convey a sense of danger to Cirque's trapeze ballets and you'll struggle to find any sort of narrative logic to the Mexican wrestlers bouncing to Elvis numbers.
Siobhan Synnot-Scotsman

The lack of focus on a single story makes it feel more like a highlight reel or infomercial more than anything.

Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away is fine to look at, but good luck feeling anything.
Kimberley Jones-Austin Chronicle

As a showcase for Cirque's astonishing assortment of shows, it's a must-see for fans.
Bill Clark-FromTheBalcony

For older kids or grown-ups who've dreamed of joining the circus, it's a wildly imaginative treat.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times

Feel free to gorge, but know that catering to every taste never produces a great meal.
Brett Michel-Boston Phoenix

Spectacular, but without a real story, it might bore kids.
Sandie Angulo Chen-Common Sense Media

The flawless artistry of the human form defying physics and physiology with effortless grace, spiked with pathos, wit, romance, or mystery, is a marvel to behold.
Andrea Chase-Killer Movie Reviews

This offering might come off as a mixed bag of good to thrilling moments mixed with bouts of near narcolepsy. (Full Content Review for Parents also available)
Jim Judy-Screen It!

On the plus side, multiplex pricing is much more affordable than any ticket to an actual Cirque du Soleil performance. Perhaps one should consider Worlds Away to be the best Groupon deal of all time.

"Cirque du Soleil: World's Away" is a rare entertainment, being for the benefit of everyone.
Joe Williams-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

It's eye-catching without ultimately amounting to much more than a pleasant but innocuous diversion.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion

The movie is something of a compositional nightmare, worlds away, one might say, from the artistry so associated with Cirque.
R. Kurt Osenlund-Slant Magazine

Watch Jack Reacher Movie Online No Survey

Watch Jack Reacher Movie Online No Survey

Six shots. Five dead. One heartland city thrown into a state of terror. But within hours the cops have it solved: a slam-dunk case. Except for one thing. The accused man says: You got the wrong guy. Then he says: Get Reacher for me. And sure enough, ex-military investigator Jack Reacher is coming. He knows this shooter-a trained military sniper who never should have missed a shot. Reacher is certain something is not right-and soon the slam-dunk case explodes. Now Reacher is teamed with a beautiful young defense lawyer, moving closer to the unseen enemy who is pulling the strings. Reacher knows that no two opponents are created equal. This one has come to the heartland from his own kind of hell. And Reacher knows that the only way to take him down is to match his ruthlessness and cunning-and then beat him shot for shot. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Jack Reacher Dec 21, 2012 Wide

Actors For Jack Reacher

Tom Cruise,Rosamund Pike,Robert Duvall,Werner Herzog,Richard Jenkins,David Oyelowo,Jai Courtney,Michael Raymond-James,Josh Helman

Genres Jack Reacher : Mystery & Suspense,Drama

User Ranting Jack Reacher : 3.7
User Percentage For Jack Reacher : 73 %
User Count Like for Jack Reacher : 40,701
All Critics Ranting For Jack Reacher : 6.1
All Critics Count For Jack Reacher : 157
All Critics Percentage For Jack Reacher : 62 %

Review For Jack Reacher

There is a dogged leanness to Reacher's pursuit that lifts his adventures from the generic rut ...
Anthony Lane-New Yorker

If Cruise's fantasy superhero garners as many staunch fans ... we may be witnessing the birth of a new franchise.
Kathleen Murphy-MSN Movies

Jack Reacher already feels as if it belongs to another era.
David Edelstein-Vulture

A clumsily condensed mystery/thriller novel made into a movie that offers little more than every other clumsily condensed mystery/thriller novel made into a movie.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

The dialogue is often unintentionally funny and Cruise's performance is all wrong.
Richard Roeper-Richard

This movie is a turkey gone rancid.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

Another notch on Tom Cruise's action hero belt and demonstrates why he is still one the most bankable action men in Hollywood
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire

This is solid, enjoyable, formula-driven stuff designed to self-replicate into a film series, nothing more - and there's nothing wrong with that.
Jim Schembri-3AW

Reacher is a fascinating character, to be sure, both a virtuous crusader for justice and a cold-blooded killer. Here's hoping that any future big-screen installments might develop those conflicted sides into something with a darker edge.

An often outlandish, overly talky crime-procedural drama that seems like a vanity project its marquee star must have wanted to do with his director buddy while waiting for their next "Mission Impossible" collaboration.
Neil Pond-American Profile

So long as you accept that the twain will never meet between the film and book versions of Jack Reacher, you should be able to enjoy each exclusively if not necessarily as a compliment to one another.

(Cruise)... is assisted by a fine supporting cast that includes, besides Pike, Jenkins and Herzog, David Owelolo, Jai Courtney and Cruise's old buddy, the great Robert Duvall who, at age 81, continues to amaze.
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes

Unless you cast Yao Ming as Bilbo Baggins, what bearing does height have on a characterisation? Thank Christ that Cruise has an unwavering sense of self, as Jack Reacher is old school action dynamite.
Adam Ross-The Aristocrat

Ultimately, the film rises and falls on Cruise's aggressively magnetic performance.
Louis Black-Austin Chronicle

A less robotic lead would have been appreciated, but McQuarrie has delivered an efficient action-crime film with Reacher as the sort of unstoppable, ultracompetent reluctant hero once played on the B-movie circuit by Chuck Norris.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

CSI: Tom Cruise
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie

Rosamund Pike's underwritten role mostly requires her to goggle at Reacher's deductive genius and swoon at his pecs, but even if Jack Reacher won't leave nonpartisan viewers weak at the knees it still delivers straightforward genre thrills.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

As the melodrama unfolds, Jack Reacher might occasionally feel like a minor work in Tom Cruise's filmography; hindsight may reveal it to be one of his most accomplished and defining characterisations.
Simon Foster-Screen-Space

He may not look the way Lee Child described him in his books, but for movie fans Tom Cruise is Jack Reacher.
Jackie K.

Jack Reacher tips constantly into self-parody and doesn't know how to signal it, like someone trying to wink at you without the benefit of eyelids.
Tim Robey-Daily Telegraph

[Cruise] seems more overreacher than Reacher, while the dependable Jenkins and the seductive Pike drift through the action with nothing to get a purchase on.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

The acting is very strong in this film and the action scenes are handled well. The story is fairly standard, but the characters are not, particularly Reacher, who is very mysterious and interesting.
Robert Roten-Laramie Movie Scope

I know I'm not the only one who appreciates a lack of ambiguity when watching a dude get his testicles crushed.
Pete Vonder Haar-Houston Press

A workmanlike caper that makes for an underwhelming start to a potential franchise.
Terry Staunton-Radio Times

Watch This is 40 Movie Online No Survey

Watch This is 40 Movie Online No Survey

Writer/director/producer Judd Apatow (The 40-Year-Old Virgin, Funny People) brings audiences This Is 40, an original comedy that expands upon the story of Pete (Paul Rudd) and Debbie (Leslie Mann) from the blockbuster hit Knocked Up as we see first-hand how they are dealing with their current state of life. -- (C) Universal R
Release Date This is 40 Dec 21, 2012 Wide

Actors For This is 40

Paul Rudd,Leslie Mann,Megan Fox,Albert Brooks,Chris O'Dowd,Melissa McCarthy,Ryan Lee,Maude Apatow,Iris Apatow,Jason Segel,Annie Mumolo,Robert Smigel,Charlyne Yi,Hugh Fink,Tom Freund,D.A. Sandoval,Megan Grano,Mackenzie Aladjem,Tom Yi,Molly Shad

Genres This is 40 : Comedy

User Ranting This is 40 : 3.4
User Percentage For This is 40 : %
User Count Like for This is 40 : 39,713
All Critics Ranting For This is 40 : 5.8
All Critics Count For This is 40 : 172
All Critics Percentage For This is 40 : 51 %

Review For This is 40

Apparently Apatow's penchant for if-it's-not-broke filmmaking isn't changing anytime soon. And it's a shame, because while This is 40 has plenty of laughs, it lacks decency and heart.
Ricardo Baca-Denver Post

The performers are so likable that you stay with them even when, as is often the case, the material is hit-or-miss.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

Judd Apatow is not a disciplined artist. And that's a good thing.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

"This Is 40" tends to be about the self-inflicted problems of spoiled upper-middle class white people. Which can be sort of funny, sure. Sort of.
Tom Long-Detroit News

No one could be as whiny, spoiled, tasteless, combative and reliant on annoying stand-up comedy riffs as the entire cast of this film, the most disappointing one of the year.
Kyle Smith-New York Post

Overlong, unnecessarily sex-obsessed and downright nasty at times, "This Is 40" feels haphazard and unfinished, despite a few moments of laugh-out-loud humor.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

Apatow's works often involve stand-up riffs on a subject, dropped into a movie. When stress, one of the ingredients of actual film comedy (not a late-night spot at Yuk Yuks), finally crackles along, the story of Pete and Debbie gets funnier and friskier.
Brian Gibson-Vue Weekly (Edmonton, Canada)

I only hope that, while my body gradually deteriorates and I slowly chip away at the planet-sized boulder that is my mortgage, I can still find time to be just like Paul Rudd.

Watch Amour Movie Online No Survey

Watch Amour Movie Online No Survey

Georges and Anne are in their eighties. They are cultivated, retired music teachers. Their daughter, who is also a musician, lives abroad with her family. One day, Anne has an attack. The couple's bond of love is severely tested. -- (C) Official Site PG-13
Release Date Amour Dec 19, 2012 Wide

Actors For Amour

Jean-Louis Trintignant,Emmanuelle Riva,Isabelle Huppert

Genres Amour : Art House & International,Drama

User Ranting Amour : 4.1
User Percentage For Amour : 85 %
User Count Like for Amour : 7,590
All Critics Ranting For Amour : 8.6
All Critics Count For Amour : 139
All Critics Percentage For Amour : 92 %

Review For Amour

As remarkable as Haneke's films are, not a one has been as transcendently generous as Amour, which is nominated for five Academy Awards, including best picture, best director and best foreign-language film.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

"Amour" isn't just a great movie, it's a movie that may actually do you some good.
Rafer Guzman-Newsday

Shot in long, static takes, Amour stares directly into the indignities of old age and the curse of a slow death.
Rene Rodriguez-Miami Herald

This is a masterpiece.
Steven Rea-Philadelphia Inquirer

Each actor draws on a lifetime's worth of experience, performing with grace and rare, uncompromising realism.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

There's nowhere to hide: The film cuts no corners and stings with the authenticity of life's fragility.
Chris Vognar-Dallas Morning News

One of the ten best films of 2012.
Fr. Chris Carpenter-Rage Monthly

Amour may not inspire the kind of emotional epiphany that similar illness-driven dramas tend to, the results are still riveting.
Bill Gibron-PopMatters

Death is part of love's bargain, and Haneke lays this fact bare.
Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle

It is hard to recommend Amour. Austrian director Michael Haneke's film cannot justly be described as entertaining, and it will likely leave you sad and weary. But it is a film you must see.
Matthew Odam-Austin American-Statesman

"Amour" isn't easy to watch, but its rewards are many.
Moira MacDonald-Seattle Times

"Amour" isn't a fun time out at the movies, and I kind of doubt I'll ever see it again. But it's an amazingly act, absolutely heartbreaking film.
Stephen Silver-EntertainmentTell

A viewer may want to watch Amour, because it is a work of art.

Relativamente doce para os padrões de um cineasta acostumado a torturar seu público e a encarar a humanidade com imenso ceticismo, representa uma experiência difícil por nos lembrar o tempo inteiro de que todos dividiremos o mesmo desfecho.
Pablo Villaca-Cinema em Cena

A bitter, pitiless piece of work. We can admire its components, but we're repulsed by its vision.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

Haneke's self-indulgent approach is getting old to me. His devoted fans will like it, but others will most likely be scratching their heads trying to figure out how this got a Best Picture nomination.
Austin Kennedy-Film Geek Central

It's upsetting material lined with lead by Haneke, who searches for the meaning of love but can't help but dwell on the details of decay.

Amour is as heartbreaking and real as it gets.
Mark Sells-The Reel Deal

Tough and beautiful, it secures Haneke's reputation as one of the world's best.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Watch Zero Dark Thirty Movie Online No Survey

Watch Zero Dark Thirty Movie Online No Survey

For a decade, an elite team of intelligence and military operatives, working in secret across the globe, devoted themselves to a single goal: to find and eliminate Osama bin Laden. Zero Dark Thirty reunites the Oscar winning team of director-producer Kathryn Bigelow and writer-producer Mark Boal (The Hurt Locker) for the story of history's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man. -- (C) Official Site R
Release Date Zero Dark Thirty Jan 11, 2013 Wide

Actors For Zero Dark Thirty

Joel Edgerton,Jason Clarke,Jessica Chastain,Kyle Chandler,Jennifer Ehle,Harold Perrineau

Genres Zero Dark Thirty : Drama

User Ranting Zero Dark Thirty : 4.1
User Percentage For Zero Dark Thirty : 85 %
User Count Like for Zero Dark Thirty : 62,038
All Critics Ranting For Zero Dark Thirty : 8.6
All Critics Count For Zero Dark Thirty : 215
All Critics Percentage For Zero Dark Thirty : 93 %

Review For Zero Dark Thirty

Chastain makes Maya as vivid as a bloodshot eye. Her porcelain skin, delicate features and feminine attire belie the steel within.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

No doubt Zero Dark Thirty serves a function by airing America's dirty laundry about detainee and torture programs, but in its wake, there's a crying need for a compassionate Coming Home to counter its brutal Deer Hunter.
Liam Lacey-Globe and Mail

While "Zero Dark Thirty" may offer political and moral arguing points aplenty, as well as vicarious thrills,as a film it's simply too much of a passable thing.
Tom Long-Detroit News

From the very first scenes of Zero Dark Thirty, director Kathryn Bigelow demonstrates why she is such a formidable filmmaker, as adept with human emotion as with visceral, pulse-quickening action.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

A timely and important reminder of the agonizing human price of zealotry.
Colin Covert-Minneapolis Star Tribune

Not only is Zero Dark Thirty one of the year's best movies, it's an inspiring one to share with your daughters. That is, if they're old enough to deal with explicit torture scenes.
Lou Lumenick-New York Post

The viewer needs to stay sharp to stay on top of the details of the labyrinthine search, but Bigelow tackles the complex story with the same muscular urgency and incisive intelligence that won her an Oscar for The Hurt Locker.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

Exhilarating cinema that makes you want to forget all the questionable issues of representation that have come before it.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

This is a fascinating film, and Chastain's wonderful performance has something in it of the tragic sense of life.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

So overwhelming is the momentum that it proves possible to live with the intelligence that the protagonist is complicit in ground-level fascism.
Donald Clarke-Irish Times

Blistering writing, directing and acting hold us firmly in our seats as this procedural drama snakes its way to a riveting action finale

Terrifically good, propulsive film-making ...
David Sexton-This is London

Remarkable and engaging piece of filmmaking considering the outcome of the story is well known. A sign of the times we live in and the processes put in place to wrangle the people that choose to live outside the realm of civility
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie

Not what you'd call crowd-pleasing, this is fascinating - if occasionally harrowing - in its realistic depiction of the intricacies of CIA operations.
Alex Zane-Sun Online

Against all the odds, Kathryn Bigelow's powerful story of the hunt is a taut and searing action thriller that keeps you gripped.
Mark Adams-Daily Mirror [UK]

A silly, at times despicable film that never remotely deserved an Oscar nomination. Compared with this, Team America: World Police was a think piece.
Christopher Tookey-Daily Mail [UK]

We get all imaginable views of the witchy pentacle that is covert US military politics.
Nigel Andrews-Financial Times

It haunts and lingers long after the lights go up.
Simon Crook-Little White Lies

Bigelow has crafted a riveting, entirely convincing procedural that shows us the long, frustrating pursuit of bin Laden through the eyes of Jessica Chastain's dogged CIA agent.
Philip Concannon-The Skinny

For much of its three hour running time, Zero Dark Thirty moves like a police procedural: it is rigorous, pared-back and analytical.
Michael Bonner-Uncut Magazine [UK]

We all know this story ends but Zero Dark Thirty's finale is still gripping and action-packed.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

It's an effective thriller - uninterested in anyone other than the home team.
Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]

A step by step depiction of what went into the hunt for and discovery of Osama bin Laden. The characters are surface view only.
Jackie K.

In Kathryn Bigelow's masterful thriller, the manhunt for Osama bin Laden is the ultimate no-win scenario: a battle neither side can afford to lose with a prize that may not be worth the fight.
Robbie Collin-Daily Telegraph

A riveting, gut-churningly tense and eye-opening window into the brutal and bloody world of post-9/11 intelligence gathering ...
Henry Fitzherbert-Daily Express

It's stylishly filmed and carried by a strong cast.
Roz Laws-Birmingham Post

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Watch Bolshoi Ballet's The Nutcracker Movie Online No Survey

Watch Bolshoi Ballet's The Nutcracker Movie Online No Survey

Despite its reputation as the bonbon of the ballet world, The Nutcracker is far from a sugary cliché. The plot is as crazy as it is convincing. The surreal action takes place in an increasingly fantastical world, leaving the cozy domesticity of Clara's parent' house far behind. As soon as the audience adapts to one new world, another follows swiftly on as transformation follows transformation. The magician Drosselmeyer sets out to find a young girl who can break the curse imposed by the Mouse King on his nephew Hans-Peter, and restore him to human form. Mice and toys stage a pitched battle. Drosselmeyer sends Clara and Hans-Peter to the Land of the Snow and then to the Kingdom of Sweets where they meet the Sugar Plum Fairy and her prince.
Release Date Bolshoi Ballet's The Nutcracker Dec 18, 2012 Limited

Actors For Bolshoi Ballet's The Nutcracker

Alexei Loparevich,Olga Suvorova,Anna Proskurnina,Nina Kaptsova,Denis Savin

Genres Bolshoi Ballet's The Nutcracker : Musical & Performing Arts,Art House & International,Special Interest

User Ranting Bolshoi Ballet's The Nutcracker : 3.5
User Percentage For Bolshoi Ballet's The Nutcracker : %
User Count Like for Bolshoi Ballet's The Nutcracker : 41
All Critics Ranting For Bolshoi Ballet's The Nutcracker :
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Review For Bolshoi Ballet's The Nutcracker

Watch Any Day Now Movie Online No Survey

Watch Any Day Now Movie Online No Survey

Inspired by a true story and touching on legal and social issues that are more relevant now than ever, ANY DAY NOW tells a story of love, acceptance, and creating your own family. In the late 1970s, when Marco (Isaac Leyva), a teenager with down syndrome who's been abandoned by his mother, is taken in by committed couple Rudy (Alan Cumming) and Paul (Garret Dillahunt), he finds in them the family he's never had. However, when their unconventional living arrangement is discovered by the authorities, Rudy and Paul must fight a biased legal system to adopt the child they have come to love as their own. (c) Music Box Films
Release Date Any Day Now Dec 14, 2012 Limited

Actors For Any Day Now

Alan Cumming,Garret Dillahunt,Isaac Leyva,Frances Fisher,Gregg Henry,Chris Mulkey,Don Franklin,Jamie Anne Allman,Kelli Williams,Alan Rachins,Mindy Sterling,Doug Spearman,Randy Roberts,Miracle Laurie ,Michael Nouri,Jeffrey Pierce,Louis Lombardi,Donna W. Scott,Clyde Kusatsu,Anne O'Shea

Genres Any Day Now : Drama

User Ranting Any Day Now : 4
User Percentage For Any Day Now : 77 %
User Count Like for Any Day Now : 2,007
All Critics Ranting For Any Day Now : 6.5
All Critics Count For Any Day Now : 43
All Critics Percentage For Any Day Now : 77 %

Review For Any Day Now

Too much of "Any Day Now" founders in cliche and predictable table-turning and point-scoring instead of building a set of complicated characters at odds with a biased system.
Michael Phillips-Chicago Tribune

Switches between a few primary modes -- agenda-mentary, romance, courtroom drama, tearjerker -- without engaging very convincingly in any of them.
Claude Peck-Minneapolis Star Tribune

Generally abysmal.
John Anderson-Newsday

Gets its point across, and its sad drama. And it spotlights a marvelous performance by Alan Cumming.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

Cumming is wonderful, and you know something? Trying a little understanding sure doesn't hurt.
Farran Smith Nehme-New York Post

There's no denying the power of Cumming, Leyva and Dillahunt's performances, nor the tragedy and injustice of the situation.
Tom Long-Detroit News

Lives down to expectations far too often.
Josh Bell-Las Vegas Weekly

A melodramatic but sincere film overflowing with both compassion and exasperation.
Matt Pais-RedEye

A warmly captured, nicely acted period piece social-issue drama that cycles through familiar territory but also deftly sidesteps conventional wisdom about where it may end up.

There's joy in the small moments and fierce, humanist dignity in Alan Cumming's performance.
Robert Levin-amNewYork

I didn't buy anything in this mindnumbingly tedious "message" film.
Austin Kennedy-Film Geek Central

The growing community of gay parents deserves a better reflection of their struggles than a kitschy "Kramer vs. Kramer."
Joe Williams-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

The best thing about "Any Day Now" is how unpreachy it is.
Chris Hewitt (St. Paul)-St. Paul Pioneer Press

A Very Special Movie approach for material that deserves nuance and patience, relying on shameless manipulation to communicate simple ideas on prejudice and parenting.

This poignant if overly sentimental twist on the child-custody drama transcends some of its melodramatic trappings.

This gay custody-battle drama beautifully delivers on every level, especially emotionally.
David Noh-Film Journal International

Though set in 1979 West Hollywood, its themes echo loudly in today's courtrooms as well through compelling characters and an unrelenting narrative.
Annlee Ellingson-Paste Magazine

What might have been a typical exercise in socially conscious messaging [becomes] a...touching human drama.
Frank Swietek-One Guy's Opinion

Drama about parenting, discrimination is moving but clunky.
S. Jhoanna Robledo-Common Sense Media

Two gay men try to adopt a teenager no one else wants
Robert Denerstein-Movie Habit

Sweet but ultimately heart-wrenching. (Includes interview with star Garret Dillahunt.)
Fr. Chris Carpenter-Movie Dearest

Monday, January 28, 2013

Watch Save The Date Movie Online No Survey

Watch Save The Date Movie Online No Survey

After an ill-timed and very public marriage proposal, fiercely independent Sarah breaks up with her overeager boyfriend Kevin. Sarah turns to her sister Beth for support, but Beth is too busy obsessing over the details of her own wedding to Kevin's band mate, Andrew. When Sarah suddenly finds herself caught up in an intense rebound romance with the adorable Jonathan, she is forced to examine her own fears of commitment and vulnerability. With honesty, heart, and humor, all five struggle with the trials, happiness, and pain of modern love. In the end Sarah must decide - is it better to stay safely single or to risk it all on love?
Release Date Save The Date Dec 14, 2012 Limited

Actors For Save The Date

Alison Brie,Lizzy Caplan,Martin Starr,Geoffrey Arend,Mark Webber,Grant Harvey,Kristin Slaysman,Melonie Diaz,Robin Riker,Timothy Busfield

Genres Save The Date : Drama,Romance,Comedy

User Ranting Save The Date : 3.2
User Percentage For Save The Date : %
User Count Like for Save The Date : 1,560
All Critics Ranting For Save The Date : 5.4
All Critics Count For Save The Date : 26
All Critics Percentage For Save The Date : 42 %

Review For Save The Date

Lizzy Caplan and Alison Brie lend the lightweight rom-com "Save the Date" more than its fair share of watchability. But the film is never truly interesting.
Sheri Linden-Los Angeles Times

While Caplan works well in theory as an antiromantic-comedy heroine, director and co-screenwriter Michael Mohan just doesn't give her enough to do.
Sara Stewart-New York Post

[It] may sound like Sitcomland, but Mr. Mohan's sensibility - visually, comically, in terms of character - is more naturalistic, more Sundance. It's just not particularly sharp.
Rachel Saltz-New York Times

A merely adequate addition to the raft of romantic comedies for those pushing 30 without adult lives to call their own.
Ella Taylor-NPR

Save the Date is romantic comedy with aspirations to do something new. That's admirable but it isn't enough.
Mary F. Pols-TIME Magazine

An easygoing romance you might enjoy, despite the fact that you never need to see it again.
Elizabeth Weitzman-New York Daily News

Slumbers through routine conflicts, often in the dullest manner imaginable, refusing the lure of a snappy pace to wallow in poor communication contests that grow intolerable.

There's a finely-tuned sense of how difficult it can be to live life on your own terms, but the film so resolutely adheres to indie conventions it's hard to take seriously.
Robert Levin-amNewYork

With irrepressibly appealing performers playing flawed characters, he strikes a chord that resonates, even if some of the notes are a bit familiar.
Annlee Ellingson-Paste Magazine

Racy romcom has realistic characters but needs more plot.
S. Jhoanna Robledo-Common Sense Media

Manages its modest pleasures because of its likable cast.
Alison Willmore-Movieline

A pleasing sophomore feature from Sundance alum Michael Mohan
Chase Whale-Twitch

Save the Date ... is appealingly ambivalent about whether growing up is really such a great idea.
Dan Kois-Slate

Save The Date's achievements are modest-it could be funnier and more affecting, and it ends with a shrug-but the film is wise about sibling relationships, the uncertainty of youth, and smaller matters ...
Scott Tobias-AV Club

What's worst about the film is how it appropriates its main character's noncommittal selfishness to support its own quaint, anti-establishment themes.
Ed Gonzalez-Slant Magazine

'Save the Date' traffics in the most banal situations and whiny characters imaginable.

Date works best as a collection of winsome, unconnected vignettes; its ideal distribution model would be piece by piece on YouTube.
Sam Adams-Time Out New York

A relatively straightforward example of its genre, one that's distinguished from the pack primarily by the appeal of its two female stars.
Ethan Alter-Television Without Pity

Watch Life of Pi Movie Online No Survey

Watch Life of Pi Movie Online No Survey

Director Ang Lee creates a groundbreaking movie event about a young man who survives a disaster at sea and is hurtled into an epic journey of adventure and discovery. While cast away, he forms an amazing and unexpected connection with another survivor...a fearsome Bengal tiger. -- (C) Official Site PG
Release Date Life of Pi Nov 21, 2012 Wide

Actors For Life of Pi

Suraj Sharma,Irfan Khan,Gérard Depardieu,Ayush Tandon,Tabu,Adil Hussain,Rafe Spall,Irrfan Khan

Genres Life of Pi : Drama,Action & Adventure

User Ranting Life of Pi : 4.2
User Percentage For Life of Pi : 88 %
User Count Like for Life of Pi : 64,661
All Critics Ranting For Life of Pi : 8
All Critics Count For Life of Pi : 213
All Critics Percentage For Life of Pi : 88 %

Review For Life of Pi

Mr. Lee's film is stronger as a visual experience-especially in 3-D-than an emotional one, but it has a final plot twist that may also change what you thought you knew about the ancient art of storytelling.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal

There's an audience out there for this movie, but the question is whether they will find it.
James Berardinelli-ReelViews

The movie's energy peters out in a series of book-club conversations about divine will, the power of storytelling, and the resilience of the human spirit.
Dana Stevens-Slate

A movie that can't be dismissed because there is too much in it but can't be embraced because it's all spread too thin.
Mick LaSalle-San Francisco Chronicle

This transcendent fable carries a real sting in its tail. Ang Lee has made a bold and wondrous movie, one of his best.

Claudio Miranda's luminous camera, set to Mychael Danna's intoxicating score, captures all manner of wild delights.
Peter Howell-Toronto Star

The morals of the story don't come through, while the film's extensive metaphors are belatedly rammed down your throat like a get out of jail free card.
Sam Bathe-Fan The Fire

Ang Lee's extraordinary, lyrical, beautiful, moving, genre-defying Life of Pi can be recommended with the simple, sweeping assurance that it is unlike anything you have ever seen before.
Jim Schembri-3AW

A dazzling digital dreamscape that sets staggering new heights for what can be accomplished with 3D technology.
Tom Clift-Moviedex

Martel's novel could have yielded a greater film in different hands, but Lee's work remains one to be grateful for.
Rob Humanick-Projection Booth

(Ang) Lee has gone above and beyond, executing the job with near flawless precision.
Matt Neal-The Standard

When adrift with Pi and the tiger on the open sea, the film is at its most wondrous: a ravishing spectacle that treads judiciously on the infinite line between what's possible and impossible.
Marjorie Baumgarten-Austin Chronicle

Life poses as a spiritual experience, but it's more like a postcard.
Jake Mulligan-Boston Phoenix

What better analogy for our place in the universe than a couple of scared creatures stranded on a precarious liferaft in the middle of a vast nothingness?
Tim Martain-The Mercury

Life of Pi is director Ang Lee's artistic expression of faith on film that's close to his very own version of the Sistine Chapel, minus the neck pain.
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie

Bleak facts or magical stories, science or faith, connected or alone, instinct or animals with souls - these are the dynamics explored by every aspect of Life of Pi.
Thomas Caldwell-Cinema Autopsy

Flawed it may be, but at its core lies an epic journey that shows Lee reborn as a creative force.
Ed Gibbs-The Sun Herald

I haven't been able to shake the thought-provoking finale. Don't expect to leave this story behind as you exit the theatre. Life Of Pi has something to say.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

The 227 days at sea are a test of physique, mental adaptation and faith, and Suraj Sharma makes Pi's spiritual journey as convincing as his nautical one.
Philip French-Observer [UK]

The screenplay reaches out to people of all religions and faiths and gives you the confidence to make your own mind up about things.
Graham Young-Birmingham Mail

Lee is a wizard, Life of Pi is an incredible spectacle and the technical effects are brilliant.
David Sexton-This is London

Working with perceptive writer David Magee (Finding Neverand), Ang Lee creates one of the most thoughtful, artistic blockbusters ever made by a Hollywood studio.

Life of Pi is chiefly to be recommended for the punch of its core story. Never mind the cod-philosophical breadth - feel the impressive emotional depth.
Donald Clarke-Irish Times

With Life Of Pi, Ang Lee has delivered bold, inspirational and intelligent cinema, the likes of which is rarely seen - and for that reason alone this is unmissable.
Alex Zane-Sun Online

A film of staggering beauty, great intelligence, high technical ability and no little humour.
Chris Hunneysett-Daily Mirror [UK]

Life Of Pi must be the most beautiful film of the year, a technical marvel, and magic realism at its most magical.
Christopher Tookey-Daily Mail [UK]

Watch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Movie Online No Survey

Watch The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Movie Online No Survey

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey follows title character Bilbo Baggins, who is swept into an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor, which was long ago conquered by the dragon Smaug. Approached out of the blue by the wizard Gandalf the Grey, Bilbo finds himself joining a company of thirteen dwarves led by the legendary warrior Thorin Oakenshield. Although their goal lies to the East and the wastelands of the Lonely Mountain, first they must escape the goblin tunnels, where Bilbo meets the creature that will change his life forever... Gollum. Here, alone with Gollum, on the shores of an underground lake, the unassuming Bilbo Baggins not only discovers depths ofguile and courage that surprise even him, he also gains possession of Gollum's "precious" ...a simple, gold ring that is tied to the fate of all Middle-earth in ways Bilbo cannot begin to know. -- (C) Warner Bros
Release Date The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Dec 14, 2012 Wide

Actors For The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Ian McKellen,Martin Freeman,Richard Armitage,Ken Stott,Graham McTavish,William Kircher,James Nesbitt,Stephen Hunter,Dean O'Gorman,Aidan Turner,John Callen,Peter Hambleton,Jed Brophy,Mark Hadlow,Adam Brown,Rob Kazinsky,Ian Holm,Elijah Wood,Hugo Weaving,Stephen Fry

Genres The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey : Action & Adventure,Science Fiction & Fantasy

User Ranting The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey : 4.1
User Percentage For The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey : 84 %
User Count Like for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey : 213,599
All Critics Ranting For The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey : 6.6
All Critics Count For The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey : 256
All Critics Percentage For The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey : 65 %

Review For The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

It frequently seems as though Jackson was less interested in making The Hobbit than in remaking his own fabulously successful Lord of the Rings series.
Christopher Orr-The Atlantic

My first thought in watching The Hobbit was: Do we really need this movie? It was my last thought, too.
Peter Rainer-Christian Science Monitor

To its own narrative detriment, "The Hobbit" works hard to lay the framework for what will follow. Certainly that's one way to set out on a trilogy, but it's surely not the best.
Lisa Kennedy-Denver Post

There's no denying the majesty in Peter Jackson's visuals but he's taken a relatively slim children's book and stretched it beyond the limits.
Richard Roeper-Richard

The repeated iterations of fight, flight and respite here get wearing. Especially perhaps because, with Jackson's fetish for detail, they take more time to watch on screen than to read about.
Liam Lacey-Globe and Mail

"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" has finally arrived, not on wings of gossamer fancy but with a hairy-footed thud.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

An Unexpected Journey offers an unparalleled visual spectacle
Mary Clare Waireri-Fan The Fire

a drag-down, mildly diverting entertainment
Jay Antani-Cinema Writer

When the dwarves turn up mob-handed, kicking off a night of boisterous revelry, the laboured jests and jollity seem to go on forever. And the combination of dwarves, forced humour and familiar faces off the telly turn the occasion into bad panto.
Jason Best-Movie Talk

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey had me with the dulcet melancholy of displaced Dwarves, yearning to be home.
Blake Howard-2UE That Movie Show

Slower out of the gates than a three-legged donkey... but it gets better, and fans won't mind this slowburn beginning because, hey, it's Middle Earth.
Matt Neal-The Standard

It's the behaviour of the supposedly affable dwarves that makes this particular 'adventure' such a punishing experience.
Charlie Lyne-Ultra Culture

...a jaw-dropping visual carnival courtesy of Peter Jackson and company!
Michael A. Smith-MediaMikes

Very, very (very) slow in the early going, but Peter Jackson does get there (eventually).
Clint O'Connor-Cleveland Plain Dealer

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is a story stretched too thin; dragged out by drudging slowness and obvious padding that its handful of thrilling action sequences can't improve.

Should more than satisfactorily scratch the itch of those who have waited many long years to see Middle Earth back on screen.
Gabe Leibowitz-Film and Felt

A marvel of filmmaking wizardry and engrossing adventure storytelling, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey marks another triumph by director Peter Jackson who once again takes J.R. Tolkien's words and brings them to life with skilful, passionate expertise.
Matthew Pejkovic-Matt's Movie Reviews

THE Hobbit occupies that same awkward spot in popular cinema as the Twilight movies in terms of balancing good cinema against fan-service.
Tim Martain-The Mercury

Here's hoping Jackson's love affair with technology shifts back to his real strength-good old-fashioned storytelling-and that he has the courage to edit down the film.
Richard Knight-Knight at the Movies

"Disappointing" isn't the same thing as "bad."

There is simply not enough story to justify the inordinate length...the enormous production effort is negated by [the] disastrous decision to shoot at 48 frames per second...This makes the entire enterprise look like the world's most expensive home video.
Jim Schembri-3AW

Lacking the interesting characters and intriguing subplots that made the earlier trilogy so engaging, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is too flat, too slow.
Matthew Toomey-ABC Radio Brisbane

A vibrant vision but a long slog.
Charles Koplinski-Illinois Times

Like the sad, bug-eyed Gollum, moviegoers may not have realized how much they missed movies like this onscreen in the past several years.
Phil Villarreal-OK! Magazine

The absolute highlight: the return of Andy Serkis, master of motion-capture performance, as the scary, disturbing, pathetic Gollum.
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

A wild and visually stunning quest through a fantasy world all done with the noble spirit of courage and goodwill.
Cameron Williams-The Popcorn Junkie

Watch Delhi Safari Movie Online No Survey

Watch Delhi Safari Movie Online No Survey

The residents of the national park welcome a bright sunny morning, birds singing away merrily, animals running around with joy. A distant thunder breaks the silence and a closer look reveals the jungle being raided by man and machine destroying everything in its path. The night has a very tense air as all the animals gather around with fear in their heart, discussing their fate of losing their habitat to human beings. Everyone is convinced that it is futile to fight humans, and the only option is to leave and move to a safer home. The best way to get back their homes is to have a dialog with the humans, win their hearts and their own homes. Will the animals manage to keep their homes or move to another habitat?
Release Date Delhi Safari Dec 7, 2012 Limited

Actors For Delhi Safari

Jane Lynch,Cary Elwes,Vanessa L. Williams,Brad Garrett,Christopher Lloyd,Jason Alexander,Carlos Alazraqui,Tara Strong,Suniel Shetty,Urmila Matondkar,Boman Irani,Govinda,Swini Khara,Akshaye Khanna,Tom Kenny,Vanessa Williams

Genres Delhi Safari : Animation,Kids & Family

User Ranting Delhi Safari : 3.6
User Percentage For Delhi Safari : 69 %
User Count Like for Delhi Safari : 149
All Critics Ranting For Delhi Safari : 4.1
All Critics Count For Delhi Safari : 12
All Critics Percentage For Delhi Safari : 17 %

Review For Delhi Safari

A painless, if only mildly inventive, animated comedy.
Gary Goldstein-Los Angeles Times

It shamelessly rips off much better animated movies. What kind of lesson is that for our young people?
Neil Genzlinger-New York Times

The film is without wit and, sadly, entirely forgettable.
Miriam Bale-New York Daily News

Blandly unremarkable.
Joe Leydon-Variety

Although its message is never subtle, Delhi Safari is fun enough to earn the right to preach.
Sherilyn Connelly-Village Voice

Out-of-date animation throws up a roadblock for this Indian animated 3D family film.
Lisa Tsering-Hollywood Reporter

The "Save the Environment" and "Share the World" themes of "Delhi Safari" will keep the adults involved in this nice story that is chock full of snappy, nature-friendly songs that will delight the kids.
Robin Clifford-Reeling Reviews

Bollywood numbers can't save derivative wild-animal tale.
Sandie Angulo Chen-Common Sense Media

Going to the zoo, watching Animal Planet or reading National Geographic will be more enlightening than this. (Full Content Review for Parents also available)
Jim Judy-Screen It!

...U.S. audiences, at least, are bound to find the animation here subpar for a theatrical release.
Laura Clifford-Reeling Reviews

Although set in India, the Bollywood-backed cartoon Delhi Safari speaks the universal language of middling kiddie entertainment.
Ethan Alter-Film Journal International

A much better way to strike home the same green message, while also having more fun, would be to just skip this movie and take your kids to a national park.
Kalvin Henely-Slant Magazine

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Watch Waiting For Lightning Movie Online No Survey

Watch Waiting For Lightning Movie Online No Survey

WAITING FOR LIGHTNING is the story of Danny Way, the skateboarder whose dream was to jump China's Great Wall on a skateboard. It's a film about how much abuse the body can sustain, how deep you have to dig to survive the challenges life presents, and how high and far dreams can fly. In his quest for greatness, Way continues to shape the very sport which helped save his own life. (c) Samuel Goldwyn PG-13
Release Date Waiting For Lightning Dec 7, 2012 Limited

Actors For Waiting For Lightning

Danny Way,Travis Pastrana,Laird Hamilton,Rodney Mullen,Mat Hoffman,Ken Block,Rob Dyrdek,Tony Hawk,Mike Blabac,Bod Boyle,Grant Brittain,Tommy Caudill,Paul Chek,Adrian Demain,Steve Douglas,Ty Evans,Darryl Franklin,Bobby Goodsby,Brian Harper,Matthew Hensley

Genres Waiting For Lightning : Documentary,Sports & Fitness

User Ranting Waiting For Lightning : 3.9
User Percentage For Waiting For Lightning : 61 %
User Count Like for Waiting For Lightning : 268
All Critics Ranting For Waiting For Lightning : 5.6
All Critics Count For Waiting For Lightning : 20
All Critics Percentage For Waiting For Lightning : 45 %

Review For Waiting For Lightning

Little more than an extended piece of lifestyle merchandising, a long montage for monitors in sporting-goods shops.
Mark Olsen-Los Angeles Times

The person we want most to hear from, Way himself, is largely missing. Go figure.
V.A. Musetto-New York Post

Only for the converted.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

It's enjoyable enough, but how much you like it will depend on how much you like skateboarding and extreme sports.
G. Allen Johnson-San Francisco Chronicle

IIf it's a god on a skateboard you want, a god on a skateboard you'll get in this hagiography ...
Jon Caramanica-New York Times

Colorful folks and cool stunts abound, but casual viewers may still utter a big "Why?"
Joe Neumaier-New York Daily News

While providing a fantastically visual diversion for aspiring skateboarders, this documentary lacks any personal insight into or commentary about legendary Danny Way.
Susan Granger-SSG Syndicate

It's quite astounding to see Way taking huge spills at some of his jumps only to get back on his board and try again.

Another descendant of Stacy Peralta's influential Dogtown and Z-Boys, but more stylish and engaging than most of its less inquisitive, like-minded, hagiographic stunt spectaculars.

Director Jacob Rosenberg interviews Way and many of his friends, relations and peers, but he never digs too deeply or draws out of them much more than the clichéd "this is what he was born to do" talking points.
Sean Means-Salt Lake Tribune

The line between fearlessness and idiocy can be a thin one, especially in this sport, and the doc never gets too far under Way's skin.
Marc Mohan-Oregonian

Even without its central subject actually weighing in, this likeably scruffy documentary tells you a lot about the impetus behind shredding and being gnarly.
David Noh-Film Journal International

Waiting for Lightning is a true underdog story that will make anyone feel invincible, even for just 90 minutes.
Chase Whale-Twitch

Rosenberg's approach is heavy with archival footage and interviews, yet oddly features almost nothing from Way himself; his puzzling absence for most of the film turns the project into less of a biography than a one-note hagiography.
Nick Schager-Time Out New York

Rosenberg has succeeded in putting together a compelling story of a man, who through many defeats, has always risen to success.
Noah Lee-Film Threat

With Danny Way almost never weighing in directly, the film's attempts to portray his story as an inspirational tale of triumph over adversity scarcely registers.
Andrew Schenker-Slant Magazine

It's not many Americans whose names are engraved on the Great Wall of China. Daredevil Danny May certainly deserves the honor. Get stoked.

Watch Dino Time Movie Online No Survey

Watch Dino Time Movie Online No Survey

There's nothing Ernie loves more than an excellent adventure. Whether he's zooming around town on his rocket-powered skateboard or stealing an early peek at the cool new fossil exhibit at the Dinosaur Museum, Ernie never lets the strict rule of his mom, Sue (Jane Lynch) or his tag-along sister, Julia, keep him from stirring up some fun. While visiting his best friend Max's house, daredevil Ernie stumbles upon Max's dad's latest invention: a sleek, egg-shaped time machine. When Julia bursts in on the boys' discovery, the time machine whirs to life and closes its doors on the three arguing kids. It whisks them away to a lush jungle untouched by mankind, where a living, breathing T-Rex named Tyra (Melanie Griffith) mistakes them for her newly-hatched children, joining her family with hyperactive dinosaur son Dodger (Rob Schneider). (c) Official Site
Release Date Dino Time Dec 7, 2012 Limited

Actors For Dino Time

Jane Lynch,Rob Schneider,Melanie Griffith,Tara Strong,Pamela Adlon,Stephen Baldwin

Genres Dino Time : Animation

User Ranting Dino Time : 2.4
User Percentage For Dino Time : %
User Count Like for Dino Time : 233
All Critics Ranting For Dino Time :
All Critics Count For Dino Time :
All Critics Percentage For Dino Time : %

Review For Dino Time

Watch Bad Kids Go to Hell Movie Online No Survey

Watch Bad Kids Go to Hell Movie Online No Survey

Six private school high school kids find themselves stuck in detention on a frightfully dark and stormy Saturday afternoon. During their 8 hour incarceration, each of the six kids falls victim to a horrible "accident" until only one of them remains. And as each of these spoiled rich kids bites the dust, the story takes on a series of humorous and frantic twists and turns. Is one of the kids secretly evening the school's social playing field? Or have the ghosts of prestigious Crestview Academy finally come to punish the school's worst (and seemingly untouchable) brats? One thing is for sure...Daddy's money can't save them now. -- (C) Official Site
Release Date Bad Kids Go to Hell Dec 7, 2012 Limited

Actors For Bad Kids Go to Hell

Judd Nelson,Ben Browder,Cameron Deane Stewart,Ali Faulkner,Roger Edwards,Marc Donato,Augie Duke,Amanda Alch,Jeffrey Schmidt,Chanel Ryan,Eloise Dejoria

Genres Bad Kids Go to Hell : Mystery & Suspense,Comedy

User Ranting Bad Kids Go to Hell : 3.6
User Percentage For Bad Kids Go to Hell : %
User Count Like for Bad Kids Go to Hell : 1,824
All Critics Ranting For Bad Kids Go to Hell : 4.3
All Critics Count For Bad Kids Go to Hell : 9
All Critics Percentage For Bad Kids Go to Hell : 44 %

Review For Bad Kids Go to Hell

A slickly produced and brazenly clever piece of work that could attract a cult by sheer dint of its ingenious nastiness and self-aware snark.
Joe Leydon-Variety

With characters that come off more as collections of tics than people and a soundtrack stuck on earsplitting dance remix mode, Bad Kids plays like a straight-to-DVD bad dream.
Chris Vognar-Dallas Morning News

A cute cast enlivens this body-count picture set in a snooty high school, but once you get past the formulaic clichés, there's nothing there but more clichés.
Maitland McDonagh-Film Journal International

It's an edgy dark comedy with a few clever touches, but the film ... becomes a jumbled mess that lacks both sympathetic characters and suspense.

This mixture of thriller, horror and satire flaunts a smart-ass tone that proves deadening. As the body count starts rising, viewer interest quickly begins dropping.
Tim Grierson-Screen International

The movie suffers from several implausibilities, and as you can probably tell, it isn't high art. But horror movies usually tap into our secret fears and desires, and Bad Kids Go to Hell does so quite well.
Charles Ealy-Austin American-Statesman

The real mystery of BKGTH isn't who's doing the killing, but where the passion went in this independently produced screenplay-turned-comic-book-turned-movie.
Leah Churner-Austin Chronicle

The movie isn't scary enough for horror fans, gruesome enough for the slasher crowd or campy enough to be funny, so it falls into something of a cinematic purgatory.
Cary Darling-Fort Worth Star-Telegram/

The film's unlikely combination of didacticism and sexy teen slaughter signals a booming trend: the Occupy horror flick.
James Spillane-Slant Magazine

Watch Deadfall Movie Online No Survey

Watch Deadfall Movie Online No Survey

Siblings Addison (Eric Bana) and Liza (Olivia Wilde) are on the run from a casino heist gone wrong. When a car accident leaves their wheel man and a state trooper dead, they split up and make a run for the Canadian border in the worst of circumstances - a near whiteout blizzard. While Addison heads cross-country, creating mayhem in his wake, Liza is picked up by ex-boxer Jay (Charlie Hunnam), en-route for a Thanksgiving homecoming with his parents, June (Sissy Spacek) and retired sheriff Chet (Kris Kristofferson). It's there the siblings are reunited in a terse and thrilling showdown that pushes the bonds of family to the limit. -- (C) Magnolia
Release Date Deadfall Dec 7, 2012 Limited

Actors For Deadfall

Eric Bana,Olivia Wilde,Kris Kristofferson,Sissy Spacek,Charlie Hunnam,Kate Mara,Treat Williams,Alain Goulem,Allison Graham,Jason Cavalier

Genres Deadfall : Mystery & Suspense,Drama

User Ranting Deadfall : 3
User Percentage For Deadfall : %
User Count Like for Deadfall : 3,142
All Critics Ranting For Deadfall : 5
All Critics Count For Deadfall : 55
All Critics Percentage For Deadfall : 33 %

Review For Deadfall

Despite a super-dark noir plot and respectable cast, "Deadfall" is a thriller that never quite delivers on its promise.
Walter V. Addiego-San Francisco Chronicle

Deadfall is fast and fatalistic ...
Steven Rea-Philadelphia Inquirer

This is the sort of movie best encountered accidentally and for free, caught on basic cable late at night.
Stephen Whitty-Newark Star-Ledger

There's nothing you haven't seen before - and better - in "Deadfall," which would seem to appeal mostly to fans of snowmobile chases.
Lou Lumenick-New York Post

Dean and Ruzowitzky want both inexorably tightening plot and keen psychology here, and they can't always have it both ways.
Kate Taylor-Globe and Mail

A genre characterized by often grisly violence, high style and a distinctly nihilistic outlook.
Michael O'Sullivan-Washington Post

What the screenplay lacks, director Ruzowitzky paints in, with bold, elemental strokes on the dirty-snow canvas.
Kelly Vance-East Bay Express

The film does manage some unintentional humor through its assortment of oddball accents, quirky characters, romantic silliness and overwrought action sequences.

Oedipal crises abound in this sleek but empty slice of snow-driven neo-noir
James Kendrick-Q Network Film Desk

Perhaps the best thing about "Deadfall" is the lifelike messiness of its ending. A couple of the characters have a lot of explaining to do, and this is one case where a sequel might be in order.
Calvin Wilson-St. Louis Post-Dispatch

It's sort of like "Fargo," only with a higher body count and without the wood chipper.
Soren Anderson-Seattle Times

This could be a film that will suck you in if it's on your tv on a lazy Saturday afternoon, but I have U-verse. I'm sure something better will be on one of those other channels.
Kristian Harloff-Schmoes Know

"Deadfall" ends up being little more a really good Lifetime Movie of the Week.
Mark Ellis-Schmoes Know

More than the Thanksgiving goose gets cooked in this less-than-thrilling crime caper.
Susan Granger-SSG Syndicate

Deadfall feels like a lot of different movies including Fargo, at times. But it's cheaper and less interested in making us care for the characters and their plight.
Jonathan W. Hickman-Daily Film Fix

A rare modern genre piece that doesn't shy away from being impossibly bleak and downbeat.
Robert Levin-amNewYork

Deadfall has most of the elements of a good noir: sex, love, doom, death. But about halfway in you can tell that the film itself is doomed.
Kurt Loder-Reason Online

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Watch Hyde Park on Hudson Movie Online No Survey

Watch Hyde Park on Hudson Movie Online No Survey

In June 1939, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (Bill Murray) and his wife Eleanor (Olivia Williams) host the King and Queen of England (Samuel West and Olivia Colman) for a weekend at the Roosevelt home at Hyde Park on Hudson, in upstate New York - the first-ever visit of a reigning English monarch to America. With Britain facing imminent war with Germany, the Royals are desperately looking to FDR for support. But international affairs must be juggled with the complexities of FDR's domestic establishment, as wife, mother, and mistresses all conspire to make the royal weekend an unforgettable one. -- (C) Focus
Release Date Hyde Park on Hudson Dec 7, 2012 Limited

Actors For Hyde Park on Hudson

Bill Murray,Laura Linney,Samuel West,Olivia Colman,Elizabeth Marvel,Olivia Williams,Elizabeth Wilson,Eleanor Bron,Nancy Baldwin,Tim Beckmann,Guy Paul,Eben Young,Samantha Dakin,Buffy Davis,Morgan Deare,Tim Ahern,Tommy Campbell,Jeff Mash,Kevin Millington,Nell Mooney

Genres Hyde Park on Hudson : Drama,Comedy

User Ranting Hyde Park on Hudson : 3
User Percentage For Hyde Park on Hudson : %
User Count Like for Hyde Park on Hudson : 5,504
All Critics Ranting For Hyde Park on Hudson : 5.4
All Critics Count For Hyde Park on Hudson : 122
All Critics Percentage For Hyde Park on Hudson : 40 %

Review For Hyde Park on Hudson

A languid, tedious effort that never bothers to get to the heart of its characters, the film is a shallow reading of a significant time told mostly from the viewpoint of a lifeless character.
Connie Ogle-Miami Herald

It's never a bad movie, but it can't quite gel into a good one either.
Tom Long-Detroit News

Hyde Park on the Hudson' is a forgettable historical footnote.
Richard Roeper-Richard

The movie hinges on Murray's turn as FDR, and frankly, he comes up wanting. He looks and sounds nothing like the man, and barely makes an effort to rectify that.
Roger Moore-McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Essentially, Hyde Park on Hudson is a Shakespearean revel.
Rick Groen-Globe and Mail

Murray's spot-on portrayal of a man juggling myriad pressures and demands, from petty to momentous, marks one of the film's greatest strengths.
Ann Hornaday-Washington Post

Ultimately, it's just a pleasant little movie where the dramatic highlight is whether or not King George VI will bring himself to eat a hot dog.
Ken Hanke-Mountain Xpress (Asheville, NC)

Bill Murray proves a sound choice as the president who quietly battled polio. So too does Samuel West, as the stammering King George VI.
Ed Gibbs-The National

Whether it bears any resemblance to what actually happened is almost academic in a film that takes a precious moment in time and transforms it into a witty, civilised country house drama.
Allan Hunter-The List

Like the equally ludicrous Hitchcock, Hyde Park on Hudson is a character assassination posing as a movie.
Matt Brunson-Creative Loafing

Bill Murray is rarely more than serviceable as FDR in a film that is built around a romance more icky than sweet.
Mike Scott-Times-Picayune

The movie is most alive when Bill Murray's Roosevelt and Samuel West's King George VI retreat from the crowd and talk man to man.
John Wirt-Advocate (Baton Rouge, LA)

This 30's-set country house period drama will prove too dull for some (imagine Downtown Abbey without the soapy antics), but it works as a showcase for Murray to demonstrate some impressive range.
Stephen Carty-Flix Capacitor

FDR Is Happy

I enjoyed the movie for what it is, though I wish it had a better sense of itself.
Christopher Lloyd-Sarasota Herald-Tribune

The film bounces jauntily along, it's never less than handsome to look at, and the actors all do fine jobs.
Lawrence Toppman-Charlotte Observer

'The Day the King Ate a Hot Dog' might be a more informative title for this wispy historical trifle...
John Beifuss-Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN)

Splendidly splendid. Oscars all around: Murray, Linney, et al.
Clint O'Connor-Cleveland Plain Dealer

The film misses a choice opportunity to build a central story around its secondary one.
Jon Niccum-Kansas City Star

It's a nearly impossibly tall order, but Murray makes it work with an ease that results in the movie-award year's second-best performance as a U.S. president.
Chris Foran-Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

None of it is quite ridiculous enough to qualify as camp, nor weighty enough to qualify as insightful drama.
Josh Bell-Las Vegas Weekly

So devoid of any spark that it feels like watching someone's boring vacation videos.
Jeffrey Lyles-Lyles' Movie Files

...Hyde Park on Hudson would've fared a whole lot better had it focused entirely on Roosevelt and the King's appealing exploits.
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews

Bill Murray tries mightily to slide into the role of a great man, but it's not a comfortable fit.
Corey Hall-Metro Times (Detroit, MI)

Murray disappears into his role as FDR, blending Lothario charm with professorial cool.
Matthew Odam-Austin American-Statesman